Many of them see Israel as the oppressor that has a government that denies the Palestinians living under Israeli control the same rights the Jewish population in the area they live receive .
Most aren't terrorists themselves but feel terrorists organizations are fighting a government that refuses to allow Palestinians to have the same type of justice their Jewish neighbors receive.
Also Israel is turning a blind eye when the new West Bank settlements kick out Palestinians from land their family lived on since before Israel was formed because Israel demands documents that the Palestinians never had , even when the Ottoman Empire ruled the land
Hamas terrorists are scum , but for many of Israel's non Jewish residents, the State of Israel is just as bad because of the way Israel treats them and Israel is looked upon as an oppressor to them.
As for the Palestinian people's attitude towards terrorist groups actions against Israel,
it probably is the same as the average Jewish person living under British rule ( League of Nations 1920 mandate) in Palestine when JEWISH terrorist groups like the Haganah, The Irgun (Haganah members who split off and formed a more violent terrorist group ), and a terrorist group calling themselves Fighters for the Freedom of Israel ( commonly refereed to as the Stern Gage after thir leader Abraham Stern.) .
They performed terrorist acts in the quest to drive the British out, end the Mandate the British were ruling under and have a Jewish Nation be formed using the Biblical Israel as it's name
View of Jewish Terrorism and the Modern Middle East | Journal of Conflict Studies
>They did not believe that the British would give Palestine to the Jews and thus were determined to force them out. They tried to increase the human and political costs to Britain of remaining in Palestine by attacking British troops and police, military bases and police stations, oil refineries, trains, bridges, and banks. Between them, the three groups carried out 78 attacks in the nine months after October 1945. However, the united resistance dissolved after the
Irgun blew up the British administration headquarters in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in July 1946, killing 92 people. Following that disaster, which was a grave embarrassment to the moderate Zionists, the
Haganah effectively withdrew from armed operations. Unrestrained by the need for a united front, the
Irgun and the Stern Gang rapidly escalated the levels of violence nearly four-fold in this second phase, carrying out 286 attacks over the next twelve months. Casualties exceeded 1,000 over the whole two-year period.<
Terrorism has been a part of Palestine/Israel since the Ottoman Empire lost control of Palestine and the people who weren't terrorists living in the area sympathized with the terrorists because of wanting their own nation t, which he terrorist claimed they were fighting for