Who runs the government in Hebron?
Sure, every country has extremists. Can you tell me another democracy where a cabinet minister suggests different hospital wards on the basis of faith? How about one where another cabinet minister was barred from the military because of his support for a terrorist attack?
With all the problems in this country, and there are many, I can't conceive of someone serving in our government who hung a picture of Bin Laden on their wall or recommended religious segregation. Can you point me to an American officeholder advocating these things? Is not demanding hospitals be segregated...apartheid?
Ultimately, this war is occuring because of Netanyahu- he deliberately allowed money to flow into Hamas in order to prevent the two state solution you claim to support. He bears responsibility. And now, he and his lunatic, pro-aparthied cabinet are putting their political, and in his case, legal, survival, over not just Palestinians but Israeli lives. Protesting that, as Israelis and Americans and probably every true democratic country have, has nothing to do with anti-semitism and everything to do with common sense.
Israel compares itself favorably to a country like Iran because the comparison to an actual democracy, including our own deeply flawed one, doesn't look so hot. Even with all of our problems, a politician saying "the Arabs are voting in droves" would probably have his career ended. A country where the career continues as the leader funds terrorist groups and prosecutes a war where he kills his own people on top of thousands of others can't cry democracy.