There is no doubt Hams brought this upon the Palestinian people of Gaza.
Israel is fighting them in a way to do the most damage in order to turn the people of Gaza against Hamas in their effort to destroy that terrorist organization.
Those that side with that way of thinking can't be condemned if you feel dropping bombs on Berlin and the A Bomb twice in Japan were the right thing to do when trying to end WW2 in both fronts.
But if you think destroying Hamas will end terrorist activity against Israel, think again !
Even ending Hezbollah reign of terror would be short lived.
Unless Israel starts treating the Palestinian people under their rule as equals and stops stealing their land to make new Jewish settlements on the West Bank , terrorist groups will rise from the dead ones just like when the PLO stopped being a terrorist group, Hamas became more powerful.
The way Israel treats their non Jewish population as second class citizens is what helps terrorist groups to be looked at more favorably then the Israeli government.
Al;so Israel's refusing to allow the Palestinian people the same right to have their own country , like Jewish settlers in Palestine demanded after WW1 amd used terrorist tactics to force Britain to leave and have the UN grant the Jewish people of Palestine to form the Jewish State of Israel with the intention to form a country for the Palestinian people as well
You can say the two state solution has become extinct because of the Arabic nations refusing to recognize Israel and the leadership of the Palestinians rejecting Israel's offer years ago, But if terrorism has a chance to be stopped , the two state solution is the best way. Granting Palestinians in Israel the same rights as the Jewish citizans and ending the Jewish settlements being built on land the Jewish claim for themselves because the Palestinians who lived there since before Israel was formed don't have he proper ownership papers will help the relationshipwith it's neighbors , but won't end the strif that makes terroism a vital part in trying to make Isreal allow a Palistian state to be formed like Jewish teorriosts did to make Isreal a nation after making Britan get the hell ut of Palistine
As for America witholding some arms because the US don't like the collateral damage Isreal is making , that's America's right because it's American aid and to get aid some restrictions can apply and should, just like under President Reagan