OT: UCLA Baseball Stadium Issue

Dang, what a mess; it's hard to believe this was built without resolving these issues.

I remember the Terps playing in a regional out there in 2015; that is a beautiful stadium for a college program, from what I could see on TV. Too bad it may be coming down soon...
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I don't know anything about the case, and certainly Veterans need to be protected and provided as many benefits as humanely and legally possible. But just from a legal standpoint, you wonder how the V.A. allowed the stadium to be built in the first place, and thus, you wonder why the V.A. is not equitably "estopped" from seeking closure of the stadium, as UCLA has now relied to its prejudice in signing the lease and building the stadium.

This is a mess all-around, and the V.A. and UCLA should be held to account for not ironing out these details before spending millions of dollars building a stadium on V.A. property.