while it is true that no new refineries have been built in decades, it is not true that capacity hasn’t expanded. Further, while seasonally elevated, utilization at the end of the summer was no different than it was in 2019. Oil and gasoline prices capture lots of attention, but the more insidious cause of higher prices is natural gas which is ubiquitous as a raw material from chemical production to fertilizer and, ultimately, food.. It’s also easy to point the finger at Biden and say he’s the sole or primary cause. No doubt his public statements and demands are naive and unhelpful, but probably targeted at his political base. The real cause, though, is a massive turn in investor attitudes towards increasing reserves versus cash flow generation. Capital discipline was nonexistent until several high profile bankruptcies changed investor focus and willing ness to fund new, speculative drilling without commensurate cash flow. That’s the real cause. Interestingly enough, for the first time in quite a while, natural gas prices are rational on an oil equivalent basis.