they do notThat most certainly add a new market as does UNC. Uva would be the bridge between the two. This isn't a debate. The B1G has already studied this. They and Unc, outside of ND, are the two biggest targets out there.
again, show me the value of what they bring. you think richmond is desired?
uva is a fan discussion, not a BIG discussion. the mere inclusion of UVA in this entire discussion is borderline retarded. Each new school needs to bring in 75mm plus.
oh the BIG studied this? lol UVA is not even on the lips much between the ears of the BIG after the last go round. I told you all, contiguous states mean zero after RU and MD as it's now a money game
UVA and UNC are the two biggest targest? lol
you simply have zero idea what you're taking about here