Sandusky stuff "happened over 40 years ago" - state penn coach

Not blaming football for Sandusky, Cheesesteak, but blaming protecting football's image for not turning in Sandusky letting him to continue to prey on children.
When Penn St first started paying out for Sandusky molesting children he should have been fired then . But by keeping him after the first time Penn St paid they basically said that football's image
was more important.
Don't try to confuse the Penn St coverup with Sandusky's perversion.
Sandusky was tried and convicted for what Penn St had been covering up since the 70s
The case against Curley, Spanier and Shultz might wind up in the dump because circomstancal evidence might not be enough and the people in the cover up kept things hidden making a conviction hard to prove.
I'm sure Penn St fan like you feel they are innocent and no cover up occurred.
Even though Penn St had paid out since the 70s for children's sexual abuse claims against Sandusky.

Trying to spin it I'm blaming the football program for Sandusky's actions is just plain wrong. I'm blaming the culture Penn St surrounded it's football program with , the Penn St leadership that put the winning over everything and covering up for a pervert so it wouldn't hurt the FB program or it's HC's image.
For over 40 years Penn St was doing that and once it started paying out and not firing Sandusky, Penn St had to keep covering up for Sandusky's actions hoping outside law enforcement wouldn't find out and investigate on their own without Penn St being able to control what they looked at..

I'm sure OJ is innocent of all he was charged with because the jury found him not guilty.

My friend, don't try to explain to the delusional cult why they are a delusional cult. It's akin to speaking to a brick wall....or better yet, its like constantly hitting your head against the wall.


It's better just to mock them, and call them names
I don't have the time to search through his Twitter feed, but Scott Paterno has referenced he and his siblings being around Sandusky many times with his parents having no issues. Of course, you can say he has reason to say that now, but make of that what you will.

I'll post this here again in one last-ditch effort to get back to something that actually matters (even if it's just a tiny bit) on July 26, 2016:

I think we're all smart enough to realize that EVERY coach negative recruits to a degree. In the process of selling a prospect on your program, it is only natural to stack your strengths next to your opponents' weaknesses. Recruiting is cutthroat and not for the faint of heart.

That said, typically the types of negative recruiting you'll encounter can be defended. Your program's coach is on the hot seat and might not be there for a recruit's career? Give the coach an extension and statement of support. Your offense has struggled and isn't a good fit for a recruit? Fire the offensive coordinator and bring in someone with a better scheme and is more suited for your style of play. Your program will never be able to contend for the titles? Go out on the field and win.

The issue here is you apparently have coaches from other schools using new developments in the Sandusky scandal as "evidence" that the NCAA could put PSU back on probation or institute new sanctions. These are flat-out lies, and unlike the examples I mentioned above, are hard to disprove. Sure, you can talk to kids and their families, but short of a signed statement from the NCAA, it's just your word against the opposing program's.

By taking a strong stance against these lies, Sandy Barbour has made it clear to prospects everywhere that the B1G and NCAA are pleased with PSU and no further sanctions are in the pipeline. Doing so in such a public fashion carries a little more weight than hearing it from someone over the telephone or in your living room one on one. There's also the added benefit of, now that Meyer (who I believe) and D'Antonio (who I don't) are on the record as saying they haven't talked about this with recruits, they really can't because they'll lose all credibility with those prospects.

Whether you agree with how they handled the situation, or think it came off as whining, it effectively ended any sort of negative recruiting related to the Sandusky scandal causing further sanctions.
Wait a minute. I thought the cult continues to say that Jopa hated Sandusky. They were never close.

If you can't see the spin, everyone at Penn st uses to not accept the facts. You are simply the problem why everyone around the country realizes how wacko your fan base is
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With that, there's no need for me to discuss the scandal itself any further at this time. Clearly, we aren't changing each other's minds.

I don't do cult de-programming. So no I can't help you, sorry.

If anyone wants to get back to negative recruiting, though, feel free...

Yes, let's: Your coach whines like a child when someone uses a dark art against him that he himself is a skilled and experienced practitioner.
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Yes, let's: Your coach whines like a child when someone uses a dark art against him that he himself is a skilled and experienced practitioner.

Whining like a child? Or calculated move to effectively end the practice of other coaches lying to recruits regarding the prospect of further sanctions? I don't think it's a coincidence that Sandy Barbour's comments came just before and during B1G Media Days.
Whining like a child?

I don't think it's a coincidence that Sandy Barbour's comments came just before and during B1G Media Days.

Will you stop. No one cares what your flawed re-tread of an Athletic Director thinks. She's not some sort of moral authority.

Harrisburg Patriot News
Sandy Barbour far from perfect fit as new Penn State AD but has personal tools to adapt
I presume this means she knows to "Keep Quiet and don't tell anyone"

SF Gate
Cal's Sandy Barbour out as athletic director
Jeremy Birmingham‏@Birm
Just got a DM from father of a 4* prospect. “We’ve visited (OSU, UM, MSU and PSU) - the ONLY person that negatively recruited was Franklin."

11:02 AM - 26 Jul 2016

Pretty sure the Staters never let truth or facts get in their way. Franklin has a reputation as a negative recruiter, but somehow he is the VICTIM. I guess that's the State Penn way, always portray yourself as the victim. Embarrassing!!
A. I have no idea what Barbour's tenure at Cal has to do with her choosing to call out the lies being used by opposing coaches directly before every member of the college football media would be focused on the B1G. The timing was no mistake.

B. As I've said, negative recruiting is part of college football, always has been and always will be. If you want to say Franklin won't be around because he's a bad coach, by all means go ahead; it's on him to prove that wrong. But pointing to Sandusky-related news and telling kids they could find themselves on a sanctioned team if they go to Penn State is something Franklin/Barbour should combat, and I'm glad they did. By attacking the subject in such a public fashion, they have effectively taken control of that narrative and coaches will no longer be able to push that idea.
If you want to say Franklin won't be around because he's a bad coach, by all means go ahead
Nope. Like most Rutgers fans I hope he has a long tenure in Happy Valley.

By attacking the subject in such a public fashion

Oh, wait now the Keep Quiet crowd are the poster children for openness and accountability. That's a laugh.

they have effectively taken control of that narrative and coaches will no longer be able to push that idea.

I don't know how effectively in this case, but the cult is awfully good at "taking control of the narrative", what honest people call spin and deflection. You deniers are world class on that front.
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Nope. Like most Rutgers fans I hope he has a long tenure in Happy Valley.

I was referring to opposing head coaches, but you probably already knew that, so consider your attempt at humor noted.

Oh, wait now the Keep Quiet crowd are the poster children for openness and accountability. That's a laugh.

Huh? Whether an individual believes using Sandusky and the false idea of further sanctions is crossing the line or not, it doesn't change the fact that Franklin/Barbour acted appropriately when you consider their responsibility lies with Penn State. I would expect the head coach and AD of any university to take this approach if they were in a similar situation.

I don't know how effectively in this case, but the cult is awfully good at "taking control of the narrative", what honest people call spin and deflection. You deniers are world class on that front.

Double huh? Penn State hasn't controlled the Sandusky narrative from Day 1. Canceling Paterno's press conference, firing Spanier, letting inaccuracies run rampant throughout the media, etc., etc. Unless you consider that the way things played out IS the narrative the BOT wanted, but I'm not spending another day doing back and forth on the scandal itself.

As far as the effectiveness of this move, you've (a) named the B1G and NCAA specifically as being pleased with PSU and that no further sanctions are in the pipeline, and (b) if a coach does use this approach in the future, especially someone like D'Antonio who is now on record as saying his staff has not, the recruit will be able to see right through it.
Hey cheesteak, put on ESPN, your Coach is getting ripped about making excuses. But everyone on this thread was wrong and you were right, yea ok.
When Franklin is fired after losing to Temple, Pitt and Mich to start the year; who replaces him?
How is negative recruiting going to stop because Franklin and Barbour bitched about it?
Hey cheesteak, put on ESPN, your Coach is getting ripped about making excuses. But everyone on this thread was wrong and you were right, yea ok.

There are also plenty of reasonable takes that realize this is a non-story that's being talked about because it's July 27, including from Urban Meyer himself, OSU media, and Steve Wiltfong. Ultimately, I don't care if 99% of opposing college football fans care if Franklin/Barbour come off as whiny; if it keeps coaches from lying to kids regarding sanctions it's worth it.
How is negative recruiting going to stop because Franklin and Barbour bitched about it?

Because it is now public record that the B1G and NCAA have no plans to sanction PSU further. If a coach is saying that, the recruit can go back to Barbour's statements. She wouldn't have said those things in such a bold fashion if they were not true.

Further, given that the primary perpetrators of this are Michigan State, Pitt and Michigan (as per reporters, not posters, reporters, from TOS), you now have one of those head coaches - MSU - on record as saying he has not employed this tactic. Now, the kids that have been negative recruited in this fashion, or who might be moving forward, will be able to see through the crap.
Bottom line, any hot takes about this are meaningless. This all comes back to what recruits are being told, the player/coach relationship, and who they can believe. Coaches that have told kids that PSU will be sanctioned again now look like idiots, and those recruits and their families now must question everything those coaches pitched to them.
What does "Joe knew" mean? That's quite a vague question to ask in the context of a Sandusky scandal that has very little black and white.

Blue and White.. not black and white.

When Penn State was looking to replace O'brien... why did they choose guy who looked the other way on rape at Vanderbilt? He said he never viewed the video that was going around in the lockerroom that showed the rape.. then he punished players for it without seeing it. C'mon now... that's another JoePA I never saw nuthin moment.

As for "the cult" thing. real Penn State fans have decades of money invested in that program. It is simple wish fulfillment to believe in the most generous explanations as they protect their investments. If we ever become that successful and such a heinous act were to occur, I would suspect a certain amount of similar behavior. Its just human nature.. the bad side of human nature.
Because it is now public record that the B1G and NCAA have no plans to sanction PSU further. If a coach is saying that, the recruit can go back to Barbour's statements. She wouldn't have said those things in such a bold fashion if they were not true.

Further, given that the primary perpetrators of this are Michigan State, Pitt and Michigan (as per reporters, not posters, reporters, from TOS), you now have one of those head coaches - MSU - on record as saying he has not employed this tactic. Now, the kids that have been negative recruited in this fashion, or who might be moving forward, will be able to see through the crap.
The NCAA knows it made a tactical error in ending sanctions early and admitting it would make them look worse.
The NCAA bowed under pressure and the only thing they could do is praise Penn St for changing its stripes.
Even if Penn St's hiring practice shown a different story.
Now the NCAA will remain silent because of the error they made when they ended the sanctions and bite their tongue because recent developments on how long the cover up really went on makes it look like the NCAA ended the investigation to early and didn't preform a full investigation , just was satisfied with what they found to get into the penalty phase quickly .
By doing that Penn St got off a lot more easily than if the recent revelations were investigated fully then .

Face it Penn St covered up child molesting for over 40 years and the NCAA failed its job because it went the PR route to save face while bowing down to the pressure being put on it to ease off PSU and find a way to let them off the hook.
Blue and White.. not black and white.

When Penn State was looking to replace O'brien... why did they choose guy who looked the other way on rape at Vanderbilt? He said he never viewed the video that was going around in the lockerroom that showed the rape.. then he punished players for it without seeing it. C'mon now... that's another JoePA I never saw nuthin moment.

As for "the cult" thing. real Penn State fans have decades of money invested in that program. It is simple wish fulfillment to believe in the most generous explanations as they protect their investments. If we ever become that successful and such a heinous act were to occur, I would suspect a certain amount of similar behavior. Its just human nature.. the bad side of human nature.
Remember BOB said the cult was a big reason he left for Houston in the NFL .
Even if BOB wanted a NFL HCing job , the cult made it easy for him to jump on the Houston position so he could get away from the problems they were causing him in his attempt to make the Penn St football program respectable.

Franklin and the new PSU President are perfect examples of what BOB was getting away from.
Throw in the AD who was forced out of her last job because sports came before academics
during her tenure and you can tell Penn St still puts its FB program over everything and many of their fanbase are fine with that.
The NCAA knows it made a tactical error in ending sanctions early and admitting it would make them look worse.
The NCAA bowed under pressure and the only thing they could do is praise Penn St for changing its stripes.
Even if Penn St's hiring practice shown a different story.
Now the NCAA will remain silent because of the error they made when they ended the sanctions and bite their tongue because recent developments on how long the cover up really went on makes it look like the NCAA ended the investigation to early and didn't preform a full investigation , just was satisfied with what they found to get into the penalty phase quickly .
By doing that Penn St got off a lot more easily than if the recent revelations were investigated fully then .

Face it Penn St covered up child molesting for over 40 years and the NCAA failed its job because it went the PR route to save face while bowing down to the pressure being put on it to ease off PSU and find a way to let them off the hook.

Where to begin...

The NCAA's tactical error was giving in to public and media pressure, largely based on factual inaccuracies in the grand jury report, and taking advantage of the PSU BoT's desire for sanctions just to make the story go away, and instituting sanctions in the first place. At the time, the NCAA was under great scrutiny and it was a chance for Emmert to try to make the organization look like it still had a backbone. Except he fired at the wrong target, and missed.

Personally, I feel the sanctions were always intended to be pulled away in steps, because the NCAA knew it didn't have the authority to institute them and the BoT, while wanting to pin this on football, knew it also couldn't kill the golden goose. Thus, you pay an inflated salary to an integrity monitor to write reports and tell us what we already knew: that PSU was a model athletic department - the NCAA's own words previously - that wasn't in need of reform. Slowly but surely you let PSU off the hook for good behavior, even though all that changed was the implementation of some reforms from the Freeh report that in actuality have nothing to do with running an AD.

The NCAA will do nothing now because it won't make those same mistakes again. It relied previously on the Freeh report, not even its own investigation, and had to be embarrassed by what a sham that proved to be. It also rewrote its guidelines to report abuse - AFTER THE MCQUEARY INCIDENT - and they are in line with how Paterno acted. The NCAA will do nothing because there is nothing that requires action.

If you wanted the NCAA to sanction PSU five years ago, it should have gone through its policies and procedures in the infraction process. Ask yourself, why didn't they go that route? Because (a) they knew they couldn't get a "conviction" that way, and (b) the NCAA had the cover of a PSU BoT that was eager to negotiate penalties and pin the blame on football.

Furthermore, absolutely none of this has anything to do with whether opposing coaches are lying to recruits about the prospect of further sanctions, or other things related to the Sandusky scandal, and whether Franklin/Barbour are correct to call them on it.
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Cheesesteak Vegas, you can spin it anyway you want, denial is part of the culture Penn St embraces when protecting its football program
But the truth is the NCAA didn't investigate enough because any normal person could see
how Penn St covered up Sandusky's child molesting and allowed him to continue molesting children because of the culture surrounding the football program was ( and still is) protect it at all cost.
Even what was recently exposed isn't enough to get the cult to admit Penn St enabled a monster
and cult members try to act like Penn St was a victim of a flawed investigation.
The only flaw was that the NCAA ended investigating Penn St and all involved too soon
and should have dug deeper.
The way it looks now: even the death penalty would have been to kind because Penn St was covering up Sandusky's child molesting longer than thought and Penn St was paying to keep his victims quiet while making sure Sandusky wasn't brought to justice and possibly hurting Paterno and Penn St football's images.

The NCCA folded under pressure and Penn St escaped the justice it deserved because of that.
Recent findings prove that true, even if the cult of enablers doesn't accept that fact.
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Cheesesteak Vegas, you can spin it anyway you want, denial is part of the culture Penn St embraces when protecting its football program
But the truth is the NCAA didn't investigate enough because any normal person could see
how Penn St covered up Sandusky's child molesting and allowed him to continue molesting children because of the culture surrounding the football program was ( and still is) protect it at all cost.
Even what was recently exposed isn't enough to get the cult to admit Penn St enabled a monster
and cult members try to act like Penn St was a victim of a flawed investigation.
The only flaw was that the NCAA ended investigating Penn St and all involved too soon
and should have dug deeper.
The way it looks now: even the death penalty would have been to kind because Penn St was covering up Sandusky's child molesting longer than thought and Penn St was paying to keep his victims quiet while making sure Sandusky wasn't brought to justice and possibly hurting Paterno and Penn St football's images.

The NCCA folded under pressure and Penn St escaped the justice it deserved because of that.
Recent findings prove that true, even if the cult of enablers doesn't accept that fact.

The NCAA didn't fail to investigate enough. It failed to investigate at all. It based everything on Freeh and PSU's own desire to be penalized. It looks like Baylor learned a lesson from that...
The NCAA didn't fail to investigate enough. It failed to investigate at all.
See we can agree.
The NCAA failed to investigate Penn St to find out just how depraved that school was covering up child abuse for over 40 years and payoffs to make sure no one found out.
See we can agree.
The NCAA failed to investigate Penn St to find out just how depraved that school was covering up child abuse for over 40 years and payoffs to make sure no one found out.

Although I don't believe the NCAA has - or should have - jurisdiction to issue sanctions regarding criminal acts by players, coaches or administrators, I would have welcomed a proper NCAA investigation five years ago rather than the dog-and-pony show led by Emmert, PSU and Freeh.
There have always been rumors that Jerry did not act alone but was part of a group. Not saying that was ever investigated one way or another, but it is out there and has been for some time.

I think we've all heard the crazy rumors, which all appear to be unfounded, unless the many law enforcement agencies that have investigated various aspects of this case are that incompetent. The pedophile ring thing was started by one guy, and it was reported that the FBI investigated it.

Regardless, telling a recruit and his family that is crossing the line. In fact, just like Illinois sending assistants to recruit players directly out of their on-campus apartments, it's evidence that maybe it's not PSU who's placing football above victims of child abuse. It seems plenty of other schools were and are willing to take advantage of the situation.
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... it's evidence that maybe it's not PSU who's placing football above victims of child abuse. It seems plenty of other schools were and are willing to take advantage of the situation.
This is rich.

Nope, it's only the morally bankrupt psu men that have this distinction (led by example by the rotting big nosed weirdo). Unrivaled indeed.