A few thoughts:
1. Stringer's contract was absurd from the moment she signed it -- and we all know why she was brought here -- but she is not going anywhere, and, although I am not a huge fan of hers, I applaud her for changing her ways and not putting an unwatchable product on the floor after a few really rough years. No reason to whine about her salary, because it just doesn't matter.
2. The subsidy is more of an issue than some of you like to think, but it has ZERO, NADA, NOTHING to do with taxpayer dollars and is therefore NOT a subject of concern to anyone other than Rutgers students, faculty and staff. Again, it is a bigger deal than I read here -- the fact that its "because" of non-revenue sports is a spurious argument; it's that way at all of those schools with smaller subsidies, which, of course, is pretty much ALL of FBS except UNLV, the only school with a bigger subsidy and one where football does not make money. But because the subsidy only involves money that is ALREADY IN THE RUTGERS BUDGET ELSEWHERE, there is NO reason for anyone not associated with Rutgers to care about it and certainly no reason for an ill-informed windbag on a jerkwater radio station to connect it with taxpayers.
3. It will matter when Rutgers athletics breaks even and no longer requires that subsidy. It's called PR. Perhaps you've heard of it. Rutgers is notoriously poor at public relations; we all know that. Many New Jersey people who don't like Rutgers babble about wasting money when they have no clue what they are talking about. Rutgers needs to go on the offensive, whether it's with a "face" of the university popping up everywhere or a coordinated, well-thought-out ad campaign promoting what Rutgers is doing. A full-page ad once a month touting recent accomplishments would be a start. It wouldn't take much money to produce TV spots for local cable placement, each focusing on one area of achievement. (On those, I would not mention sports at all, unless someone makes Academic All-American or something similar.) You probably could make three or four commercials just on Rutgers Day -- and use one to promote it.
4. You can't win over people who don't use facts to support their arguments in the first place. So no, I do not think Rutgers supporters should call into 101.5. They wouldn't get anywhere, and as soon as they hung up you know what would happen.
5. Just win baby. Win, fill seats, and a whole lot of the non-fact-based "issues" will go away,