I don't think it is possible to end the game with just 1 point
This was recently discussed because it happened...... a blocked extra point that the defense recovered and was run back into the end zone resulting in a one point safety.
Never knew this was possible, but it is.
Anyone know how?
Yeah that gives you a point but it is made by the team that just scored, thus they would have seven points.
Yeah that gives you a point but it is made by the team that just scored, thus they would have seven points.
----But that safety was by the team that scored the TD, i believe..which results in 7 points (plus the 6 for the TD) It's extremely rare for the team that gave up the TD to get a safety..which would result in a total of 1 point.
There's such thing as a 1-point safety. Which means a safety on an extra point or two-point conversion attempt.
A team can finish with 1 point if they block an extra point and try to return it for a "TD"..which would be 2 points.
Lets say the team then fumbles on the 1 yard line, and the offensive team that just scored the TD picks it up to return it for the conversion (thus having to go 99 more yards). However, they are tackled in the endzone for a 1-point safety. Thus, the score would be 6-1.
Just thought it was an interesting fact..that not many people know about.
I don't think that would work. If the offense is going for a 2-pt conversion after a touchdown, fumbles the ball, and the defense takes it toward their own goal, fumbles on 1 yard line and the original offense recovers in the end zone, isn't that a touchback, since possession changed.
I think for the 1-point play to occur, the offense would need to go for the conversion after the touchdown, fumble, and the ball would have to remain lose and unpossessed as it moves 80 yards back toward the goal line, with the original offense recovering in the endzone for a 1-point safety.
You may be right. Per the NY Times:
"Imagine an extra point is blocked. The ball caroms back 20 yards, and the kicking team gets it but immediately fumbles. The ball bounces farther down the field the wrong way. Maybe it is icy or rainy, and ball handling is difficult. Another offensive player grabs the ball and drops it. More bounces and bumbling, and the ball eventually travels 85 yards into the far end zone. One final player on the kicking team grabs the ball and is brought down. The result will be a 1-point safety for the defending team."
I guess a change of possession will nulify it...still possible, however. Ha.
This was recently discussed because it happened...... a blocked extra point that the defense recovered and was run back into the end zone resulting in a one point safety.
Upstream: "...As I think about it, I don't think it is a touchback in your scenario. If the offense had the ball on the 10 yard line, threw a pass that was intercepted by the defense and run back to the goal line, and the defense fumbled on the 1 yard line, recovered by the original offense in the endzone, that would be a safety..."
I don't believe it is a safety. Fumble at the 1 yard line into the kicking team's end zone and recovered by the original kicking team on a double change of possession should result in a touchback by the original kicking team just like if it occurred in normal play.
What happens if an intercepted pass is fumbled by the defense on the 1 yard line and recovered in the end-zone by the passing team? Is that a safety, touchback, something else?