What do you think will happen to Flood? Not, what do you hope will happen ...
He'll be here for at least another season, if not two. No change for him in 2016, unless Rutgers puts up fewer than 4 wins. His minor administrative transgression will be in the rear-view mirror in two weeks, and he'll be facing a 2015 record that looked pretty much exactly the way everyone expected his 2014 record to look. If he and the Athletic Department manage to prevent the recruiting class from going all fall-of-2013 on him, he'll bank on getting another year to have three Big Ten seasons under review before anyone takes a serious look at changing leadership.
That's a guess about how it will go down, not an expression of desire. If the President, the A.D., and the BOG didn't send him packing after the recent wave of bad press, then his leadership and management are held in regard by the people in charge -- more than enough to chalk up a poor 2015 record to circumstances "beyond his control."