Ed, the link above is Rutgers Fact Sheer 1237 regarding Japanese stilt grass. Note that it mentions fenoxaprop as being for professional use only, however, it is now available for homeowner residential use and for use in controlling JSG. Please read the label of Acclaim Extra and follow it closely if you are going to apply it. The label is 12 pages for a reason and you need to be precise in application, measurement, sprayer calibration, etc. If you are not comfortable you might have a licensed professional (I am not) apply it. As per my earlier post, it should be used in a program that also uses a preemergence. The preemergence should be in the spring and provide coverage through June. As a post emergent herbicide, fenoxaprop needs to me used when the plant is actively growing as per label. Finally, JSG is often confused with Nimblewill and creeping bent grass, neither of which will be controlled by fenoxaprop. I encourage anyone who wants to use herbicides (particularly specialized ones you can't but at Home Depot) to access the label and read it carefully (Google online) before purchase and application. Note if your existing turf is tolerant of thespecificherbicide and determine if you have the equipment and experience base to apply it. It also isn't always easy to identify a weed, which can lead to the wrong treatment program. These herbicides can be great tools but require diligent adherence to the label and exacting processes. Good luck!