Feel sorry for yourself. You're the one wasting your own time ... and are apparently too naive to realize it, so much so you have to shoot the messenger. I wasn't attacking you originally, just asking a question that applies to this greater thread, not just to you. So don't get so damn butthurt.
My job when taking those calls was to NOT pass that info along, which is my whole point. People genuinely seemed to think that by making a two-second phone call and saying "pass this along" they were making a difference. But the guy I was taking phone calls for didn't have time to deal with everyone's two-second snippets of regurgitated opinion. And it wouldn't have made much sense for him to because complaint phone calls provide a skewed view of any issue - no one's going to call and say "Can't wait to watch RU play in Yankee Stadium. Thx!!" even if they feel that way. People are going to call to complain, though, probably no matter what when it comes to all matters RU.
In this case, the decision was already made for whatever reasons. They already knew that a segment of fans and pass holders wouldn't be happy about it (it's not their first YS rodeo). They did it anyway because that's how the scales tipped. You calling to register your most important complaint just confirms what they already knew ... you're not providing any insight whatsoever. You really think they're keeping tally of each and every negative phone call?
I'll agree with you on one thing, your delusion exceeded the size of my imagination.
tl;dr Oh hai, Cicero Grimes, welcome to the world ... open your bright, twinkling eyes and see how it works.