Basketball GAME THREAD: RHoops vs. 23 Ohio State

Yes, but you're being a troll just poking an eye in people's faces. Are you surprised how they are reacting?

Dude we were outstanding when healthy. Even when we were in foul trouble. Killing them. No need for anyone to be upset. We weren’t gonna win em all. Let’s get healthy this week.
Rutgers was up by 16 points in the second half and went ice cold for the remainder of the game.Ohio State killed Rutgers on the boards getting far too many second shots which they made.The Rutgers center position was in foul trouble all game which had a lot to do with the poor interior defense.Young injury really impacted the offense.Just a poor effort when the game was on the line.Rutgers lack of quality depth was really evident in this game..Mathis really needs to improve his foul shooting.80-67 final score.Yeboah and McConnell would have helped in this game but that is wishful thinking based on last season.
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Not trolling. Tough to win in the big ten with a rotation of 7. Again not a knock on the team..but we need depth.

Hopefully this week break gets healthy abs back 100%
We have depth. Injuries will do this to any team.
No need to swear. It’s only a game. It’s Christmas time. Relax.

Refs ALWAYS play a role in games. Played a role in our win on Sunday too. I saw the role they played.

if you can’t handle some swearing you are too much of a pussy to be on a sports message board. Stupid ****
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First time in 4 years - I turned off the game and walked away.... (with 3:40 left - i knew what was happening)...

I know basketball is bs sometimes... but, that was criminal.

someone needs to look into this one...
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This wasn’t the NCAA tournament and its a long season. We got hosed. Great learning opportunity. It will happen again. How do we react? Hopefully, better next time.
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Any dumbass who is talking about our depth can you please give me one school who plays three centers?

Saying we have no depth is just dumb. If Myles stays in the game we win. Simple as that. If the center position didn’t matter than no team would have them.
RU could have recovered even without Myles, it was the loss of Jacob Young that was the nail in the coffin
Agreed. I have been beating the drum that Young is the motor running this team. Our offense is stagnant without him. Geo was invisible when we needed him most. Really disappointed he didn't step up
Pike F'd up Reiber and Palm should have played 1st 10 and save MJ for last 10 minutes...that was a no brainers even though these refs sucked ass
Watching with my dad and went off on pike's decisions. Up 7 or so with almost 11 minutes left. Horrible decision to bring in Myles there for exactly this reason. Refs can make one call at any time and hes gone. Even if you're just standing there.
yes the refs were terrible this game...what are you going to do about cry...cry baby the end of the day its a loss and no one is going to give a shit that RU got hosed and no one is going to be sorry for them. Sometimes shitty circumstances happen, you move on from this
Its about acknowledging reality which you finally are it seems so thats awesome. But crying? Weren't you the one who said they are blocking someone for calling you out on your take for blaming refs? Sounds like you're the one crying 😢
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Close calls are one thing but those two calls on Myles, the refs had there eyes closed. That’s all that can explain it. Nothing remotely close to a foul. Both he was in position and vertical as a block wall.

Are you talking about his 3rd? I think that was the right call. The screen for 4 and the hands up no movement call for 5 were the ones I take huge offense to.
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Huh? U don't have to take commits with a bunch of hofstra type offers.. Maybe consider that

Ok. Then we take no commits, and we're still in the same situation. Maybe consider that.

That's some real Fred Hill Jr. thinking you got going on there buddy.
Also thought Pike should have waited until about 6 minutes to bring MJ back in with 4 fouls. But what do I know?
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Hey we were getting killed in the paint all game long. It just got worse at the end. Too many guys standing around rather aggressively going for a rebound. There is a good chance Cliff would have been getting pounded as well. We are not that big and thus need a team effort against physical teams. I think the word is out to be physical with us.

Another disappointing effort by Duke. That he still is so limited is a head scratcher. It is clear as day that Reiner is not physically ready to play interior defense. We need to get more from at least one other frosh.
shit all 5 were borderline at best.

Are you talking about his 3rd? I think that was the right call. The screen for 4 and the hands up no movement call for 5 were the ones I take huge offense to.
You guys are good. It’s one loss. It’s also point of view. Illinois fans are certain the refs screwed us against Rutgers. In foul trouble from the get go. I mean screwed us badly making sure Rutgers won. I know it’s silly. Point of view.
Great post! Now I've changed my mind.
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You guys are good. It’s one loss. It’s also point of view. Illinois fans are certain the refs screwed us against Rutgers. In foul trouble from the get go. I mean screwed us badly making sure Rutgers won. I know it’s silly. Point of view.

We benefited definitely but today was not just getting more fouls called on us. Two fouls against Myles were not fouls period. He was perfectly set, totally vertical and not moving. They could be used in a how-to video on how a big man should set a pick and how to defend.
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Then don’t be an asshole. No shame with being dumb. It’s not hard actually

What made me an asshole?? Even the announcer mentioned our lack of depth may hurt. That’s why we lost. Had Cliff been available, had young not gotten hurt. Had we had a healthy Magg and McConnell we win easily.
U kno Fred could recruit right lol? U can plug grads or other transfers-- but don't take guys who may never be B10 players. Pike is to great of a coach to have to. But he takes commits from iffy prospects sometimes

Ok. Then we take no commits, and we're still in the same situation. Maybe consider that.

That's some real Fred Hill Jr. thinking you got going on there buddy.
Being tall and being a big are two different things. You can try and throw a taller, soft player at center but it’s not going to work. I don’t think Myles should have played to end the 2nd half but refs would have given him a foul for something weak to started the 2nd half anyway. Wouldn’t have mattered.

Rutgers in foul trouble all night outplayed Ohio State for 35 minutes and then had it stolen from them.
Do you understand basketball you had to buy your best center 10 minutes. He should have sat the 1st 10 minutes of the 2nd half. I'm 6'2 and guarded 6''6" guys down low it's not real hard to play defense.....and being that he is 6"8 hes had to in his 19 or 20 yrds played down low
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Do you understand the 5 players on the floor were playing out of position as soon as we lost Cliff to injury and Myles fouled out. EVERYONE 1-5 OUT OF POSITION for the last 10 minutes. A offense will not function or shoot well with all 5 players out of their normal position, offensively, defensively, due to not having a true center on the floor. RHJ not a 5, Paul not a 5, Doucoure is a 3rd string Center. The refs knew what they were doing to shift this game. It is seriously criminal what the refs did in this game.
Seems like the refs had a plan from the get go. I never think this way but man, they put Myles in a tough spot from the get go and made two terrible calls. Every time we would widen the lead, they would do something. Mathis and Harper we mugged going to the hoop with no calls. Then they would call some incidental bs on OSU away from the ball to make it seem like they were officiating evenly. Maybe I’m crazy but man that was bad. Love to know what Pike said. First tech of his career tells you something.
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Do you understand the 5 players on the floor were playing out of position as soon as we lost Cliff to injury and Myles fouled out. EVERYONE 1-5 OUT OF POSITION for the last 10 minutes. A offense will not function or shoot well with all 5 players out of their normal position, offensively, defensively, due to not having a true center on the floor. RHJ not a 5, Paul not a 5, Doucoure is a 3rd string Center. The refs knew what they were doing. to shift this game. It is seriously criminal what they did in this game.

What’s your opinion WHY the refs would do this?
U kno Fred could recruit right lol? U can plug grads or other transfers-- but don't take guys who may never be B10 players. Pike is to great of a coach to have to. But he takes commits from iffy prospects sometimes

Fred would never recruit the next level down. He would go for broke or get nothing at all (See: Not taking Dasean Butler).

Pike is willing to take the next level down (someone with 1-2 Power 5 offers like Reiber or Mags or one other good offer like Palmquist) because they may require development time, but it's better than pulling in nothing.

And about "grads or other transfers" - we didn't win those battles. It's that simple. We're at a precarious stage in roster development right now. We need to make the tournament in order to get those players to consider us as a top option, or we need to start paying out.