Football GAMEDAY THREAD: Rutgers Football vs. Boston College

Time for Wimsatt now. It’s goi g to be a long season. Go with the future.
Eh, if you have half a second to throw before you get blown up from the blind side, it really doesn't matter. I actually think Simon is better at this stage but the OL is atrocious. I sense some late game magic from Simon. (I'm trying to convince myself.)
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Typical Schiano. Chokes when it really matters. 1/10 on 3rd down. Every wonder why as a Rutgers football fan your disappointment:elation ratio is the highest in the country. One word: Schiano
If NV was the starting QB we probably have the lead right now. Defense needs to keep going and offense needs to avoid mistakes and we can win this game.
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Wimsatt doesn't have the accuracy and is ready to run at any signs of pressure. He should get some time to develop but now we should try to win this game
Eh, if you have half a second to throw before you get blown up from the blind side, it really doesn't matter. I actually think Simon is better at this stage but the OL is atrocious. I sense some late game magic from Simon. (I'm trying to convince myself.)
I don’t disagree but I think Wimsatt is higher risk/higher reward. I’d go with him now.
What a fan base Jennings is back in and Shaano has always used starters on special teams which is what has given us an edge there
If NV was the starting QB we probably have the lead right now. Defense needs to keep going and offense needs to avoid mistakes and we can win this game.

Why do you say that?
Are we all of a sudden scoring 24pts with him?
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Need the run to work here a little bit to help stay ahead of the chains and give us some balance.