Hobbs is just not a good AD


Oct 17, 2007
The guy sends a text message to a handful of reporters after a 1-11 season to announce his backing of Ash within 30 minutes of the final game. So before we even get to his twisted rationale for keeping him, we see he couldn't even have the decency to announce this moronic decision during the season to salvage recruiting. Instead he waits until several commits bail.

We hear he's a great fundraiser. So where is the money for the new coach? A great fundraiser would have that money.

What has become evident is Hobbs' extreme hubris. It has become crystal clear that he did not give Schiano, Narduzzi and others the time of day in 2015 because of his own beliefs about Ash's amazing interview. And I also tend to believe the posters who say the donors have told them they were willing to fund a new coach but Hobbs flat out refused the money to stick with Ash.

Find me another AD in America that will go 3, likely 4 if not 5 if the Barchi bus does not coming gunning for him sooner- seasons in both major sports with absolutely no postseason. Yes we know he inherited a bad situation but one that could have been easily fixed.

Renewals will plummet and justifiably so. We have an administration that has basically told our fanbase to screw off because doing otherwise might hurt Hobbs' pride. Disgusting.
I still don't understand the continuation of the Ash attacks by the same folks who have given up on the football program--right or wrong he's still here---I really think the expression any" publicity good or bad is positive" is true around here--if fans have really thrown it in why continue the emotional attacks? unless it's merely the fact they didn't get their way--that's probably it
I still don't understand the continuation of the Ash attacks by the same folks who have given up on the football program--right or wrong he's still here---I really think the expression any" publicity good or bad is positive" is true around here--if fans have really thrown it in why continue the emotional attacks? unless it's merely the fact they didn't get their way--that's probably it

Because RU is my alma mater and I care, don't worry I will be posting less but we have a right if not a duty to be furious about the complete and total mismanagement of the football program, the losses and the absurd criminality and the free pass from the clueless Pat Hobbled.
amazing how some have figured out how to read Hobb's mind/thinking

Yes live from Hobbs' brain as KU/Buffalo/Illinois just scored again

The guy sends a text message to a handful of reporters after a 1-11 season to announce his backing of Ash within 30 minutes of the final game. So before we even get to his twisted rationale for keeping him, we see he couldn't even have the decency to announce this moronic decision during the season to salvage recruiting. Instead he waits until several commits bail.

This is nonsense

No recruit decomitted because of the uncertainty of Ash’s status.

You really think if he made a statement in a press conference in September offering his full unmitigated support of Ash that any of those recruits would have stayed?

This is nonsense

No recruit decomitted because of the uncertainty of Ash’s status.

You really think if he made a statement in a press conference in September offering his full unmitigated support of Ash that any of those recruits would have stayed?


Why wasn’t that statement realeased weeks ago?
This is nonsense

No recruit decomitted because of the uncertainty of Ash’s status.

You really think if he made a statement in a press conference in September offering his full unmitigated support of Ash that any of those recruits would have stayed?


Why wait if he was coming back?

Just wait to see how recruiting goes now.
Hobbs needs to answer for why he didn’t make this statement weeks ago so any of our few 3 stars would still be committed. The fact that he didn’t means there was a chance he was trying to raise money to fire him. Which means he doesn’t support him anymore, a lame duck coach. Or, it means Hobbs just doesn’t understand. Either was is a problem. He needs to explain or else the speculation will continue which is only a negative thing
Hobbs needs to answer for why he didn’t make this statement weeks ago so any of our few 3 stars would still be committed. The fact that he didn’t means there was a chance he was trying to raise money to fire him. Which means he doesn’t support him anymore, a lame duck coach. Or, it means Hobbs just doesn’t understand. Either was is a problem. He needs to explain or else the speculation will continue which is only a negative thing

He said at the beginning of the season that Ash isn't going anywhere.

He said at the end of the season that Ash isn't going anywhere.

Ash isn't going anywhere. All of the speculation in between is just stuff that people made up in their heads. That doesn't make it true. Or credible.
Hobbs needs to answer for why he didn’t make this statement weeks ago so any of our few 3 stars would still be committed. The fact that he didn’t means there was a chance he was trying to raise money to fire him. Which means he doesn’t support him anymore, a lame duck coach. Or, it means Hobbs just doesn’t understand. Either was is a problem. He needs to explain or else the speculation will continue which is only a negative thing

Hobbs stinks . His success at seton hall is attributed to a desperate Willard being shady and resorting to have to hire Tiny Morton. Without Willard doing that , he doesn’t last at seton hall.
I still don't understand the continuation of the Ash attacks by the same folks who have given up on the football program--right or wrong he's still here---I really think the expression any" publicity good or bad is positive" is true around here--if fans have really thrown it in why continue the emotional attacks? unless it's merely the fact they didn't get their way--that's probably it
Thought the OP was about AD not Ash.
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Hobbs needs to answer for why he didn’t make this statement weeks ago so any of our few 3 stars would still be committed. The fact that he didn’t means there was a chance he was trying to raise money to fire him. Which means he doesn’t support him anymore, a lame duck coach. Or, it means Hobbs just doesn’t understand. Either was is a problem. He needs to explain or else the speculation will continue which is only a negative thing

Hobbs needs to explain why he didn’t release a statement earlier?

More nonsense

“Hi. This is Pat Hobbs. I didn’t release a statement earlier because it was a fluid situation and I wanted to see:
A) How the team finished the season
B) If it was possible to raise $ to fire the coach and replace him with a highly qualified staff.
I couldn’t get the $ or approval from my boss and the BOG to make the move, so here we are.”

You guys are on coo-coo pills.
I still don't understand the continuation of the Ash attacks by the same folks who have given up on the football program--right or wrong he's still here---I really think the expression any" publicity good or bad is positive" is true around here--if fans have really thrown it in why continue the emotional attacks? unless it's merely the fact they didn't get their way--that's probably it

Because when our football program wins its makes me feel good. Being in the field in 2006 against Louisville and 2007 against number 2 USF was an incredible feeling. And now we are back to the shitty Terry Shea days were we are the laughingstock of college football. I hope your enjoying the shit show. And as someone else has said, the OP was about Hobbs.
To be fair, the defense has played much better since Ash said he would be taking more of a personal hand. While I was greatly in favor of letting Ash go when we were getting pummeled earlier in the season, the defense has put in credible efforts the last few games, especially since the offense puts them in bad field position a lot, and can't stay on the field. Maybe we would have won a game or two earlier, had Ash taken more charge earlier. Let's get a more souped up offensive coach in to take advantage of the rules that favor offense.

Again, to be fair, who was it that hired Coach Pikiell? Was it maybe the governor? Senator Menendez? OK, maybe it was Hobbs? TL
Because RU is my alma mater and I care, don't worry I will be posting less but we have a right if not a duty to be furious about the complete and total mismanagement of the football program, the losses and the absurd criminality and the free pass from the clueless Pat Hobbled.
We’ll see...
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how have the other sports done under Ash?
If you judge his job by football, he has not done well.
I follow wrestling more than football and he has been awesome in supporting them (New assistant head coach and building a new practice facility)
The MBB team was a mess and it seems to have turned a corner (We will see at end of season).
how have the other sports done under Ash?
If you judge his job by football, he has not done well.
I follow wrestling more than football and he has been awesome in supporting them (New assistant head coach and building a new practice facility)
The MBB team was a mess and it seems to have turned a corner (We will see at end of season).

AD is judged by his football hires. If mulchahy flopped at football, would we be a member of the BIG?
It's got to be all about money. I can't believe our AD isn't horrified by this season.
We're saddled with Ash for another year because of a lack of funds. Sucks but that's reality until the Big Ten pays us our full share.
I almost hope we fire Hobbs so our self loathing fanbase and program gets what it wants. A sorry desolate athletic department. Our fans are so dumb


A lot of dumb posts on this thread and board.

Saying an athletic director is judged solely on his football hires and nothing else is so myopic, and such a view is held by people who only care about 1 sport.
This is nonsense

No recruit decomitted because of the uncertainty of Ash’s status.

You really think if he made a statement in a press conference in September offering his full unmitigated support of Ash that any of those recruits would have stayed?

Wait, what's laughable is you would think the uncertainty of a coaches status, any coach for that matter, wouldn't have any bearing on a recruits decision to stay committed or to look to a more stable coaching staff. You can't be serious.
The guy sends a text message to a handful of reporters after a 1-11 season to announce his backing of Ash within 30 minutes of the final game. So before we even get to his twisted rationale for keeping him, we see he couldn't even have the decency to announce this moronic decision during the season to salvage recruiting. Instead he waits until several commits bail.

We hear he's a great fundraiser. So where is the money for the new coach? A great fundraiser would have that money.

What has become evident is Hobbs' extreme hubris. It has become crystal clear that he did not give Schiano, Narduzzi and others the time of day in 2015 because of his own beliefs about Ash's amazing interview. And I also tend to believe the posters who say the donors have told them they were willing to fund a new coach but Hobbs flat out refused the money to stick with Ash.

Find me another AD in America that will go 3, likely 4 if not 5 if the Barchi bus does not coming gunning for him sooner- seasons in both major sports with absolutely no postseason. Yes we know he inherited a bad situation but one that could have been easily fixed.

Renewals will plummet and justifiably so. We have an administration that has basically told our fanbase to screw off because doing otherwise might hurt Hobbs' pride. Disgusting.

I think you vastly underestimate how difficult it is to be the AD of Rutgers with its zero-deficit athletic funding goal and only a small slice of a full share of Big 10 revenues for the past few years. Hobbs will be judged for what he does when the full Big 10 share kicks in. Fundraising at RU has been historically horrible, and Hobbs has worked near miracles in that regard. So, to criticize him for lack of fundraising because he can’t find $10M to buyout the football coach — a buyout necessitated by an extension because of Flood’s NCAA violations — is delusional.
Again, to be fair, who was it that hired Coach Pikiell? Was it maybe the governor? Senator Menendez? OK, maybe it was Hobbs? TL
One has nothing to do with the other. No one ever questioned his basketball prowess. He's done it before and has experience in that field. Football is what many questioned. He's never been around the game and has absolutely 0 experience in it. It's great that people can see progress in basketball but they have yet to reach the .500 mark.

Look I don't want Hobbs fired. Simply based on the fact I have no faith in the BOG. They've proven in the past that their decisions concerning athletics are down right scary. I'd rather have an AD whose not a complete dumbfvck then one they pick. But that doesn't mean I have full faith in Hobbs to make the next football pick. That ones going to be a complete crap shoot as well, just with more money.
Hobbs has raised a lot of money so no, he's not getting fired either. And Pike is a win hire.

Whether or not Hobbs is a good AD will be seen in about 2 years. Either Ash will have established the program in 2020 and is building a winner or he's gone.
I say give more to RU and stop the bitching--it'a a waste of time --when less than 4000 alumni give, you need to kiss Hobb's ass how well he's doing getting $ and building needed facilities--I'll venture a guess the biggest complainers are the least givers yet expect others will foot the bill--if you can't support RU financially by attending games and donating, unless your unable financially, which I doubt, you should recognize the hyprocisy
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Hes not a good AD.What revenue sport has he hired a head coach that has won anything?.The basketball facility should have Ray Lesniaks name on it but that would hurt Roy Hobbs ego.
I say give more to RU and stop the bitching--it'a a waste of time --when less than 4000 alumni give, you need to kiss Hobb's ass how well he's doing getting $ and building needed facilities--I'll venture a guess the biggest complainers are the least givers yet expect others will foot the bill--if you can't support RU financially by attending games and donating, unless your unable financially, which I doubt, you should recognize the hyprocisy

Total BS Clown.
I have been donating mid Four figures for the last 20 years.
Enough is enough. You and your stubborn idiot AD Hobbs can take a hike.
If Hobbs had made a statement during the season that he was definitely keeping Ash, nine-tenths of this board (perhaps including the OP) would have excoriated him for making a premature judgment. And I doubt that Hobbs' failure to make that statement has had anything to do with our problems recruiting. Our 1-11 record and Ash's questionable player development are responsible for that.
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It's got to be all about money. I can't believe our AD isn't horrified by this season.
We're saddled with Ash for another year because of a lack of funds. Sucks but that's reality until the Big Ten pays us our full share.
After next season the buyout is $8mil. Sadly, what’s the difference?
I say give more to RU and stop the bitching--it'a a waste of time --when less than 4000 alumni give, you need to kiss Hobb's ass how well he's doing getting $ and building needed facilities--I'll venture a guess the biggest complainers are the least givers yet expect others will foot the bill--if you can't support RU financially by attending games and donating, unless your unable financially, which I doubt, you should recognize the hyprocisy
I say Ash should make a sizable contribution to the program as a good faith gesture.
He makes multiples of what most of us earn yet we are asked to donate our hard earned dollars.
It would go a long way making the fan base feel better if Ash would put his money where his mouth is.
How about a $500,000 pledge Coach?
In fact, if you do so I will keep my six seats next season.

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