Hobbs is just not a good AD

so ru#1fan--i'm hoping you'll be gone--if you are so right ,do what's right, stick by your bullcrap and stop posting -according to some of you guys you are done with RU football --so act like it--stop posting the same nonsense over and over again--those of us left behind who are not, don't need to hear the same threats over and over--I'm sure RU will miss your four figures--that's the ticket
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I'm sure RU will miss your four figures--that's the ticket

Do you think the possibility that they wouldn't care is the reason why there haven't been more donors to begin with? If customers are always right in a good sales operation, then donors, who are giving any amount of $ for nothing, should be treated even better right?
He said at the beginning of the season that Ash isn't going anywhere.

He said at the end of the season that Ash isn't going anywhere.

Ash isn't going anywhere. All of the speculation in between is just stuff that people made up in their heads. That doesn't make it true. Or credible.

Are you considering the tweet to CBS News a statement? I doubt recruits did. The whole process looks like a total bungle even by RU standards.
To be fair, the defense has played much better since Ash said he would be taking more of a personal hand. While I was greatly in favor of letting Ash go when we were getting pummeled earlier in the season, the defense has put in credible efforts the last few games, especially since the offense puts them in bad field position a lot, and can't stay on the field. Maybe we would have won a game or two earlier, had Ash taken more charge earlier. Let's get a more souped up offensive coach in to take advantage of the rules that favor offense.

Again, to be fair, who was it that hired Coach Pikiell? Was it maybe the governor? Senator Menendez? OK, maybe it was Hobbs? TL

Shouldn't we at least have a winning season in MBB before praising the Pikiell hire as a genius one? Sure, he looks better than Ash. That's a pretty low standard.
I almost hope we fire Hobbs so our self loathing fanbase and program gets what it wants. A sorry desolate athletic department. Our fans are so dumb

Sell me. Where are Hobbs' successes?

He's a great fundraiser that can't raise the money to buy out a 1-11 coach who is second to the bottom in B1G recruiting (and the bottom had a scandal where a player died)?

He hired a basketball coach that may win but we don't know yet?

He presided over programs like wrestling and WSoc that were successful through several ADs?

Or was it the new practice facility which was pushed by Lesniak and tax credits?

Come on
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I think you vastly underestimate how difficult it is to be the AD of Rutgers with its zero-deficit athletic funding goal and only a small slice of a full share of Big 10 revenues for the past few years. Hobbs will be judged for what he does when the full Big 10 share kicks in. Fundraising at RU has been historically horrible, and Hobbs has worked near miracles in that regard. So, to criticize him for lack of fundraising because he can’t find $10M to buyout the football coach — a buyout necessitated by an extension because of Flood’s NCAA violations — is delusional.

I have seen the claim he raised 100M...if that's the case I don't see the issue with raising 10M. And I tend to believe the donors were there but sunk cost fallacy won the day.
Are you considering the tweet to CBS News a statement? I doubt recruits did. The whole process looks like a total bungle even by RU standards.

Oh, come on. You're better than this.

Twitter is the 17 year-old's Bible.
If Hobbs had made a statement during the season that he was definitely keeping Ash, nine-tenths of this board (perhaps including the OP) would have excoriated him for making a premature judgment. And I doubt that Hobbs' failure to make that statement has had anything to do with our problems recruiting. Our 1-11 record and Ash's questionable player development are responsible for that.

Damn skippy I would have- but that would have at least shown some commitment to some kind of plan. A text message to the media is pathetic. The guy is way over his head. He's not in South Orange anymore and he doesn't seem to realize that.
Oh, come on. You're better than this.

Twitter is the 17 year-old's Bible.

Sure but I would think they would expect something more adult from an adult. Also I would imagine their coaches and parents would have. Even if not, the text message to the media at the end of the season is pretty cruddy for a statement as well. We were told Hobbs is a professional whereas Julie was a scatterbrain with no common sense. I'm seeing a lot of Julie behavior these days, except it's Julie with a line to Trenton and donors who apparently didn't get the call this time.
Sure but I would think they would expect something more adult from an adult. Also I would imagine their coaches and parents would have. Even if not, the text message to the media at the end of the season is pretty cruddy for a statement as well. We were told Hobbs is a professional whereas Julie was a scatterbrain with no common sense. I'm seeing a lot of Julie behavior these days, except it's Julie with a line to Trenton and donors who apparently didn't get the call this time.

You have no idea what the recruits are being told in person. You don't know what is said on official visits. I would be very surprised if they heard anything less than absolute assurance from everyone associated with the department, Pat Hobbs included.
Damn skippy I would have- but that would have at least shown some commitment to some kind of plan. A text message to the media is pathetic. The guy is way over his head. He's not in South Orange anymore and he doesn't seem to realize that.

You're trying to have it both ways. I understand you don't like Hobbs, but to damn him either way is excessive.
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how have the other sports done under Ash?
If you judge his job by football, he has not done well.
I follow wrestling more than football and he has been awesome in supporting them (New assistant head coach and building a new practice facility)
The MBB team was a mess and it seems to have turned a corner (We will see at end of season).

Add to that men's lacrosse has been Top 15 the last 2-3 years.

With respect to fundraising, how has he done in comparison to his predecessors? And outside of a few traditional powers who have raised big bucks for decades, how many ADs can snap their fingers and get $10 mil for a contract buy out?

The thread title did say poor AD, not weak with regards to football.
Wow, so much utter nonsense in one thread. Scary.

EVERYONE knows our financial situation is near the bottom of P5 schools. EVERYONE knew it would be damn hard to fire Ash because of his contract, the size of the subsidy, and the lack of a full Big Ten share. But now, that we know for sure he's staying, it's "hubris" or he "doesn't care." Bullshit.

And by the way, crediting Lesniak is nice, but what big-time school doesn't have enormous state support and/or big-time contributors? You think T. Boone Pickens gets the credit if Okie State wins nine games? Did Chip Kelly need Phil Knight's backing? But somehow it's an indictment that after zillions of years being behind everyone else in facilities, our AD gets some help building a long-overdue practice facility.

If you're pissed off about football, fine. I get it. I am, too. But we have an ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT to run here, not a football franchise. It does not operate in a vacuum. If it did, everything would be different. For better and worse, probably.

Look, as of now, it's a bad hire. That's all it is. The finances make it hard to fix the bad hire. There is no conspiracy, nobody doesn't care (well, there's Barchi, but if the money was different who knows what he would be doing?), and the conference is not out to "keep us down." We suck. We have a coach who does not appear to be a good fit. And, partly because of the idiot coach the last guy hired (who doesn't look so awful on paper, although we know better, sadly) we're stuck with him longer than we should be stuck with him. That's it. End of story. Nothing more to see here.

If you don't want to go to any more games, that's your right, and a very logical response to the product on the field. But you don't have to act as if the entire university is somehow treating you like elephant dung because the football team isn't any good. This is a football issue, and the responses should be kept to football. Donate to wrestling. Or basketball. Or the general fund. It's my school and the state university of my home state whether the team goes 12-0, 0-12 or anything in between. So I would encourage some of you to show your disenchantment with football but stop acting as if it's the only thing that matters in the universe. Stay home. Funnel your donations elsewhere. Show your frustration with the football program. All logical. But calm down and stop acting as if there are some malevolent forces teaming up to screw Rutgers football from both the inside and out. Please.
Hobbs needs to answer for why he didn’t make this statement weeks ago so any of our few 3 stars would still be committed. The fact that he didn’t means there was a chance he was trying to raise money to fire him. Which means he doesn’t support him anymore, a lame duck coach. Or, it means Hobbs just doesn’t understand. Either was is a problem. He needs to explain or else the speculation will continue which is only a negative thing

Hobbs said preseason that no way Ash would be fired and never suggested anywhere that things had changed

Any decomits we had were probably due to our miserable play and miserable attendance

Recruits are sold on the promise of possible greatness then come see our disaster during the season
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A lot of dumb posts on this thread and board.

Saying an athletic director is judged solely on his football hires and nothing else is so myopic, and such a view is held by people who only care about 1 sport.
The OP headline and arguments are just plain off.
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To be fair, the defense has played much better since Ash said he would be taking more of a personal hand. While I was greatly in favor of letting Ash go when we were getting pummeled earlier in the season, the defense has put in credible efforts the last few games, especially since the offense puts them in bad field position a lot, and can't stay on the field. Maybe we would have won a game or two earlier, had Ash taken more charge earlier. Let's get a more souped up offensive coach in to take advantage of the rules that favor offense.

Again, to be fair, who was it that hired Coach Pikiell? Was it maybe the governor? Senator Menendez? OK, maybe it was Hobbs? TL
I admit I have really enjoyed all those NCAA appearances under Pike. Cannot wait to go again this year as well.
You have no idea what the recruits are being told in person. You don't know what is said on official visits. I would be very surprised if they heard anything less than absolute assurance from everyone associated with the department, Pat Hobbs included.

That's true, I don't. But whatever it is, it's not working. Also, I didn't think the AD was allowed to be involved in recruiting...didn't Pernetti have to get permission after GS left from the NCAA?
You're trying to have it both ways. I understand you don't like Hobbs, but to damn him either way is excessive.

Well to be fair, I think it would be less damning to have said, after one of the many blowouts to awful teams, something outlining his beliefs in Ash. Because he clearly sees something few others do. And not in a text message after the last game. Yeah, most of us, me included, would have been mad. But the way he did things in my view makes the least sense.
Add to that men's lacrosse has been Top 15 the last 2-3 years.

With respect to fundraising, how has he done in comparison to his predecessors? And outside of a few traditional powers who have raised big bucks for decades, how many ADs can snap their fingers and get $10 mil for a contract buy out?

The thread title did say poor AD, not weak with regards to football.

Didn't Pernetti hire the lax coach? Julie promoted the women's soccer coach. And Mulcahy hired Goodale.

I want all of our sports to win. However, football drives the bus. It's great that all these other teams do well. But they don't make the $ football does and do not bring in the positive attention the same way.

We have been told Hobbs is a great fundraiser. A great fundraiser raises that money. But every indicator is that the donors were not asked. That we doubled down on Ash instead.

There's a lot of blinking warning signs that aren't going to be erased by winning in the other sports.
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That's true, I don't. But whatever it is, it's not working. Also, I didn't think the AD was allowed to be involved in recruiting...didn't Pernetti have to get permission after GS left from the NCAA?

Pernetti needed to name himself a member of the coaching staff so that he could proactively contact recruits.

I'm quite certain there's no rule against ADs speaking to recruits who are on campus for visits.
Well to be fair, I think it would be less damning to have said, after one of the many blowouts to awful teams, something outlining his beliefs in Ash. Because he clearly sees something few others do. And not in a text message after the last game. Yeah, most of us, me included, would have been mad. But the way he did things in my view makes the least sense.

I don't think the use of a text message is especially bad. You're far younger than I am, and so I would think you routinely text message people with important information. I sometimes do myself. Texting may also make sense as a way of avoiding a press conference at which many pointed questions (e.g. "did you approve of Ash playing Sitkowski, who was the worst-rated QB in FBS?") I don't see why you think it matters very much.

I also think that a vote of confidence after a blowout such as you suggest would have been seen as, if anything, the kiss of death for Ash. That's how it usually works in baseball, for interest. .
Wow, so much utter nonsense in one thread. Scary.

EVERYONE knows our financial situation is near the bottom of P5 schools. EVERYONE knew it would be damn hard to fire Ash because of his contract, the size of the subsidy, and the lack of a full Big Ten share. But now, that we know for sure he's staying, it's "hubris" or he "doesn't care." Bullshit.

And by the way, crediting Lesniak is nice, but what big-time school doesn't have enormous state support and/or big-time contributors? You think T. Boone Pickens gets the credit if Okie State wins nine games? Did Chip Kelly need Phil Knight's backing? But somehow it's an indictment that after zillions of years being behind everyone else in facilities, our AD gets some help building a long-overdue practice facility.

If you're pissed off about football, fine. I get it. I am, too. But we have an ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT to run here, not a football franchise. It does not operate in a vacuum. If it did, everything would be different. For better and worse, probably.

Look, as of now, it's a bad hire. That's all it is. The finances make it hard to fix the bad hire. There is no conspiracy, nobody doesn't care (well, there's Barchi, but if the money was different who knows what he would be doing?), and the conference is not out to "keep us down." We suck. We have a coach who does not appear to be a good fit. And, partly because of the idiot coach the last guy hired (who doesn't look so awful on paper, although we know better, sadly) we're stuck with him longer than we should be stuck with him. That's it. End of story. Nothing more to see here.

If you don't want to go to any more games, that's your right, and a very logical response to the product on the field. But you don't have to act as if the entire university is somehow treating you like elephant dung because the football team isn't any good. This is a football issue, and the responses should be kept to football. Donate to wrestling. Or basketball. Or the general fund. It's my school and the state university of my home state whether the team goes 12-0, 0-12 or anything in between. So I would encourage some of you to show your disenchantment with football but stop acting as if it's the only thing that matters in the universe. Stay home. Funnel your donations elsewhere. Show your frustration with the football program. All logical. But calm down and stop acting as if there are some malevolent forces teaming up to screw Rutgers football from both the inside and out. Please.

Never once did I say it impugns the whole school. There is certainly progress in non-athletic areas and of course academics are first.

But the athletic department is not well managed, at all. It's not just football.

If Hobbs' big selling point is being a fundraiser, he should have done that. If his selling point is legal background, he should have done better negotiating the contract with Ash.

People didn't listen when very good arguments were put forth detailing mismanagement under Pernetti and Julie, the same mistakes are being made again. And they're not all attributable to money.
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I don't think the use of a text message is especially bad. You're far younger than I am, and so I would think you routinely text message people with important information. I sometimes do myself. Texting may also make sense as a way of avoiding a press conference at which many pointed questions (e.g. "did you approve of Ash playing Sitkowski, who was the worst-rated QB in FBS?") I don't see why you think it matters very much.

I also think that a vote of confidence after a blowout such as you suggest would have been seen as, if anything, the kiss of death for Ash. That's how it usually works in baseball, for interest. .

I do. But I don't text the most important aspects of my job function. You're likely correct that it was to avoid a presser though I believe we had been told one was coming.
"better not pout, Santa's coming to town"--but many on these boards still do
so far Hobbs has produced zero as far as winning coaches in revenue sport.
Pernetti needed to name himself a member of the coaching staff so that he could proactively contact recruits.

I'm quite certain there's no rule against ADs speaking to recruits who are on campus for visits.

Stanford has recruits meeting Condi Rice when they are on campus. It was Flood's idea for Pernetti to join the coaching staff, it also allowed him to go on the road to visit recruits.
The same place it is now, not an NCAA team.

But they are getting closer and closer......Sorry this whole post is way off base......someone doesn't like Hobbs so be it but to have a blind eye to all the other sports is nuts. If i get this post right the writer is annoyed that Hobbs gave Ash a vote of confidence after the last game and did it by texting a few reporters. Everyone knew that Ash was coming back for next year, everybody. What did you want a parade around New Brunswick and Piscataway?? Life is way to short to read this nonsense
Hobbs isn't going anywhere.

I think Hobbs thought turning around football was a long term rebuild and is giving Ash the time to do it. Probably was the plan all along. All the realistic names being thrown around didn't seem any different than Ash to me.

Personally I'm just glad we are going to have the same OC for two yrs in a row.

Now if Ash craps the bed again like he did this year i think he will be gone.
Hobbs said preseason that no way Ash would be fired and never suggested anywhere that things had changed

Any decomits we had were probably due to our miserable play and miserable attendance

Recruits are sold on the promise of possible greatness then come see our disaster during the season
And lame duck coach!!! Don't think for a minute a kid doesn't want to know if the staff that recruited him has a chance to be here 4 years!!!
Wrestling- Goodale, 2007 hired by BM
W.Soccer - ONeal, 2014 promoted by Julie
F.Hockey - Civico, 2012 hired by TP
Mens Lax - Brecht 2011 hired by TP

What coach has Hobbs hired that has been successful?????

A lot of dumb posts on this thread and board.

Saying an athletic director is judged solely on his football hires and nothing else is so myopic, and such a view is held by people who only care about 1 sport.

The Basketball only fans were really upset at our previous Ads for spending too much on Football and not enough on their sport. They were super happy when GS left and cheer when the Football team loses.

People here used to make fun of those loser fans, and now, this board is full of people with the same mind set but for football.

"Hobbs sucks cause he only cares about Basketball and Wrestling, sure he raised over a $100 million, but most of that didn't g to football. WE ARE DOOMED!!!!" etc, etc, etc

We can't afford to fire and pay for a better HC and staff, not yet anyway. Not until we get our full share. Until then the fans need to support the players and hope for the best. That's all you can do at this time.
And lame duck coach!!! Don't think for a minute a kid doesn't want to know if the staff that recruited him has a chance to be here 4 years!!!

Hobbs probably figured his preseason announcement and extension of Ash’s contract took care of it. He could not help what appears in the papers

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