Hobbs is just not a good AD

What extension?
an extension? what extension?
There was no extension. That has been clarified numerous times. Including at length on the other thread on the topic, currently active.

There. Was. No. Extension.
then I don't know what you would call this....Nov
2017,....seems like others call it that

did our original contract go through 2022? if not, that would mean his contract signed
three years ago was for eight years
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an extension? what extension?

You may not believe this, but stupidity is neither contagious nor pervasive. It's entirely likely that you're stupid, all by yourself.

You might want to go hang out someplace where there are other stupid people.

And "banned from the Round Table"? How does that happen? Don't you pay to be there? How do you get banned from something that you've paid for??
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It's his original contract. His first two years were under a Memorandum of Understanding. His actual 5 year contract, per the MOU, didn't execute until after all NCAA sanctions had expired.

from the article

"Shortly before kickoff of Saturday's season finale, Rutgers reaffirmed its commitment to Ash after improvements in his second year by essentially restarting the clock on his tenure and replacing the original five-year, $11 million agreement signed in December 2015."

so, what it is saying is that his contract would have run out in 2020.... and it was restarted
so now it runs out 2022

what would have happened if we did not sign the agreement in Nov 2017
You may not believe this, but stupidity is neither contagious nor pervasive. It's entirely likely that you're stupid, all by yourself.

You might want to go hang out someplace where there are other stupid people.

And "banned from the Round Table"? How does that happen? Don't you pay to be there? How do you get banned from something that you've paid for??
thats a good story,and losers like yourself believe false information. Its common for people with limited intelligence like you ,to believe fantasy.What a loser.
thats a good story,and losers like yourself believe false information. Its common for people with limited intelligence like you ,to believe fantasy.What a loser.

So let's recap.

You accuse Hobbs of "mismanaging the budget" but can't cite examples.

It's been revealed that you were banned from the RT, but you claim that's not true.

Instead, you deflect and name-call.

Seems like we've pretty much got your number, there, chief. Take a knee.
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The Basketball only fans were really upset at our previous Ads for spending too much on Football and not enough on their sport. They were super happy when GS left and cheer when the Football team loses.

People here used to make fun of those loser fans, and now, this board is full of people with the same mind set but for football.

"Hobbs sucks cause he only cares about Basketball and Wrestling, sure he raised over a $100 million, but most of that didn't g to football. WE ARE DOOMED!!!!" etc, etc, etc

We can't afford to fire and pay for a better HC and staff, not yet anyway. Not until we get our full share. Until then the fans need to support the players and hope for the best. That's all you can do at this time.

I don't disagree with the problem you observed, but throwing in more money isn't the solution either. We tried that and we're 1-11 right now. I don't think money should be donated until RU football has improved, or the athletics staff has changed. And neither will be happening for a very long time, so the best thing we can do as fans is just wait and hold our money until the department makes those changes.
I understand what you are saying with the two year
memorandum..... what if Hobbs did not want to sign the 5 year thing last November?

Then he didn't have to.

But you have to ask yourself who would want to come coach at Rutgers if we fired a guy after Year 2. We already have a reputation as a "coach's graveyard". If we'd fired Ash last year we'd never get anyone reputable.

If you buy into the whole "rebuild" story, if you stipulate to the assertion that Flood destroyed the program, then you have to give the new guy time to overcome that. Schiano didn't have a winning record until Year 5. And yes, there were a lot of people who wanted him fired after Years 3 and 4.

Sometimes you just have to wait it out. I think Ash gets 5 years. We know he's gonna get at least 4.
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so Hobbs gave a first time head coach with no track record of running a program at any level a 7 year guaranteed contract? Sounds like a bad AD to me
So let's recap.

You accuse Hobbs of "mismanaging the budget" but can't cite examples.

It's been revealed that you were banned from the RT, but you claim that's not true.

Instead, you deflect and name-call.

Seems like we've pretty much got your number, there, chief. Take a knee.
Both Hobbs’ and Ash’s awareness of the potential NCAA sanctions is important to note today as university officials are being widely criticized for extending Ash’s initial five-year, $11 million contract last November.

As the Scarlet Knights were concluding a 4-8 campaign that included three wins in Big Ten play in Ash’s second campaign, Rutgers tacked on an additional two years on top of the three he had remaining. The deal guaranteed Ash an additional $5.1 million for the 2021 and 2022 seasons
Then he didn't have to.

But you have to ask yourself who would want to come coach at Rutgers if we fired a guy after Year 2. We already have a reputation as a "coach's graveyard". If we'd fired Ash last year we'd never get anyone reputable.

If you buy into the whole "rebuild" story, if you stipulate to the assertion that Flood destroyed the program, then you have to give the new guy time to overcome that. Schiano didn't have a winning record until Year 5. And yes, there were a lot of people who wanted him fired after Years 3 and 4.

Sometimes you just have to wait it out. I think Ash gets 5 years. We know he's gonna get at least 4.
just spitballing here..... If Hobbs felt he did not see enough, or any progress last Nov, could he not have said he was not comfortable signing a 5 year contract from that date?.... I doubt he was
legally obligated, or he could have just pushed for a 3 year deal from last Nov, for example

anyway, as we see, this was reported as 5 year extension from last Nov, as though he had a choice....the question is, did he have that choice, legally
So let's recap.

You accuse Hobbs of "mismanaging the budget" but can't cite examples.

It's been revealed that you were banned from the RT, but you claim that's not true.

Instead, you deflect and name-call.

Seems like we've pretty much got your number, there, chief. Take a knee.
lets see,I know this is hard for you and your limited intelligence to process but you launched the first verbal name calling attack,along with a false narrative about the round table. Cool Story Bro.

an extension? what extension?

Click to expand...
You may not believe this, but stupidity is neither contagious nor pervasive. It's entirely likely that you're stupid, all by yourself.

You might want to go hang out someplace where there are other stupid people.

And "banned from the Round Table"? How does that happen? Don't you pay to be there? How do you get banned from something that you've paid for??
anyway, as we see, this was reported as 5 year extension from last Nov, as though he had a choice....the question is, did he have that choice, legally

Turns out, he did not.

The original 5 year deal has this clause:

In the event the football program receives from the NCAA and/or the Conference any penalty of bowl ineligibility, material reduction of scholarships or a material limitation on recruiting, based on activities or conduct that occurred before the effective date of this MOA, the University agrees that the term shall be extended for one (1) additional year for each year in which discipline is imposed.
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Turns out, he did not.

The original 5 year deal has this clause:

In the event the football program receives from the NCAA and/or the Conference any penalty of bowl ineligibility, material reduction of scholarships or a material limitation on recruiting, based on activities or conduct that occurred before the effective date of this MOA, the University agrees that the term shall be extended for one (1) additional year for each year in which discipline is imposed.

so Hobbs gave a first time head coach with no track record of running a program at any level a 7 year guaranteed contract? Sounds like a bad AD to me
agree in full.... you don't give a never before head coach a guaranteed 7 year deal....

the question is, what wiggle room was there last November, what leverage could Hobbs

have had

anyway, this was widely reported as an extension, so many may have misunderstood the events of last Nov
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This statement by Hobbs sure aged about as well as his extension clause he placed tied to sanctions.

The restrictions — along with the two-year probation — triggered the clause that stated Ash’s deal would be extended “in the event the football program receives from the NCAA … a material limitation on recruiting.’’

What it means is Rutgers would be obligated to pay Ash $9.8 million if he was fired after the season.

Without the contract extension, Rutgers would’ve owed $4.7 million.

Ash’s initial contract called for guaranteed annual salary increases of $100,000, which explains the pay-raise amount.

"When I hired Chris two years ago, I knew I was getting a great coach and the right coach for Rutgers," Hobbs told NJ Advance Media after the new contract was finalized on Nov. 27, 2017. “Given the many challenges facing the program, I wanted him to know that he would have the time it would take to be successful in the Big Ten.''
agree in full.... you don't give a never before head coach a guaranteed 7 year deal....

the question is, what wiggle room was there last November, what leverage could Hobbs

have had

anyway, this was widely reported as an extension, so many may have misunderstood the events of last Nov

In reading the original MOA, it appears there wasn't any wiggle room. RU got 2 years of sanctions from the NCAA and the original agreement says that he would receive an additional contract year for every year of "discipline".
In reading the original MOA, it appears there wasn't any wiggle room. RU got 2 years of sanctions from the NCAA and the original agreement says that he would receive an additional contract year for every year of "discipline".
again, then this was misunderstood by most here, the newspapers, you name it
The same posters who complain about EVERYTHING are complaining again. Shocker!

I hardly complain about everything. In fact I was shouted down years ago when people were claiming Schiano was not beating schlub teams by enough points. Now look where we are. I was very patient. I broke with Flood after Houston and Ash after Kansas like the majority of people here.

Even Central Michigan canned a 1 win coach. We not only can't beat MAC teams- we can't live up to their standards. And that's something very much worthy of complaint.
In reading the original MOA, it appears there wasn't any wiggle room. RU got 2 years of sanctions from the NCAA and the original agreement says that he would receive an additional contract year for every year of "discipline".

As an RU fan I’m glad that the details of the way Flood handled drug testing of the team never became widely known. The 2 years of sanctions didn’t happen because Flood met a professor in Princeton to discuss grades.

Julie was the perfect empty suit to oversee the Flood regime. Peter Principle on steroids. Great decision by Barchi to jettison both at the same time. And I’m no Barchi fan. FB improves after he retires.
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But they are getting closer and closer......Sorry this whole post is way off base......someone doesn't like Hobbs so be it but to have a blind eye to all the other sports is nuts. If i get this post right the writer is annoyed that Hobbs gave Ash a vote of confidence after the last game and did it by texting a few reporters. Everyone knew that Ash was coming back for next year, everybody. What did you want a parade around New Brunswick and Piscataway?? Life is way to short to read this nonsense

Silly. Football drives the bus. The other sports winning have coaches hired by the 3 prior ADs.

Not everybody knew he was coming back. But forgive me- I want a Big Ten program to have the same standards as Central Michigan. Forgive me. Back to faith without results.
People can spin it any way they want but are we now at the stage as a University that we’re willing to accept our AD sending a text message rather than conducting a normal presser? Come on. Stand up there, answer the questions, and move on. The text screams that Hobbs didn’t want to address the inevitable tough questions. I’m not ready to fire Hobbs yet because he’s done some good things but the text seemed way small for the leader of the entire athletic department.
People can spin it any way they want but are we now at the stage as a University that we’re willing to accept our AD sending a text message rather than conducting a normal presser? Come on. Stand up there, answer the questions, and move on. The text screams that Hobbs didn’t want to address the inevitable tough questions. I’m not ready to fire Hobbs yet because he’s done some good things but the text seemed way small for the leader of the entire athletic department.

Thank you! As much as I may disagree with his conclusions at least have the courage of conviction to stand before the media and university community and explain them. We were told Hobbs was a media whiz after gaffe-prone Julie. Sure doesn't seem it. Politi has nailed him.
There was ZERO gun to Hobbs head to agree with legal suits and Ash agent(wont go there ) to give the extension to Ash . What would have Ash done,walked away?
Without this misguided extension tied to sanction,which RU was aware of,,Ash could have been fired for just the remaining 4.7 mill of his contract at end of this season,or less..
In reading the original MOA, it appears there wasn't any wiggle room. RU got 2 years of sanctions from the NCAA and the original agreement says that he would receive an additional contract year for every year of "discipline".

Therein lies the rub. I agree it's not an extension. It's a trigger clause. And I agree a trigger makes sense. However, the terms- as seemingly always when RU is one side of the negotiating table- are incredibly unfavorable. It should have been something like a year for each year of bowl ban in case they really decided to nail us. Or a year for each year of sanctions assuming a certain number of wins. I saw Iowa owed Ferentz an extra 500k because of his win total. We need to do better on these terms.
There was ZERO gun to Hobbs head to agree with legal suits and Ash agent(wont go there ) to give the extension to Ash . What would have Ash done,walked away?
Without this misguided extension tied to sanction,which RU was aware of,,Ash could have been fired for just the remaining 4.7 mill of his contract at end of this season,or less..

Now on top of everything else you can't read?

In the event the football program receives from the NCAA and/or the Conference any penalty of bowl ineligibility, material reduction of scholarships or a material limitation on recruiting, based on activities or conduct that occurred before the effective date of this MOA, the University agrees that the term shall be extended for one (1) additional year for each year in which discipline is imposed.
Therein lies the rub. I agree it's not an extension. It's a trigger clause. And I agree a trigger makes sense. However, the terms- as seemingly always when RU is one side of the negotiating table- are incredibly unfavorable. It should have been something like a year for each year of bowl ban in case they really decided to nail us. Or a year for each year of sanctions assuming a certain number of wins. I saw Iowa owed Ferentz an extra 500k because of his win total. We need to do better on these terms.

I agree with you in not agreeing with the full-wage payout.


The contract also stipulates a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the payout based on future employment, which it obligates him to make best efforts to seek.

The reality is that coaches always find other jobs unless they're pedophiles or something. So we really wouldn't be paying Ash the full value of his contract.
I agree with you in not agreeing with the full-wage payout.


The contract also stipulates a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the payout based on future employment, which it obligates him to make best efforts to seek.

The reality is that coaches always find other jobs unless they're pedophiles or something. So we really wouldn't be paying Ash the full value of his contract.

The logic would then follow that the 9.8M number is not the real buyout figure. That language seems standard, though it wouldn't shock me if it's been left out from previous RU contracts. That said, if somehow he got a job on the tOSU level again (which I am not sold he would) that would really take the buyout down by a big number and make the plan to keep him seem somehow even crazier. I mean, it actually seemed like they wanted him back. Again, it seems like this discussion was not had at RU which is what I find the most troubling.
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I made this to keep everyone aligned.

Contract Year Start.........Contract Year End.........Base Salary...........Assistant Pool
MOA Execution................28-Feb-17.........................$2,000,000.00........$2,750,000.00

  1. Original Contract, per MOA executed on 7 Dec 2015, runs through 28 Feb 2021
  2. Add'l Contract Years through 28 Feb 2023 are triggered by "Sanction Clause"
  3. Base Salary is paid bi-weekly over the course of the Contract Year
  4. Assistant Pool increase of 3% per annum increases to 5% for winning seasons
  5. Ash owes $600k / year remaining if he leaves for another position voluntarily
  6. If terminated without cause, Ash continues to receive his base salary, per the bi-weekly payment schedule. He is contractually obligated to make best efforts to obtain follow-on employment. Follow-on salary reduces the amount that he is owed by RU dollar-for-dollar
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The logic would then follow that the 9.8M number is not the real buyout figure. That language seems standard, though it wouldn't shock me if it's been left out from previous RU contracts. That said, if somehow he got a job on the tOSU level again (which I am not sold he would) that would really take the buyout down by a big number and make the plan to keep him seem somehow even crazier. I mean, it actually seemed like they wanted him back. Again, it seems like this discussion was not had at RU which is what I find the most troubling.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like keeping him for another year is really the path of least resistance. By giving him at least 4, Hobbs is able to say that we gave him a chance to turn it around, complete the rebuild, etc. Personally, I think he gets 5.
People can spin it any way they want but are we now at the stage as a University that we’re willing to accept our AD sending a text message rather than conducting a normal presser? Come on. Stand up there, answer the questions, and move on. The text screams that Hobbs didn’t want to address the inevitable tough questions. I’m not ready to fire Hobbs yet because he’s done some good things but the text seemed way small for the leader of the entire athletic department.
This would make him our second straight athletic director to skip doing pressers.
Sell me. Where are Hobbs' successes?

He's a great fundraiser that can't raise the money to buy out a 1-11 coach who is second to the bottom in B1G recruiting (and the bottom had a scandal where a player died)?

He hired a basketball coach that may win but we don't know yet?

He presided over programs like wrestling and WSoc that were successful through several ADs?

Or was it the new practice facility which was pushed by Lesniak and tax credits?

Come on
whatever money is leftover from donors and big money ... he will probably spend on infrastructure before he dumps it on a buyout..just the way it is when you're poor.

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