I love Coach Pike but……….

It has been a bad year! If he doesn’t fix this year’s shortcomings the 2 new guys are not going to be enough.
Let’s look at this, grading Pike on this year.
Roster management D
Team chemistry management, accountability D
Coaching staff management D
Offense F
Defense C, lack of consistency
Rebounding D
Lineup playing time, substituons D
Player development D
Game planning D-
Needs to move these into c and B’s at a minimum!
I relax plenty, if your asking me not to express my concerns and objectivity look at the coaching job done this year, thanks, however I am compelled to disregard your suggestion.
No disrespect.
This is a bad year, but grading the defense as a C is completely non-serious. It is the fourth-best defense in America. There are plenty of things to rip Pike for this season without being intellectually dishonest
This is a bad year, but grading the defense as a C is completely non-serious. It is the fourth-best defense in America. There are plenty of things to rip Pike for this season without being intellectually dishonest
Idk, the random letter grades this guy pulled out of his ass here seem pretty legit to me.
It has been a bad year! If he doesn’t fix this year’s shortcomings the 2 new guys are not going to be enough.
Let’s look at this, grading Pike on this year.
Roster management D
Team chemistry management, accountability D
Coaching staff management D
Offense F
Defense C, lack of consistency
Rebounding D
Lineup playing time, substituons D
Player development D
Game planning D-
Needs to move these into c and B’s at a minimum!
I relax plenty, if your asking me not to express my concerns and objectivity look at the coaching job done this year, thanks, however I am compelled to disregard your suggestion.
No disrespect.

The 2018-19 team went 14-17 and 7-13 with a loss to Fordham and an overtime win over Columbia. I’d say that team qualifies easily as being as bad as our current one. Probably worse. The 2019-20 team was heading to the NCAA tournament - no roster overhaul and certainly no 5 star newcomers - let alone national ranks 2 and 3.
This is a bad year, but grading the defense as a C is completely non-serious. It is the fourth-best defense in America. There are plenty of things to rip Pike for this season without being intellectually dishonest
😂, I did give him a c, and qualified it has been inconsistent, since the 4 game win streak the defense has not been good, defense is effort Pike has been great at getting effort in the past something is off.
The fact it’s the end of the year when your strengths should carry you is the the reason I gave him a C
We are on the verge of finishing 13th in a 14th team conference how could you give any grade higher that a C with that result. Even with a curve.
The 2018-19 team went 14-17 and 7-13 with a loss to Fordham and an overtime win over Columbia. I’d say that team qualifies easily as being as bad as our current one. Probably worse. The 2019-20 team was heading to the NCAA tournament - no roster overhaul and certainly no 5 star newcomers - let alone national ranks 2 and 3.
I hope we see the same level of turnaround next year
As a lifelong fan nothing would make me happier!
Idk, the random letter grades this guy pulled out of his ass here seem pretty legit to me.
It’s a message discussion board, you are welcome to give your own grades and opinions.
This won’t impact Pikes GPA.
Fully aware of what and who donated but thank you. Once again I did not create the Standard Pike did and he’s 1 for 10 and has a declining team 5 years in a row. Facts can hurt. He has a good thing on paper coming in hopefully. No excuses or it’s time to move on
More bullcrap!
I hope we see the same level of turnaround next year
As a lifelong fan nothing would make me happier!
Literally everything about next season is pointing to it being significantly better

All these the sky is falling posts wouldn't sound so ridiculous if we had a mediocre class coming in next year instead of the best in school history
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Literally everything about next season is pointing to it being significantly better

All these the sky is falling posts wouldn't sound so ridiculous if we had a mediocre class coming in next year instead of the best in school history
I have expressed my concerns, I am hoping for the best and do believe Pike is a better coach than he has demonstrated this year.
Next season starts 5 minutes after this disappointing season ends!
I have expressed my concerns, I am hoping for the best and do believe Pike is a better coach than he has demonstrated this year.
Next season starts 5 minutes after this disappointing season ends!
Pike has done more with a lot less talent than he will have next season

Everyone should be in board supporting Pike and the team

If next season is a disaster and you want to go after Pike, that's fair

What else could you ask for after a down year though? You want him to fix it right? Bring in better players right? Well he as done about as perfect of a job as you could possibly ask for doing that with the next class
Pike has done more with a lot less talent than he will have next season

Everyone should be in board supporting Pike and the team

If next season is a disaster and you want to go after Pike, that's fair

What else could you ask for after a down year though? You want him to fix it right? Bring in better players right? Well he as done about as perfect of a job as you could possibly ask for doing that with the next class
Looking forward to next year.
Pointing out this year’s short comings on a sports discussion board in America is allowed and at one time was encouraged , it does not Equate to lack of support.
I am on board as most fans are. We can also say he didn’t do a good job this year, 13th Big10 finish.
No excuses his team his doing.
That is called accountability.
I am grateful we have an incredible trio of players coming in.
If he does great I will be the first to breakdown my opinion of his greatness.
We will know very quickly based on portal management what direction we are heading.
What an interesting discussion. I actually read all of it. It seems like there's a bit of hyperbole and exaggeration going on here at times. So far in this thread I have learned:

- PIke coached at Rutgers for 10 years
- We have an average or below average defense despite being ranked in the top 5 overall.
- What happened 30 years ago at Rutgers doesn't matter but it does when building up Chris Collins' resume

The take I would have said instead was, "Pike's had a rough year. He's had a lot of obstacles, some of them due to player losses, some due to poor recruiting. Things need to be better next year due to the hype and if not, we need to start doing some serious soul searching here on if it's time to make some changes."

But hey, that's just me.
UCLA has a great history with a good coach. They are 14-16 this year. Teams have bad years. We need to get better shooters but getting on Pikes because of one bad year is a joke.
UCLA has a great history with a good coach. They are 14-16 this year. Teams have bad years. We need to get better shooters but getting on Pikes because of one bad year is a joke.
Pike definitely has to recruit more impact players in the portal. It's not going to be all his responsibility however, if everyone is looking for a bag and we don't have enough money. However, that's his problem to figure out. But you are right, it's one bad year and not all his fault by any means.
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This is the wonderful thing about the internet. Having a discussion with my cat about Rutgers basketball would be fruitful than engaging RUDivision and yet people have been doing it for four pages now.
It's interesting to watch people bash Pike as both a coach and a recruiter. If he stinks at both how do you explain the last 5 years?
lol I’ve been trying in vain to make this point forever. You can have bad recruiter or bad coach but you absolutely cannot have both
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What an interesting discussion. I actually read all of it. It seems like there's a bit of hyperbole and exaggeration going on here at times. So far in this thread I have learned:

- PIke coached at Rutgers for 10 years
- We have an average or below average defense despite being ranked in the top 5 overall.
- What happened 30 years ago at Rutgers doesn't matter but it does when building up Chris Collins' resume

The take I would have said instead was, "Pike's had a rough year. He's had a lot of obstacles, some of them due to player losses, some due to poor recruiting. Things need to be better next year due to the hype and if not, we need to start doing some serious soul searching here on if it's time to make some changes."

But hey, that's just me.
You’re not being silenced or oppressed just because everyone thinks your takes are ass.
Our past should not and does not limit our future, a lot of reasons for our past limitations no longer exist. Your expectations should not be a free pass to underperformance.
We are in a great conference have great facilities and are in the middle of the best recruiting turf in the country.
The comparisons to the past don’t hold water. It’s backwards logic.
The future is now, here we are another March outside looking in!!! It’s on Pike, no excuse, and it’s unacceptable!!!!
Wow that’s a lot of exclamation points. You mad! And out of touch.
This is the wonderful thing about the internet. Having a discussion with my cat about Rutgers basketball would be fruitful than engaging RUDivision and yet people have been doing it for four pages now.

Go get a spreadsheet and tell me how Jwill midrange shot is a bad shot and he should shoot more 3’s or how this defensive team is better then last year in a big ten that is absolutely garbage this year. Hi to the cat !
This is a bad year, but grading the defense as a C is completely non-serious. It is the fourth-best defense in America. There are plenty of things to rip Pike for this season without being intellectually dishonest
You can not be 286 in defensive rebounding and be a great defense. C was a good grade considering how bad the big ten as a conference is this year.

Go get a spreadsheet and tell me how Jwill midrange shot is a bad shot
Well he’s 46.7% on far 2s which is actually a better than average shot on this year’s Rutgers team but isn’t a good shot generally.
and he should shoot more 3’s
Anytime you can replace a midrange shot with an open 3 you should probably do it.
or how this defensive team is better then last year
Yes and no. This years team gives up slightly more points but scoring is up across the league. So it’s ranked higher but isn’t better in absolute terms.
in a big ten that is absolutely garbage this year.
Big Ten is fine.
Hi to the cat !
Well he’s 46.7% on far 2s which is actually a better than average shot on this year’s Rutgers team but isn’t a good shot generally.

Anytime you can replace a midrange shot with an open 3 you should probably do it.

Yes and no. This years team gives up slightly more points but scoring is up across the league. So it’s ranked higher but isn’t better in absolute terms.

Big Ten is fine.

I love you!

Sometimes a midrange is a better shot then a 3!
Sometimes, probably. There's a reason I qualified it as "open" three.
The flaw is sometimes a shooter cannot make the open 3. So simply saying open 3 is better is wrong. Sometimes the shooter is more efficient with the midrange then an open 3. Numbers aren’t always the answer
The flaw is sometimes a shooter cannot make the open 3. So simply saying open 3 is better is wrong. Sometimes the shooter is more efficient with the midrange then an open 3. Numbers aren’t always the answer
Numbers can in fact tell you whether the shooter is more efficient with the midrange than the three. If the shooter can make enough more from midrange to make up for the shot being worth 33% fewer points, then he would in fact be more efficient from midrange. This is rarely the case, but I won't rule out that there exist some people for whom it is true.

J. Williams has been more efficient from midrange (46.7%, .934 points per shot) than from three (20%, .6 points per shot) but given he's only taken 20 threes so far I don't think that means very much.
Numbers can in fact tell you whether the shooter is more efficient with the midrange than the three. If the shooter can make enough more from midrange to make up for the shot being worth 33% fewer points, then he would in fact be more efficient from midrange. This is rarely the case, but I won't rule out that there exist some people for whom it is true.

J. Williams has been more efficient from midrange (46.7%, .934 points per shot) than from three (20%, .6 points per shot) but given he's only taken 20 threes so far I don't think that means very much.
Why has he only taken 20? Could it be he does not have the confidence and he knows he can’t not make them(inefficient ) You can explain away this by sample size if you wish. Simply, there are players who are just better midrange players. It’s not always layup and dunks. It’s ok!
😂, I did give him a c, and qualified it has been inconsistent, since the 4 game win streak the defense has not been good, defense is effort Pike has been great at getting effort in the past something is off.
The fact it’s the end of the year when your strengths should carry you is the the reason I gave him a C
We are on the verge of finishing 13th in a 14th team conference how could you give any grade higher that a C with that result. Even with a curve.
See this is an issue with a lot of fans. Defense isn’t just effort at all. Pike runs an incredible scheme and gets players to buy in. He doesn’t quite have the personel this year for a truly amazing one, but still was able to cobble together a top 5 D which is amazing. I don’t think this team is lazy, it’s just difficult playing a very intense system for 40 minutes without much depth and players forced to Hurd out of position.
Why has he only taken 20? Could it be he does not have the confidence and he knows he can’t not make them(inefficient ) You can explain away this by sample size if you wish. Simply, there are players who are just better midrange players. It’s not always layup and dunks. It’s ok!
Maybe! You're the one who brought up J. Williams lol. I don't have a major issue with his shot selection. Simpson should definitely replace his midrange shots with threes though. And, unless you have a good reason to believe otherwise, the default assumption is always going to be that a three is better.
Maybe! You're the one who brought up J. Williams lol. I don't have a major issue with his shot selection. Simpson should definitely replace his midrange shots with threes though. And, unless you have a good reason to believe otherwise, the default assumption is always going to be that a three is better.
Fair! You just seem to believe 3 or layup!

Dylan will be fun to chart because the strength of his game is all midrange. When we just say midrange is a bad shot and should be an “open3”. Is ridiculous to me. I think about Tim Duncan or Jordan just midrange assassins. I just struggle with analytics only conversations. Maybe that’s why every coach hates Ken Pom and rankings.

Like that this team is anyway close defensively then last years team is just ridiculously.

All good ! Healthy disagreement! No worries at all.
Maybe! You're the one who brought up J. Williams lol. I don't have a major issue with his shot selection. Simpson should definitely replace his midrange shots with threes though. And, unless you have a good reason to believe otherwise, the default assumption is always going to be that a three is better.
Could also be because he’s only played in 10 games this season?
See this is an issue with a lot of fans. Defense isn’t just effort at all. Pike runs an incredible scheme and gets players to buy in. He doesn’t quite have the personel this year for a truly amazing one, but still was able to cobble together a top 5 D which is amazing. I don’t think this team is lazy, it’s just difficult playing a very intense system for 40 minutes without much depth and players forced to Hurd out of position.
You mean to tell me you end up with a top 5 defense just by trying really really hard?
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See this is an issue with a lot of fans. Defense isn’t just effort at all. Pike runs an incredible scheme and gets players to buy in. He doesn’t quite have the personel this year for a truly amazing one, but still was able to cobble together a top 5 D which is amazing. I don’t think this team is lazy, it’s just difficult playing a very intense system for 40 minutes without much depth and players forced to Hurd out of position.
Glad he had a statistically top 5 D
I wish those stats translated to getting us out of the basement of the Big 10.
That’s seems to be the issue.
You lost me on cobbling and truly amazing. Those comments leave me questioning how truly amazing the metric is.
Maybe one day they can have final 4 trophies for the top 4 teams in the country using that metric. That would be cool.
We only missed it by 1 this year.
I feel as if Pike has hit a plateau.

He doesn't seem to have the guys playing with the same consistent energy and defense. They aren't playing as a team, the pieces don't match, it just seems like NIL happened, he got 2 big players for next year, and he's like "F it. Let's count on raw talent next year and run the floor/play iso"

You dont see any guys in the pipeline who are continuing to buy in and develop the way Ron, Caleb, Geo did. There is no momentum. There is no build and goal.

I don't expect next year to be as great as everyone thinks. Look at Griffiths this year. Look at other teams with "NBA talent" for one doesn't garauntee anything. Esp w the team looking so lost and disjointed. And with another 1 year rental of those guys, what is the end game?

I'm starting to think that may e the NIL era is the end of Pike's effectiveness. It sucks, but the old model of developing guys that fit the culture is gone. It sucks all around for college sports. Every year is a brand new team, and you can't build programs that way. Pike is/was a program builder, not a 1 year FA signing lighting in a bottle type.
Like Rutgers has done 12 times in conference, guys take the L! Move on you know who you are.
Looking forward to next season. Hopefully the wins stack up.