None of what you say is true. I've been a Rutgers fan for decades. However I must admit that I continued to watch college football after the regular season ended and the team that I would root for along with 4.3 million other New Jerseyans was Penn State. Yes, I continued to watch college football. I personally and openly find the Sandusky situation to be tragic and heartbreaking for the kids he molested and firmly believe he should not see a day of freedom for the remainder of his life. Since this is a Rutgers site I will refrain from saying anything about PSU. By the way tomorrow night I'm rooting for the ACC and Clemson Tigers. Please let me know if this is ok with you and your friends.Ease up before you end up getting ban.
But for those who don't know, RU31rap posted a thread during the Big Ten Championship game where is finally came out as a life long die hard Penn State fan, though he did say that he also "followed" Rutgers since he is from New Jersey to save face but the replies to that thread were so heated that the mods had to delete the thread.
Now he is pretending that that thread never happen and that he is an actual Rutgers fan. He is not. He picked a Rutgers related name to troll people here. We all seen this before with Uconn and Cuse fans.
I have a lot more respect for Penn State fans that come here with Penn State related names and don't pretend to be something that are not, even if I don't agree with what they have to say, at least they are not trying to hide or trick anyone.