I guess you don't see the irony of a Mets thread being hijacked by Yankees fans. The Mets are inconsequential to the storied Yankees. If so, then why take the time to invade a thread called "Let's Go Mets" to put down the JV team and its fans? Unbelievably, you show up and whine when a Mets fan points out the illogical argumentation and how it sounds a lot like the justifications that you hear from typical loser fan bases. Such as the never old "history of success" determinent of future success, the inconsequential "better attendance," and the unknowable "future looks bright." We as Rutgers fans always do it, especially when we can't accept our own athletic history of ineptitude.
Yes, people like KBee and TK make arguments that make it sound like the Yankee fan base has adopted a loser mentality. This thread is littered with the following statements about the Yankees which they've decided are somehow important to Mets fans:
"We haven't been under .500 in 25 years.
We have 26 championships.
We may not be back in the playoffs for several years but we're moving in the right direction.
We may go 10 to 15 years without another WS title but we're not a failed organization, and we're better than you."
Who cares about any of it?
I would rather discuss why the Mets are going to use Niese in Verret's place, even though both pitchers are terrible. I'd like to talk about David Wright and whether he has a future with the Mets. I want Mets' fans opinions on Terry Collins and the job he's doing. I want to discuss mets prospects like Ahmed Rosario, Domonic Smith, and the surprising Gsellman. However, I can't have any of these discussions because idiots like you think it's more important to tell me how great the Yankees are. I would prefer to discuss the Mets with like minded individuals who can objectively look at the team and its season. The only bitterness I have is that I can't do that because Yankee fans, like you, propagate like rats and repeat the same tired cliches.
Get over yourselves, Come back after you've crawled out of fourth place and are actually a competitive team. Start your own thread where you can falate each other about the championships you've never seen and the one game wonders you keep calling your "future base." Enjoy Saverino getting lit up like a Christmas tree by a AAA team. Tell yourselves one of the worst pitching staffs in baseball will be competitive next year. Spend the next three weeks watching the Bronx dumpster fire burn hotter as you play the Orioles, Blue Jays and Royals. Discuss all of it somewhere else. I know this may be a novel idea, but a thread dedicated to this miserable Yankee season should be a good place to start.
Reading your post is quite rich, given how big a whiner you are about all things Penn State and their delusional fan base. Look in the mirror. There may be no more delusional, living in the past, thin skinned fan base than that of the Yankees. Guess what, we as Rutgers fans have the same loser mentality as modern day Yankee fans. We'll talk about our streak of bowl games last decade, our NY tv ratings, how we're located near the largest city in the world, and our fertile recruiting ground. Like I said earlier, none of it matters if we don't win. It's the same for the Yankees. Your past was fantastic, but your present is pitiful. Only winning will change that and you're years from even being a competitive team in your own division.
Yankee fans are bitter about the last couple of season. I get it. You're a bunch of entitled douchebags who can't imagine a world where the Mets may actually have a better team. Guess what, it happens. When Rutgers has a better season than Penn State, I sure hope I don't see any posts from you calling them out for being bitter, living in the past and whining. In truth, any objective person who goes through the entirety of this thread can come to only one conclusion: That years of rooting for a successful franchise have made Yankees fans entitled. However, when things don't go their way they channel their bitterness and discontent into putting the other local team and its fans down. If you want to start a bash the Mets thread go ahead. Given the Yankee fan brainpower that I've been forced to endure, that thread should be quite entertaining.
So please give me a break with the self-righteous bitterness routine. Sit back and enjoy the shit show in the Bronx, without annoying the rest of us. As Mets fans, we have our own problems to deal with.