
All American
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2008
Aliso Viejo, CA
The crew covering the denver game is amateur hour... Rex Ryan is terrible.. Whoever Sergio is on the sidelines, he just choked live on the air... Cost cutting at its finest.
I've heard better high school radio broadcasts. No joke. The ESPN budget cuts must be deeper than reported.
You guys talking about the Chargers' game? I think they're doing a great job. Solid play by play and entertaining commentary.
Skills- you must be comparing to the blokes you hear in NZ calling rugby.

Beth Mowins has a lower approval rating than Congress.
I don't know her at all. Never heard her before. But I'm in a hotel room in Wellington watching the game on computer, and I was thinking, "Geez, this woman is pretty good." Knows her stuff and has done her homework on the two teams. Also good rapport with the commentary guy. Some funny comments and they don't get caught up in how impressive they are like some teams.

As I said, I never heard her before, but I like her.

Rugby commentary is completely different as the game is continuous. Interesting differences now that I think about them. Great game against Argentina last Saturday. Many of you guys see it? Seems like the ABs have found a real beast at the weak side flanker in Fifitia.
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She is pretty much universally disliked here. There are websites and Twitter pages devoted to ousting her.

Hopefully this means she isn't doing college any longer.
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To each his own, I guess. Lost the feed for the second half. Thought they did a fine job the first half. Called the game in a low key, straightforward fashion. Guess folks are looking for more flash; I just like to have the game called with some insight. Thought Ryan did OK on that front, too.
To each his own, I guess. Lost the feed for the second half. Thought they did a fine job the first half. Called the game in a low key, straightforward fashion. Guess folks are looking for more flash; I just like to have the game called with some insight. Thought Ryan did OK on that front, too.
This was/is a big opportunity for Mowins and she is probably more prepared for this than anything else she has ever done. Lets see what happens for the 4th and 5th games. Some people just don't like her fake "announcer" voice.. it doesn't matter what she says but the way she says it.
Well that was awkward.

The students on the Rutgers radio network deliver a better report than that. That was ESPN? Yikes!

I didn't care for the play by play and Rex. Didn't like her voice, didn't like his voice, didn't like the attempt at humor thrown into the mix. The sideline report was brutal and put the icing on the cake. ESPN fail.
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never been a BM fan but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought she was doing a good job when I turned it off at halftime. Got to be honest here...maybe I'm just sick of all the extra hype and interjection that has become broadcasting and a little more relaxed tone sounded good.
She is pretty much universally disliked here. There are websites and Twitter pages devoted to ousting her.

Hopefully this means she isn't doing college any longer.

Sounds like you have a hard-on for Mowins. Is it her name or title 9?

Game 1 Vikes - Saints was an abomination too. Gruden was a hot mess, and even suggested after an obvious facemask: "Well, we know it's a facemask, now we just wait to see if it's 5 or 15 yards for the penalty"

REALLY DUDE? REALLY? What year is it? Was I in a coma?
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glad I'm not the only one who thinks Gruden is horrible. Mowins is awful, its the way she talks that is annoying not that she's a woman. Of course none of these compare to the worst of all time, Joe Morgan.

Game 1 Vikes - Saints was an abomination too. Gruden was a hot mess, and even suggested after an obvious facemask: "Well, we know it's a facemask, now we just wait to see if it's 5 or 15 yards for the penalty"

REALLY DUDE? REALLY? What year is it? Was I in a coma?
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Kim Jones interviewing Brian Baldinger on WFAN was the worst radio i've ever heard. She kept referring to him as "baldy" -- I guess that's his nickname. But it just sounded so, so dumb. It was comical for the first 5 minutes, and then the 25th time she said "baldy" i had to turn it off. It's not that she's a woman. It's not. It's the voice and the use of baldy that got me. So I know what you guys mean when you say Mowins is unlistenable.
I actually thought Mowins did a decent job, considering ESPN saddled her with Rexie and Sergio. I think she has improved. Let's face it, if you heard Gus Johnson doing soccer play by play and still thought she was the worst ever, than you have no earthly idea of what you're talking about. Oh yeah, don't forget John Sterling and Pam Ward either. Ugh.
Mowins is a rockstar compared to that sideline reporter. You just know the liberal brass at ESPN was frothing at the idea of an English as a second language sideline reporter male. Only problem he is horrible.

No wonder ESPN has lost tons of value.
Mowins is a rockstar compared to that sideline reporter. You just know the liberal brass at ESPN was frothing at the idea of an English as a second language sideline reporter male. Only problem he is horrible.

No wonder ESPN has lost tons of value.

Cali, while I've laughed at the video too, can you not think of one reason why ESPN included this guy on its telecast other than "liberal frothing"?
This was/is a big opportunity for Mowins and she is probably more prepared for this than anything else she has ever done. Lets see what happens for the 4th and 5th games. Some people just don't like her fake "announcer" voice.. it doesn't matter what she says but the way she says it.

I would say it is more of a case of some people don't want a woman calling a football game. Any woman.
I would say it is more of a case of some people don't want a woman calling a football game. Any woman.
I think we'd have to see more women doing it in order to tell if that's the case. There are plenty of guys people don't like too.. I'm looking at you, Al Michaels.
I'm actually OK with Mowens. She is a professional and is prepared. Watching Rex Ryan fidgeting with his hands in his pockets during the pre-game was uncomfortable to watch. Mowens was the best of that crew.
Maybe because the NFL is doing it's best to reach into the Mexico market, and ESPN therefore will do their best to follow suit with their coverage?

I'm not denying the guy was awful.

Isn't there a Spanish language broadcast? If so your point is that a Spanish speaking audience would tune into an English language broadcast to watch a Spanish speaking sideline reporter do a hack job in English??? Like the poor wife in "No Country for Old Men" says " that makes no sense."