Maybe because the NFL is doing it's best to reach into the Mexico market, and ESPN therefore will do their best to follow suit with their coverage?

I'm not denying the guy was awful.

I have wondered about this. To me it seems like the NFL is more hellbent on developing the European market while overlooking the obvious expansion potential in Mexico. We had NFL Europe and all the games in London, but precious few games in Mexico. Mexico makes more sense to me in terms of time zones and fan interest. There is actually collegiate football in Mexico, and although I don't know for sure, I doubt American football exists as a University sport in any European country. I don't know, maybe the financials don't line up properly for Mexican expansion, but the fan interest is there. And the logistics would certainly be more favorable than they are for Europe.
Never had an issue with the content of what Mowins says... it's the heavily affected "broadcaster voice" that irritates me. No idea how her own real voice could be so bad that the affectation would be in any way better.