OT: Apologies for stirring people up!


Heisman Winner
Nov 20, 2001
Cherry Hill
I got lots of reactions to my posts about where high schoolers should go. given the pandemic I apologize for being so controversial. As I always try to say, the purpose of a board like this is to have friendly chatter about a topic that interests us all: Rutgers sports. We should always try to be united rather than divided. (That's one reason I no longer participate on the Current Events Board.) I do feel very strongly about the desirabiity of vaccination -despite today's news about J & J -- but I shouldn't have let it carry me away. Again, apologies!
I got lots of reactions to my posts about where high schoolers should go. given the pandemic I apologize for being so controversial. As I always try to say, the purpose of a board like this is to have friendly chatter about a topic that interests us all: Rutgers sports. We should always try to be united rather than divided. (That's one reason I no longer participate on the Current Events Board.) I do feel very strongly about the desirabiity of vaccination -despite today's news about J & J -- but I shouldn't have let it carry me away. Again, apologies!
Camdenlawprof, I believe all of us should not be so thin skinned. What you said was not so controversial that you need to apologize. We all have our own ideas on what is best for Rutgers sports, The State of NJ, and our country and None of us should be afraid or ashamed to test our ideas in the marketplace of opinions. I no longer post on the CE board because I have some high ideals of what "freedom of speech" means and do not want to pay to have my posts censored by the mods. F that! It is sad that we now live in a country where the media are now telling public officials that they have to adhere to the official narrative spun by the MSM as it did with the minnesota police chief for using the term "RIOT" .
Dang it...I missed a “saucy” thread?!? Those are usually the best! I can’t entertain myself with CE gold (since it is squarely behind a pay wall) so the few that survive out here are must-read events! 😎
I got lots of reactions to my posts about where high schoolers should go. given the pandemic I apologize for being so controversial. As I always try to say, the purpose of a board like this is to have friendly chatter about a topic that interests us all: Rutgers sports. We should always try to be united rather than divided. (That's one reason I no longer participate on the Current Events Board.) I do feel very strongly about the desirabiity of vaccination -despite today's news about J & J -- but I shouldn't have let it carry me away. Again, apologies!
Reason #1000 why we love this guy.👍
Camdenlawprof, I believe all of us should not be so thin skinned. What you said was not so controversial that you need to apologize. We all have our own ideas on what is best for Rutgers sports, The State of NJ, and our country and None of us should be afraid or ashamed to test our ideas in the marketplace of opinions. I no longer post on the CE board because I have some high ideals of what "freedom of speech" means and do not want to pay to have my posts censored by the mods. F that! It is sad that we now live in a country where the media are now telling public officials that they have to adhere to the official narrative spun by the MSM as it did with the minnesota police chief for using the term "RIOT" .

I appreciate your support. But I must tell you in all honesty that you are the prime example of the kind of poster I try *not* to be!
I appreciate your support. But I must tell you in all honesty that you are the prime example of the kind of poster I try *not* to be!
Obviously you don’t appreciate my support or the concept of “freedom of speech”. Wow! You must of been some law professor! At the first sign of pushback or controversy you are writing apologies instead of defending your post, Then attack the person who is defending your right to say it. America today, so woke we are morally broke!
Obviously you don’t appreciate my support or the concept of “freedom of speech”. Wow! You must of been some law professor! At the first sign of pushback or controversy you are writing apologies instead of defending your post, Then attack the person who is defending your right to say it. America today, so woke we are morally broke!
There is a concept of free speech that I support vigorously. There is also a concept called manners, and your posts show you've never heard of it -- you insult people constantly. There is also a concept called "supporting your position with evidence," and you haven't heard of that one either (e.g. your blowing the Zerohedge item up into being a big thing.) There is also a concept called humility, but you seem sure that you, and only you, possess knowledge. These forums are for discussion, and your posts show that you are unable to discuss: rather, you just yell all the time, thinking that yelling makes you right. Don't lecture *me* about free speech: you don't understand what the purposes are of speech. Over and out.
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Actually, he is not defending his post but realizing that not everyone without the same opinion is not his enemy and it may not have been the right place toit so strongly.
If more people could stop and think more like that, this would be a much better world.
we all need to take a lesson from him. Left, right, in the middle.
I appreciate your support. But I must tell you in all honesty that you are the prime example of the kind of poster I try *not* to be!
And he says that with all due respect!
I appreciate your support. But I must tell you in all honesty that you are the prime example of the kind of poster I try *not* to
There is a concept of free speech that I support vigorously. There is also a concept called manners, and your posts show you've never heard of it -- you insult people constantly. There is also a concept called "supporting your position with evidence," and you haven't heard of that one either (e.g. your blowing the Zerohedge item up into being a big thing.) There is also a concept called humility, but you seem sure that you, and only you, possess knowledge. These forums are for discussion, and your posts show that you are unable to discuss: rather, you just yell all the time, thinking that yelling makes you right. Don't lecture *me* about free speech: you don't understand what the purposes are of speech. Over and out.

Way to demonstrate how to “unite rather than divide” like you claim in your OP.
There is a concept of free speech that I support vigorously. There is also a concept called manners, and your posts show you've never heard of it -- you insult people constantly. There is also a concept called "supporting your position with evidence," and you haven't heard of that one either (e.g. your blowing the Zerohedge item up into being a big thing.) There is also a concept called humility, but you seem sure that you, and only you, possess knowledge. These forums are for discussion, and your posts show that you are unable to discuss: rather, you just yell all the time, thinking that yelling makes you right. Don't lecture *me* about free speech: you don't understand what the purposes are of speech. Over and out.
To be fair, and I’m not supporting brother here but you didn’t show much manners or humility when you were saying people who chose southern schools must be dumb and can’t use a “browser” to see that Rutgers is open in the fall. Additionally, you didn’t support your position with evidence when I asked you twice to show where it said Rutgers would be open, fully open, in the fall.
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Looks like Scarlet16E is a troublemaker !!!—-Ok, which is better Moonpies, Scooter Pies, or Devil Dogs ?
I got lots of reactions to my posts about where high schoolers should go. given the pandemic I apologize for being so controversial. As I always try to say, the purpose of a board like this is to have friendly chatter about a topic that interests us all: Rutgers sports. We should always try to be united rather than divided. (That's one reason I no longer participate on the Current Events Board.) I do feel very strongly about the desirabiity of vaccination -despite today's news about J & J -- but I shouldn't have let it carry me away. Again, apologies!
I have zero idea of what you’re referring to here. And in my years on this board, or the CE board, have never seen you write anything that even approaches crossing a line into a “should apologize” territory.

Nonetheless, out of my desire to be agreeable, and a force for unification over division, I accept your apology. 😀
Always go by the rule it’s ok to disagree but not to be disagreeable
I agreeably disagree with that rule.

My personal rule is to treat everyone exactly how they treat others. I converse genially with the genial, caustically with the caustic, aggressively with the aggressive, arrogantly with the arrogant, merrily with the merry, trollingly with the trolls, etc. And my personal favorite is bullying the bullies.

Turns out that the caustic, aggressive, arrogant, and bullying often don’t like my approach. I realize that my approach leads to a lot of ironic posts. 😀
Whether you are in the Republican, Democrat or Birthday party, can we at least all agree Corn Candy is neither corn nor candy ???!!!
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There is a concept of free speech that I support vigorously. There is also a concept called manners, and your posts show you've never heard of it -- you insult people constantly. There is also a concept called "supporting your position with evidence," and you haven't heard of that one either (e.g. your blowing the Zerohedge item up into being a big thing.) There is also a concept called humility, but you seem sure that you, and only you, possess knowledge. These forums are for discussion, and your posts show that you are unable to discuss: rather, you just yell all the time, thinking that yelling makes you right. Don't lecture *me* about free speech: you don't understand what the purposes are of speech. Over and out.
Sure Camdenlawprof, you write a post and then remove it in quick order and then you apologize for your non controversial post by writing an apology above. Then to show how principled you are, when I am defending your original post, you come out and attack me. For the record I did not call you names, did not attack your original or even your lame apology. Lets just say there is nothing any of us is going to say on any of these boards that is so controversial that It will end up in the news. In anycase, my lesson has been learned, We are no longer allowed to defend a persons right to freedom of speech without being attacked just like the minnesota police chief was for using the word "Riot", which is most certainly what is going on in Minnesota right now. To call it anything but a riot is to deny truth and that is something no one should be an accomplice to!
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Sure Camdenlawprof, you write a post and then remove it in quick order and then you apologize for your non controversial post by writing an apology above. Then to show how principled you are, when I am defending your original post, you come out and attack me. For the record I did not call you names, did not attack your original or even your lame apology. Lets just say there is nothing any of us is going to say on any of these boards that is so controversial that It will end up in the news. In anycase, my lesson has been learned, We are no longer allowed to defend a persons right to freedom of speech without being attacked just like the minnesota police chief was for using the word "Riot", which is most certainly what is going on in Minnesota right now. To call it anything but a riot is to deny truth and that is something no one should be an accomplice to!
Define "truth" in a universally acceptable way that 100% of people will agree upon. Good luck.

Camden didn't attack you. You wrote a post "defending" his original post by saying, in essence, that he should be more like you. He pointed out that he would prefer to be less like you in his posting. That's not an attack so much as his opinion about the type of forum poster he wishes to be. You seem to be offended that he isn't thanking you for telling him to be more like you.

He wouldn't want to post like me, either, much of the time. Because I'm perfectly happy to childishly engage in conversation at whatever level any other poster has initiated with me, no matter how ugly, lame or dumb. And he doesn't want to do that (he's less immature than me, or you). I would never suggest that he adopt my approach to posting instead of his own (which is what you did).

You keep bringing up freedom. But freedom comes with the responsibility to exercise it in ways that do not cause material harm to others. And in internet forums, at least those not run by a government agency, the definition of "harm" is subject to the rules and opinions of each forum's management; not the US constitution.

For you in particular, the key point here is that the definition of harm most certainly does not come from forum members who are effectively guests of the forum owners. There is no implied or expressed right to "free speech" here. You have the right to the speech deemed acceptable by the forum owner. We're free to stay or go, but we need to play by the rules of the house.

Camden understands all this intuitively and has surely never (or at least extremely rarely) been banned from posting in any internet forum. Because he's socially responsible and moderate and rule-abiding in his posting. Whereas you've been banned from multiple forums multiple times and continue to exhibit a lack of understanding about why you're getting those bans.

Given the difference in the two approaches, can you really blame him for not wanting to emulate the posting behavior of someone who gets banned so much?
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Another thing we can all agree on, we will never see those jerseys where you couldn’t read the numbers again.
I can't agree that we'll never see them again. But I can agree that I sure hope we never see them again. Those were awful. I lack all understanding of how professionals (those on the RU side and those on the vendor side) could have failed to recognize the obvious problem with non-contrasting colors.
Camden, you couldn’t come on here these days and say Devil Dogs are better than Scooter Pies without somebody bringing it into the political gutter.
Typical of you and your ilk to leave out Funny Bones. How dare you?!