Since we had so much fun (or at least I did) with my last set of rules trivia questions, here are a few more. They all branch off this one situation:
- Bottom of the ninth, tie score, home team batting, winning run on third, one out.
- Batter hits fly to the outfield, who makes the catch for the second out.
- Runner takes off for home, outfielder fires it home.
- It's gonna be close! Holy Cow, I think he's gonna make it!
Catcher loses the ball while making the tag, and it rolls a few feet away. Runner misses the plate while attempting to avoid the tag, Umpire correctly makes no call, and the play remains live.
However, the runner does not realize he has missed the plate. He jubilantly dashes to his dugout to celebrate with his teammates.
The catcher, who does realize what is going on, retrieves the ball and tries to find the runner to make the tag, but he is indistinguishable from his celebrating teammates.
What's the call?
Same as 1, except that the catcher is also unaware that the runner has missed the plate. So while the runner is celebrating with his teammates, the catcher is trudging back to his dugout.
What's the call?
SCENARIO 3: (My favorite, even though realistically it would never happen):
Both the catcher and the runner are aware that the runner has missed the plate. The catcher retrieves the ball, and the runner tries to avoid him and touch the plate. The runner does succeed in avoiding the catcher; however, he again misses the plate. He now finds himself back on the third base baseline, with the catcher right behind him ready to tag him out. The runner quickly decides that his only chance is to dash back to third. Which he does successfully. The ball is returned to the pitcher, and the next hitter approaches the plate.
What's the call?
Have fun!