OT: Cannabis sales opening up in NJ


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Ocean City NJ via South Brunswick and Denville
Not sure how accurate this article is but it seems to me that its still going to be cheaper to buy from the guy down the street, especially when you add in the state sales tax. NJ screwed up royally if true.

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We had "guys down the street" where I grew up in Elizabeth. But, not so much here in Lincroft. (Or, not to my knowledge at least.)

So I'll be patronizing a "dispensary" if I decide to try pot again for the 1st time in 25 years.

Have all of the other states where pot is legally sold "screwed up" up as well? Or just New Jersey?
We had "guys down the street" where I grew up in Elizabeth. But, not so much here in Lincroft. (Or, not to my knowledge at least.)

So I'll be patronizing a "dispensary" if I decide to try pot again for the 1st time in 25 years.

Have all of the other states where pot is legally sold "screwed up" up as well? Or just New Jersey?
They’re in Lincroft too.
BTW…Almost Home in Lincroft has delicious breakfast…have you been?
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$60 an eighth plus tax isn't terrible, considering there is some level of quality control
Depending on the dispensaries, the prices are difference, been looking them up. All the other states are higher than the black market. I rather go to the dispensary and pay extra and know what you’re getting.

I’ve been looking at the different names and looking up the quality of the highs to get the most bang for the buck. I don’t think you can do that with a dealer. I don’t see chocolate edibles available in the NJ dispensaries.
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We had "guys down the street" where I grew up in Elizabeth. But, not so much here in Lincroft. (Or, not to my knowledge at least.)

So I'll be patronizing a "dispensary" if I decide to try pot again for the 1st time in 25 years.

Have all of the other states where pot is legally sold "screwed up" up as well? Or just New Jersey?
i had a boss who was looking for some weed , but didn't have a connect, so he ended up buying an ounce from one of his son's friends
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Depending on the dispensaries, the prices are difference, been looking them up. All the other states are higher than the black market. I rather go to the dispensary and pay extra and know what you’re getting.

I’ve been looking at the different names and looking up the quality of the highs to get the most bang for the buck. I don’t think you can do that with a dealer. I don’t see chocolate edibles available in the NJ dispensaries.
No edibles yet
Maybe we should start a "what are you smoking tonight?" thread to go with the what are you drinking tonight thread

Have seen plenty of opinions based on "studies" that pot is less dangerous than alcohol, but I remain very skeptical. Inhaling and holding smoke into the lungs is not detrimental to the lungs? To each their own. I don't drink, don't smoke, just like the song Goody Two Shoes.
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Have seen plenty of opinions based on "studies" that pot is less dangerous than marijuana, but I remain very skeptical. Inhaling and holding smoke into the lungs is not detrimental to the lungs? To each their own. I don't drink, don't smoke, just like the song Goody Two Shoes.
Not everyone inhales.


You might get a contact high at that concert in Queens… lol
I had read a story of pot that had traces of fentanyl because the dealer had used the fentanyl when preparing heroin and did not clean the table when he prepared the weed.

If I smoked I would pay the extra.
Exactly this. I usually get mine from a friend with a prescription, but I occasionally buy from a neighbor and I’m always a little wary.
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Not everyone inhales.


You might get a contact high at that concert in Queens… lol
I wear gas masks to concerts. 🤖
Appropriately, the music of that day is deemed "Stoner Rock." I'm hard-headed, but so not a stoner. Never been, never will be.

After @yesrutgers01 rave review of the parking situation, definitely not driving. Not sure I want to bother schlepping the train/subway/uber either. What a stupid place to have a show.

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Have seen plenty of opinions based on "studies" that pot is less dangerous than marijuana, but I remain very skeptical. Inhaling and holding smoke into the lungs is not detrimental to the lungs? To each their own. I don't drink, don't smoke, just like the song Goody Two Shoes.
"Pot is less dangerous than marijuana ? "

Are you SURE you don't smoke lol.
I wear gas masks to concerts. 🤖
Appropriately, the music of that day is deemed "Stoner Rock." I'm hard-headed, but so not a stoner. Never been, never will be.

After @yesrutgers01 rave review of the parking situation, definitely not driving. Not sure I want to bother schlepping the train/subway/uber either. What a stupid place to have a show.

You haven’t walked the streets of midtown yet. I get high just walking two blocks lol
Of course the prices are going to be higher than the black market!!!

that’s the way it works in EVERY situation where’s both a legal and illegal market for something

that is the very reason a black market exists. Why would someone EVER buy ANYTHING from a guy on the corner if it wasn’t cheaper than the legit store?!?!

I don’t smoke. Partly because I’m afraid of what’s in the stuff. However, I might strongly consider buying from a legit place as I assume I can be assured that the stuff will be SAFE. I will gladly pay extra for that assurance
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Of course the prices are going to be higher than the black market!!!

that’s the way it works in EVERY situation where’s both a legal and illegal market for something

that is the very reason a black market exists. Why would someone EVER buy ANYTHING from a guy on the corner if it wasn’t cheaper than the legit store?!?!

I don’t smoke. Partly because I’m afraid of what’s in the stuff. However, I might strongly consider buying from a legit place as I assume I can be assured that the stuff will be SAFE. I will gladly pay extra for that assurance
The whole point of legalizing is to eliminate the black market and increase revenues.
The whole point of legalizing is to eliminate the black market and increase revenues.
The seems is that the use”no facts” has gone up quite a bit. My personal experience is that a good number of friends and family that did not partake previously, are asking their “partaking” friends and family, to give them a try

it almost seems like 50’s & 60’s tobacco
The whole point of legalizing is to eliminate the black market and increase revenues.
A friend visited Seattle last year and said that all of the street dealers there were put out of business by lower prices at the recreational dispensaries in Washington and Oregon.

There was so much oversupply with limited shelf space in those states that dispensaries were deeply discounting products across the board. Dealers could buy product from dispensaries at a lower price than the wholesale prices they had previously paid. Some products the dispensaries wanted to move were selling at 50% off and more.

Keep in mind that Wash and Oregon have huge harvesting options for the crop. Not sure what the supply side will look like in NJ, but it is clearly a supply and demand situation when it comes to prices.
Proponents of legalization used the "cut out the criminals/cartels" argument. When it was illegal, this created a great opportunity for organized crime to fill the void. Much like with alcohol during prohibition. Who buys alcohol from someone on the street corner? I'd hope that over time, the same will hold true for pot.

I'm amazed walking out of Penn Station at 7:30 on a Monday morning how strong the smell of pot is. I do worry that kids will now see that it is legal and more will end up using it. Bu time will tell.
Great. Legalizing an addictive and/or damaging substance to help boost the state's coffers. Plus the risk of escalating to more potent drug use...just what this state needs.

I hear ya - think the same thing when it comes to gambling (including Lotto).

but you also need to look at this realistically - people are going to do these things regardless of whether they are legal or not. so doesnt it make more sense to legalize, regulate and tax? I think so. I mean prohibition was an overwhelming success...right? alcohol is a drug and causes TONS OF SOCIETAL DAMAGE. so, should alcohol be made illegal too? or is it better to legalize, regulate and tax it?

...and dont get me started on medical cannabis. personally I think its completely criminal how the medicinal use of cannabis has been suppressed all this time while FAR MORE addictive medicinal opiates are distributed like candy by Big Pharma.
I hear ya - think the same thing when it comes to gambling (including Lotto).

but you also need to look at this realistically - people are going to do these things regardless of whether they are legal or not. so doesnt it make more sense to legalize, regulate and tax? I think so. I mean prohibition was an overwhelming success...right? alcohol is a drug and causes TONS OF SOCIETAL DAMAGE. so, should alcohol be made illegal too? or is it better to legalize, regulate and tax it?

...and dont get me started on medical cannabis. personally I think its completely criminal how the medicinal use of cannabis has been suppressed all this time while FAR MORE addictive medicinal opiates are distributed like candy by Big Pharma.
I hear you on that and very valid points. In one sense, regulation leads to pure product and limits the use of street weed which can be laced (leading to more addictions). But as someone here already mentioned, they will be more apt to try using it if it's legally bought. So more users mean more health issues.

Yes, just like alcohol.
Great. Legalizing an addictive and/or damaging substance to help boost the state's coffers. Plus the risk of escalating to more potent drug use...just what this state needs.
You do realize making it illegal hasn't stopped anyone from smoking don't you? I live in a friggin dry town, not even BYOB is allowed and I could get an ounce of weed this afternoon if I wanted from multiple sources. Just like gambling, its going to happen, may as well make some money off it.
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Very exciting time for NJ! So proud of our state.

Keep this thread going so people can see which dispensaries are open and if there's lines.

Anyone hear of places opening at midnight into Thursday?

I am especially curious if anyone has seen what's going on at some of the North Jersey locations (Elizabeth, Bloomfield, Maplewood)...unfortunately doesn't look like anything will be open in Hudson this week.
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We had "guys down the street" where I grew up in Elizabeth. But, not so much here in Lincroft. (Or, not to my knowledge at least.)

So I'll be patronizing a "dispensary" if I decide to try pot again for the 1st time in 25 years.

Have all of the other states where pot is legally sold "screwed up" up as well? Or just New Jersey?

Looks like there will be a dispensary in Neptune but not sure if it will be open this week. My guess is towns outside of Neptune, Asbury and Red Bank in that area tried to ban dispensaries...but interestingly they won't be turning down the revenue the state will odd