OT: Cannabis sales opening up in NJ

I've never had weed. But if someone I know offers me some I might try it now that it is legal. If it is legal it must be relatively safe. I don't know why so many people like to smoke it so much. It must have some benefit for there to be so many pot users. Most of you here have tried it?
A lot of the same things that I’d associate with tobacco cessation - headaches, agitation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, sweats, etc. Again, not saying it’s real hard stuff to contend with or that we should keep it illegal, but, at least in some people it definitely produces physical and measurable withdrawal symptoms.

Anyway, glad we’re finally seeing some legal sales. Given how much weed from Cali and Maine is here in the state, I’m glad we’ll actually be putting money back into our own communities and state.. although it’s still cheaper to buy better stuff that’s been sent here from Maine and Cali.
My issue with pot is smoking. I do not see how taking any type of smoke into your longs makes sense.
I would think edibles would be the best delivery system to get your buzz.
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My issue with pot is smoking. I do not see how taking any type of smoke into your longs makes sense.
I would think edibles would be the best delivery system to get your buzz.
Ever since covid tore up my throat I’ve had coughing fits every time I smoke unless I use a bong. Edibles are certainly easier, but the effect isn’t immediate like smoking, so a certain amount of planning is necessary. Also as of right now NJ is only allowing the altoid-like lozenges, not the fun edibles like candy, gummies, or baked goods.
I've never had weed. But if someone I know offers me some I might try it now that it is legal. If it is legal it must be relatively safe. I don't know why so many people like to smoke it so much. It must have some benefit for there to be so many pot users. Most of you here have tried it?
it has many benefits and no hangovers anymore.
My issue with pot is smoking. I do not see how taking any type of smoke into your longs makes sense.
I would think edibles would be the best delivery system to get your buzz.
also, unless you've experimented with what dosage from edibles gives you the buzz you're looking for, if you don't know what you're doing, you can get hit by a mack truck and just be way too stoned for your liking. and it takes a while to work its way thru. smoking gives you an opportunity to modulate a bit better while you figure out what works best for you.
Ever since covid tore up my throat I’ve had coughing fits every time I smoke unless I use a bong. Edibles are certainly easier, but the effect isn’t immediate like smoking, so a certain amount of planning is necessary. Also as of right now NJ is only allowing the altoid-like lozenges, not the fun edibles like candy, gummies, or baked goods.
I cannot use papers unless they are the RAW.

This is my preferred method. No coughing. No chemicals. You place the flower in the bottom.

I cannot touch edibles.
These days I’m using these bad boys since alcohol makes me nauseous as I get older..
Not sure if it’s in my head, but I feel more relaxed and they help me sleep.

Time stamp 1:51 for the people who never smoked but want to try edibles. BE SAFE LOL

When you eat pot it creates 11 hydroxy metabolite in your liver. It's 5 times more psychoactive than THC
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agree and disagree. my understanding is that marijuana is not physically addicting like other drugs (including alcohol). however, you cant convince me that marijuana is completely non-addictive. people who smoke everyday, "potheads", people who "wake and bake" are addicted to pot. I dont care what you tell me.

but again, I understand and agree that other drugs (including alcohol) are far more addictive.

By that token though, what of people that drink coffee everyday? Worse yet, someone that eats McDonalds everyday, or smokes a pack a day? Marijuana's effects are far less deleterious on society.
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Trust me it's addictive just like alcohol. Be in physical or mental there are many in help groups trying to break the habit.

Weird though how we don't spend billions then to jail people that consume tobacco or unhealthy food, you know things that actually kill people.
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Not really that odd.

They could be legitimately and unhypocritically opposed to it and still, if they fail in their opposition to it, accept revenue from it. Because there's a valid argument to make that the outcome of both things benefits their citizens.

Whereas turning away the revenue would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

Yes, odd was sarcastic. Hypocritical would be a better word.

We're not at the point where a dispensary is considered similarly to a liquor store...yet.
I would say yes it has. Even on a small scale at the most. In fact one person on this very thread indicated he would be more apt to try weed if it were regulated. He can't be the only person in NJ thinking that. Either way, legalizing is approving the use of said foreign substance, which can be addicting AND/OR damaging to the body. Disclaimer to all: please note the bolded AND/OR.

If you read what the CDC says about marijuana addiction, they cite studies 10-30% can develop dependence. So there's that. Plus the potential escalation of weed users to addictive and more powerful substances, should they choose to or be persuaded by their pot smoking peers.

See above. And I will add you and Rhouse failed to to comprehend the "addictive AND/OR damaging" part. You are kinda correct about "my body, my choice". But you are incorrect on the assumption how I treat my body. My choice yesterday was 65 minutes of moderate cardio. Today my choice will be spinning for 30 minutes on my road bike followed by a resistance training circuit. My choice tomorrow will be intense, trail, hill workouts. The day after that will be another recovery workout, but I will take the Mrs. out for dinner and a couple drinks afterwards. If you think I'm BSing you, feel free to join my during any of "my body, my choice" decisions...except the dinner thing with the Mrs.

What is the "develop dependence" rate for...

Fried food

We don't ban those things. We don't jail their users. We place limited restriction (the kind in this law) on only some of them.

If we're going to start banning anything mildly addictive, maybe we need to cap how many times a week people go to Starbucks? Of course that's ridiculous but Starbucks was never subject to "Reefer Madness" propaganda.

Colorado, the first state to legalize weed, is consistently ranked as the healthiest state in America. And states at the bottom are those in the Deep South where tobacco and fried food dominate.
By that token though, what of people that drink coffee everyday? Worse yet, someone that eats McDonalds everyday, or smokes a pack a day? Marijuana's effects are far less deleterious on society.

while I certainly agree about McDonalds (as an example of the obesity epidemic) and smoking, I am not sure about coffee. what societal ills are caused by coffee? I can only think of god things - eg., increased productivity and clearing the ole pipes ;)
A lot of the same things that I’d associate with tobacco cessation - headaches, agitation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, sweats, etc. Again, not saying it’s real hard stuff to contend with or that we should keep it illegal, but, at least in some people it definitely produces physical and measurable withdrawal symptoms.

Anyway, glad we’re finally seeing some legal sales. Given how much weed from Cali and Maine is here in the state, I’m glad we’ll actually be putting money back into our own communities and state.. although it’s still cheaper to buy better stuff that’s been sent here from Maine and Cali.
As i said above, I stopped with the ganja for at least a year or two on several occasions, during relationships where the woman didn't much care for the stuff. I had none of the symptoms you mention.
On the other hand I quit smoking tobacco twice. The first time was a failure.....too much stress at the time. The second time...over twenty years ago.... was a success...albeit a very difficult struggle.
Quitting tobacco cigarettes and quitting ganja were not in the same universe.
As I said, quitting Ben and Jerry's was tougher than quitting herb.
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Some of you are showing your age thinking people Are just sitting around watching MTV and eating Doritos while high. I would bet most of the time no one would even know I smoked. Micro dosing is key
Micro dosing. Is that like ABD - Always Be Dosing? 😀
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I am very pro-legalization, and I feel basically all drug use should be decriminalized. However, my hot take on weed is that as it has become more commonplace, those who partake are far too willing to smoke around others in public. In NYC, you smell weed over cigarettes at like a 10-1 ratio. Weed smells awful, and I hope it swings back to people being considerate that its stench is bothersome. Similar to how cigarette smoking areas are easily avoidable to non-smokers.
I am very pro-legalization, and I feel basically all drug use should be decriminalized. However, my hot take on weed is that as it has become more commonplace, those who partake are far too willing to smoke around others in public. In NYC, you smell weed over cigarettes at like a 10-1 ratio. Weed smells awful, and I hope it swings back to people being considerate that its stench is bothersome. Similar to how cigarette smoking areas are easily avoidable to non-smokers.
That's funny. I always enjoy the smell of people smoking ganja.
Lol what a clown. Go smoke a blunt.. relax.
Here we go with the name calling. In case you havent noticed, there's an ongoing drug problem here, nationally and globally. Oh, and a pretty unhealthy society as well. Judges are typically classier and smarter than how you are projecting yourself.
What is the "develop dependence" rate for...

Fried food

We don't ban those things. We don't jail their users. We place limited restriction (the kind in this law) on only some of them.

If we're going to start banning anything mildly addictive, maybe we need to cap how many times a week people go to Starbucks? Of course that's ridiculous but Starbucks was never subject to "Reefer Madness" propaganda.

Colorado, the first state to legalize weed, is consistently ranked as the healthiest state in America. And states at the bottom are those in the Deep South where tobacco and fried food dominate.
Good point on the dependence rates and I dont know the answer. But adding another damaging vice to the arsenal, just because "we dont ban those things", is piss poor rationale. And marijuana didnt make Colorado a healthy state, weren't they always healthy?
Here we go with the name calling. In case you havent noticed, there's an ongoing drug problem here, nationally and globally. Oh, and a pretty unhealthy society as well. Judges are typically classier and smarter than how you are projecting yourself.

Good point on the dependence rates and I dont know the answer. But adding another damaging vice to the arsenal, just because "we dont ban those things", is piss poor rationale. And marijuana didnt make Colorado a healthy state, weren't they always healthy?
There's also an ongoing incarceration problem. The war on drugs is an epic failure and will always be so.
How about you mind your own business and let others live their lives as they see fit.
I cannot use papers unless they are the RAW.

This is my preferred method. No coughing. No chemicals. You place the flower in the bottom.

I cannot touch edibles.
These days I’m using these bad boys since alcohol makes me nauseous as I get older..
Not sure if it’s in my head, but I feel more relaxed and they help me sleep.

Time stamp 1:51 for the people who never smoked but want to try edibles. BE SAFE LOL

When you eat pot it creates 11 hydroxy metabolite in your liver. It's 5 times more psychoactive than THC
CBD has done wonders for my joint inflammation. I even have my 72/78 year old parents drinking CBD tea.
also, unless you've experimented with what dosage from edibles gives you the buzz you're looking for, if you don't know what you're doing, you can get hit by a mack truck and just be way too stoned for your liking. and it takes a while to work its way thru. smoking gives you an opportunity to modulate a bit better while you figure out what works best for you.
Does it cause lung issues?
What is the "develop dependence" rate for...

Fried food

We don't ban those things. We don't jail their users. We place limited restriction (the kind in this law) on only some of them.

If we're going to start banning anything mildly addictive, maybe we need to cap how many times a week people go to Starbucks? Of course that's ridiculous but Starbucks was never subject to "Reefer Madness" propaganda.

Colorado, the first state to legalize weed, is consistently ranked as the healthiest state in America. And states at the bottom are those in the Deep South where tobacco and fried food dominate.
You seem to have forgotten "sheep photography" on your list of things for which people commonly develop a dependence.
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The rankings of grossness are:

1. Cigar Smoke
2. Weed
3. Cigarettes
Distant 4th & 5th - Black and Milds & Vapes. They smell delicious.
I'd reorder that list of grossness to:

1. Cigarettes.

I have no problem with cigar or pipe smoke, or with the smell of weed. Cigarettes are incredibly foul smelling and disgusting. And kissing someone who has been smoking cigarettes is just super nasty. They get a weird furred tongue thing going on. Ew.
As i said above, I stopped with the ganja for at least a year or two on several occasions, during relationships where the woman didn't much care for the stuff. I had none of the symptoms you mention.
On the other hand I quit smoking tobacco twice. The first time was a failure.....too much stress at the time. The second time...over twenty years ago.... was a success...albeit a very difficult struggle.
Quitting tobacco cigarettes and quitting ganja were not in the same universe.
As I said, quitting Ben and Jerry's was tougher than quitting herb.
No question in my mind that kbee3 is the senior stoner on this board. Congratulations, I think. 😀

Will be interesting to see if street prices from kbee3’s dealer are affected by the opening of recreational dispensaries.
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No question in my mind that kbee3 is the senior stoner on this board. Congratulations, I think. 😀

Are edibles legal now also?

When somebody visits the Elizabeth shop, report back!!
There's also an ongoing incarceration problem. The war on drugs is an epic failure and will always be so.
How about you mind your own business and let others live their lives as they see fit.
Lol..thanks dad. It's a discussion board, so I will discuss and have my own opinions. I see what happens every day at work when people abuse their bodies. If I had a few nickels for every story I hear from patients wishing they had treated their body better before their incidents, I could buy a few dime bags of legalized weed.
Lol..thanks dad. It's a discussion board, so I will discuss and have my own opinions. I see what happens every day at work when people abuse their bodies. If I had a few nickels for every story I hear from patients wishing they had treated their body better before their incidents, I could buy a few dime bags of legalized weed.
"If I had a few nickels for every story I hear from patients"
You'd stay stonedf 😁
A nickel bag has just enough space for about a quarter gram of weed
My issue with pot is smoking. I do not see how taking any type of smoke into your longs makes sense.
I would think edibles would be the best delivery system to get your buzz.
Vaping is the best.

Super convenient. Much healthier than smoking. No smell.

Idk why people even bother with smoking.

They should do more to promote vaping to help reduce the public smell.

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