Bottled water is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the first world. A completely unnecessary product, costing 1000x more (or more than that) than the almost free water that is available from the faucet. I get it for 3rd world countries where the water supply is iffy or for when on the go, but other than that it's a waste. Most bottled water comes out of processing factories, not from little gnomes filling bottles from secret mountain streams - and, in fact, water quality from the tap is regulated more tightly than bottled water, so the purity selling angle is a myth. Bottled water is also absolute proof of the incredible power of advertising, creating a need where there was not one and capitalizing on it. Handsomely. I'm amazed people fall for this crap.
Agreed. Another sham: "organic" this and that. Just another way to squeeze more money out of naive consumers.