OT: Craig Carton Arrested (of Boomer and Carton)

I'm with you on this for the most part, but what a wasted opportunity since he was making tons of money doing the show and had entree to virtually any sporting event he wanted. About three years ago, though, a friend of mine with whom I frequently speak and who was the GM of a popular restaurant in the West Village, asked me if I knew of a person named Craig Carton. I said I did, and that he's a sports radio and TV commentator who has a big following. She told me they had thrown him out of the restaurant the night before because he was being such a dick to the wait staff. That shocked me. When she and the chef approached him and told him to leave, he started yelling at them things like, "Do you know who I am?!" and "I can ruin your reputation!" That shocked me even more and changed my opinion about him, though his show could still be entertaining. That's done for good if the charges are true.

The people I feel the worst for in this mess are his wife and kids, and Boomer. One day you have a successful sports program, the next day you're scrambling to answer questions and figure out what to do next. And without the show, Carton and his wife may have to file for bankruptcy to alleviate the debts. Such a waste for someone who had so much.

I read on one of those "how much are they worth websites" that he only gets paid $250K a year for the radio show. Good money, but not "live in a fancy NY apartment, raise 4 kids at private schools, go out to eat every night, and have a stay at home wife" kind of money. He was always talking about the next business venture he was trying to start, etc. It's a shame if he was pulling the "do you know who I am schtick" at your friend's restaurant. He's worn out his welcome no doubt.
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You sure you would want Kim knowing she is a PSU grad? BTW, so is Yankee reporter Sweeny Murti. :>)
A PSU and Met Fan? uhg, but seriously, I always thought she was fair, and always enjoyed her,
I didn't think she was boring, and she and Carl Banks always worked well together.
But you'd figure that when he was $100K in the hole and struggling to pay (even with his huge income), he'd stop. And if he doesn't stop at $100K, then he's stop at $200K, or $500K. I don't understand how someone in his position can get to $3MM without realizing that he has a problem and needs to get help.

it's called addiction. there is no logic once the addiction takes over.
I read on one of those "how much are they worth websites" that he only gets paid $250K a year for the radio show. Good money, but not "live in a fancy NY apartment, raise 4 kids at private schools, go out to eat every night, and have a stay at home wife" kind of money. He was always talking about the next business venture he was trying to start, etc. It's a shame if he was pulling the "do you know who I am schtick" at your friend's restaurant. He's worn out his welcome no doubt.
I wonder if he gambled the torettes money.
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I read on one of those "how much are they worth websites" that he only gets paid $250K a year for the radio show. Good money, but not "live in a fancy NY apartment, raise 4 kids at private schools, go out to eat every night, and have a stay at home wife" kind of money. He was always talking about the next business venture he was trying to start, etc. It's a shame if he was pulling the "do you know who I am schtick" at your friend's restaurant. He's worn out his welcome no doubt.

thought he was making 500k from the show? plus he had some stuff on MSG network at night for a time period. These guys in media always have several ventures, so I doubt the radio show was his only income.
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But you'd figure that when he was $100K in the hole and struggling to pay (even with his huge income), he'd stop. And if he doesn't stop at $100K, then he's stop at $200K, or $500K. I don't understand how someone in his position can get to $3MM without realizing that he has a problem and needs to get help.
It wasn't a problem, because he found a way to use other people's money to fund it
US Attorneys office pursuing criminal charges, and there is an SEC complaint seeking full disgorgement of funds plus interest and penalties. He is done.
Fatso said that he can't talk about it and people are free to read the statement from the station. In my humble opinion he sounded like he would love to talk about it, and also, I think he would destroy Carton, as I don't think the two of them have ever gotten along very well. Let's just hope he has a retired by the time he can talk about it because is much is I can't stand him, either, I would love to hear what he has to say!
L-l-l-l-l-lock him up!

All jokes aside, it is sorta sad. Guy can be a pompous ass, but always came across as a really good family man/dad and did a lot of good charity work.
Didn't he cheat on his wife?
Fatso said that he can't talk about it and people are free to read the statement from the station. In my humble opinion he sounded like he would love to talk about it, and also, I think he would destroy Carton, as I don't think the two of them have ever gotten along very well. Let's just hope he has a retired by the time he can talk about it because is much is I can't stand him, either, I would love to hear what he has to say!
Oh don't worry about that- he will find a way to talk about it plenty either pre- or post-retirement. Interesting potential scenario: some never believed he was going to retire and it was all about money. Does he try to be the guy in the white hat (while holding up the station for boatloads of money) and change his mind about retirement since their morning show is toast now?
I read on one of those "how much are they worth websites" that he only gets paid $250K a year for the radio show. Good money, but not "live in a fancy NY apartment, raise 4 kids at private schools, go out to eat every night, and have a stay at home wife" kind of money. He was always talking about the next business venture he was trying to start, etc. It's a shame if he was pulling the "do you know who I am schtick" at your friend's restaurant. He's worn out his welcome no doubt.

Wow, Francesa makes ~$4 million per year and Carton only makes $250K? No wonder he hates Mike.
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Not a chance guy ... Carton didn't bottom out or anything. He conspired and stole millions from people - that's called being a scumbag criminal

of course he didn't bottom out - he's still active in the addiction.
The first arrests in this case happened nearly a year ago. I thought this whole ticket scam sounded familiar. They arrested Joe Meli last year and the guy is singing. Meli is a bad guy. Got his mom jammed up in the Ponzi scheme. This guy pitched his idea to a couple of old clients of mine. They laughed him out of their office. Surprised at some of the smart money names caught up in this. Och Ziff, Paul Tudor Jones.. They are not going to take too kindly of falling victim to this.
The first arrests in this case happened nearly a year ago. I thought this whole ticket scam sounded familiar. They arrested Joe Meli last year and the guy is singing. Meli is a bad guy. Got his mom jammed up in the Ponzi scheme. This guy pitched his idea to a couple of old clients of mine. They laughed him out of their office. Surprised at some of the smart money names caught up in this. Och Ziff, Paul Tudor Jones.. They are not going to take too kindly of falling victim to this.

Here's all the gory details.
My Lord some guy just called Francess "classy ..,you've always been classy"

Yes, I know, this thread is an about him...
WFAN should pay their people more so they don't get into financial trouble.

It seems like the only one that gets paid well is Mike.
WFAN should pay their people more so they don't get into financial trouble.

It seems like the only one that gets paid well is Mike.
Wouldn't matter how you paid him. He would have gambled it all away. He didn't gamble to make money he gambled because his personality is thrill seeking and power hungry. It's part of the sickness. The thrill of having the bet on whatever you are betting on and watching to see if you win. Not defending him. It's just what it is.

Thanks for posting. I read the whole thing. It is entirely plausible that he was being duped by Meli, until you get to Paragraph 48. Paragraphs 48-61 are going to send him to federal prison. Not a good guy, not justifiable -- just run of the mill you are a criminal, you stole money and now you need to go to prison. 3 years I'd guess when its all said and done.

He will say he was tricked on the Meli stuff those counts seem thin as to Carton's knowledge and involvement. They never show that he knew Meli was faking the docs. Additionally, he will say he was unsophisticated, and did not realize he couldnt pay down his own debts if he intended to invest.

The main thing that stands out is how f*cked he knew he was, and how he had no plan at all for that inevitability. Once he realized it had hit the fan, he used his credit cards to try to buy whatever tickets he could, and then tried to sell them -- and failed miserably even at that. I think it does mitigate his character a little bit. He laid out every penny he could get his hands on of his own money to try to fix it -- but it was too little too late.
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As much as he talks about the betting and the lines, I'm shocked that he's that much in the hole, considering he knows what he's talking about.
May be he DOESN'T know what he's talking about as well as we all thought he did.
No way he only made $250K per year. No way.

I know no one, who bet on sports for an extended period, who didn't lose money. The vig kills you over time. Some have had lucky runs, built their confidence, only to get crushed over time. Look at last weeks RU game. People on here were positive that RU would cover (win) and that the game would go over (loss). I love RU this week but time has taught me not to bet on it. The house always wins in the long run. Carton was just too stupid to understand. He thought he knew more than the market. Sucker.
Wow, Francesa makes ~$4 million per year and Carton only makes $250K? No wonder he hates Mike.
I don't see Carton making that little. I would be surprised if, between the radio and TV shows, and some endorsements he does, he doesn't make north of $750k.
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