OT: Craig Carton Arrested (of Boomer and Carton)

WFAN should pay their people more so they don't get into financial trouble.

It seems like the only one that gets paid well is Mike.
I hope this is sarcasm and that you are not blaming the radio station for this flaming ****'s own actions. This is no one's fault but his own.
...The truly astounding thing -- in many of these schemes -- is how easily duped hedge funds are. They have no responsibility to safeguard their investments, and very frequently take risks that are totally unreasonable...
Which is so ironic given that the original, theoretical nature of hedge funds was/is to hedge against risk, not increase it.
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Which is so ironic given that the original, theoretical nature of hedge funds was/is to hedge against risk, not increase it.

True. I actually took that part out of my post, to make it less rambling. But yeah, the hedge funds are not accountable and they act like it. Could you imagine trying to talk your way around wire confirmation with any other investment house? Not in a million years. "Oh they are in a meeting? We will wait. If they want their money, they will get on the phone."

Its especially astounding now, because this general degree of not caring about safeguarding investors money led to the whole subprime mortgage collapse. Everybody knew it didn't work, but they just kept piling money in because they figured someone else would be left holding the bag.
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What's next for WFAN? Evan Roberts is a night prowler, and Beningo diddles kids?
Which is so ironic given that the original, theoretical nature of hedge funds was/is to hedge against risk, not increase it.

There are a very wide range of what are commonly called "hedge funds". Some have out performed, most have under performed. But the managers get paid very well. Many endowments have been cutting their exposure to hedge funds due to the expenses plus net under performance. Clearly, any fund dealing with Carton was run by someone who didn't know the first thing about investing.
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Hello Craig ... yeah its me, Karma .....
remember when you mocked Mary Jo Codey’s depression?
When you said on the air “Women who claim they suffer from this postpartum depression . . . must be crazy in the first place.”
or when you interviewed Jennifer Capriati - and then ambush-style began asking her about her body, and then whether she’d have sex with a woman, and then whether she’d engage in a threesome with you and another woman
or you decided to grandstand by trashing Hank Haney
and directly called Haney "the scum of the earth." during an interview with him on-air

.... yeah ... Karma remembers too ...
Corzine stupidly upped the NJ state pension exposure to hedge funds during his time in office. Trying to earn his way out of the huge pension hole and failing miserably at it. Then he left to bankrupt another investment firm before retiring.
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so if there was an arrest last year, Carton would know the jig is up, right ? he had to see this coming.
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Reading that whole list of charges made me intensely uncomfortable and stressed. Terrifying to be in that kind of position -- I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. He obviously knew his day of reckoning was coming. When Meli got pinched in Jan 2017 he started buying tickets like mad to cover tracks but far too little too late
I'm sure that this is what WFAN people are thinking. you can replace one loudmouth perspective with a different one. That's what WFAN audience responds to.
Boomer and Christie would be strong for the AM conservative talk radio market. WFAN might have to blackout their FM dial during their show though.
Corzine stupidly upped the NJ state pension exposure to hedge funds during his time in office. Trying to earn his way out of the huge pension hole and failing miserably at it. Then he left to bankrupt another investment firm before retiring.
Corzine upped the exposure mainly to reward his cronies that got him elected. Christie and his Lackey Brendan Byrne, oh I'm sorry he changed his name professionally, Tom Byrne increased the exposure. Not a fan of Corzine but Christie and Byrne had no reason to get to the levels they are at now.
No way he only made $250K per year. No way.

I know no one, who bet on sports for an extended period, who didn't lose money. The vig kills you over time. Some have had lucky runs, built their confidence, only to get crushed over time. Look at last weeks RU game. People on here were positive that RU would cover (win) and that the game would go over (loss). I love RU this week but time has taught me not to bet on it. The house always wins in the long run. Carton was just too stupid to understand. He thought he knew more than the market. Sucker.
Ryan Glasspiegel of The Big Lead says that he was on a "multi-million-dollar-a-year deal" and his information has historically been pretty reliable since he covers media stuff while the other articles seems to have just googled "Craig Carton Salary".
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I read the whole document. Excellent read. He's totally guilty and he knew what he was doing.

I like how he used around 30k for pool maintenance and landscaping as well. Haha

He def freaked out at one point and used his credit card to try and make the scheme legit. Fails at that. Just a total calamity.

Terrible break down in controls at the hedge fund as well. Bunch of idiots. Also this is a hard ponzi scheme to keep going due to the short "investment window". Investors will expect cash distributions after the 3 month concert tours are over. You need constant new funds.
I think that this is a fantastic opportunity for Craig Carton, indeed, for all of humanity.

He should be put down, then dissected. His... um... "brain" could be studied in an effort to determine how a functional human being could be so stupid as to believe that this scheme could work.

I still haven't found any good pics of the Widow Carton. Still workin' on that.
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Don't know if this was mentioned but as a Tourettes sufferer he has raised millions for their foundation and is a highly respected guy in that community. So how do they explain that to all the people he has helped . especially the kids who make up the majority of those afflicted?You can make jokes about that but he has truly blown a tremendous amount of good will and good work to feed a different type of debilitating disease. Gambling.
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Don't know if this was mentioned but as a Tourettes sufferer he has raised millions for their foundation and is a highly respected guy in that community. So how do they explain that to all the people he has helped . especially the kids who make up the majority of those afflicted?You can make jokes about that but he has truly blown a tremendous amount of good will and good work to feed a different type of debilitating disease. Gambling.
How do you know he didn't gamble that money away?
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I read the whole document. Excellent read. He's totally guilty and he knew what he was doing.

I like how he used around 30k for pool maintenance and landscaping as well. Haha

He def freaked out at one point and used his credit card to try and make the scheme legit. Fails at that. Just a total calamity.

Terrible break down in controls at the hedge fund as well. Bunch of idiots. Also this is a hard ponzi scheme to keep going due to the short "investment window". Investors will expect cash distributions after the 3 month concert tours are over. You need constant new funds.

Guessing he planned to take the 5M that he got, win enough money to pay off the debts, and then win enough to provide the returns for his investors. Eventually it falls apart, because nobody can keep generating money (or winning bets) consistently, without having some legit business behind it
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I think that this is a fantastic opportunity for Craig Carton, indeed, for all of humanity.

He should be put down, then dissected. His... um... "brain" could be studied in an effort to determine how a functional human being could be so stupid as to believe that this scheme could work.

I still haven't found any good pics of the Widow Carton. Still workin' on that.

You're a sick ****. [cheers]
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I don't follow this - do you mean this is the feds source that is giving all this detail?

Correct. Generally people who are not identified by name in such complaints are unindicted co-conspirators or informants. The SEC and US Attorney did their jobs -- they got the emails, bank records, etc, but it always helps to get someone to flip. Meli may have talked but others probably did too.
Corzine stupidly upped the NJ state pension exposure to hedge funds during his time in office. Trying to earn his way out of the huge pension hole and failing miserably at it. Then he left to bankrupt another investment firm before retiring.
When Carton was one of the NJ Guys (I forget who his sidekick was back then--Rossi?), Carton regularly referred to Corzine as the "clown-bitch governor." There was no love lost between those two.
Carton personifies the idiocy of listening to people who have never played sports talk about sports on the radio.

I know Cosell hated the jockocracy but I'd rather hear from guys who actually did it than guys just talking about it.

Never understood the appeal of a Mike and the Mad Dog...the Cliff Clavens of radio.

We do a better job on here in that dept. than the "talent" IMO.
Maybe they can bring Sid Rosenberg back assuming he's not sleeping under a bridge somewhere which wouldn't surprise me.
Sid is alive and well in NY on ABC. Does sports on Imus in the Morning and has his own show, Bernie and Sid, following Imus with Bernard McGuirk.
Crib The money he raised did not go into his pocket.He was paid for some of his good will I am sure . If it is found that he took money from the national foundation then he is an all time skumbag and they are culpable as well. I hope not. He has kids who I believe have the disease as well.I am sad for them his wife his family and all of the those who believed in him.
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Will be very interesting when & if (pretty sure it will not be much of an 'if') the names of the duped 'significant investors' come out - anticipate that Carton may have scammed a few well-off athletes / retired athletes ... wonder who got suckered by this con artist