OT: Craig Carton Arrested (of Boomer and Carton)

Will be very interesting when & if (pretty sure it will not be much of an 'if') the names of the duped 'significant investors' come out - anticipate that Carton may have scammed a few well-off athletes / retired athletes ... wonder who got suckered by this con artist
Maybe Boomer????
Imagine the cajones to go on air everyday and pretend you're not a criminal while bashing others for the tiniest of things. Also still giving out betting predictions, yelling at people for being imbeciles, and so much more. Holy crap Freud or Jung probably couldn't even diagnose this guy.
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That idiot really outkicked his coverage regarding his wife. She runs a clothing shop in TriBeCa.

She's the chick standing on the right with her business partner.
I only see these two.

Thanks for posting. I read the whole thing. It is entirely plausible that he was being duped by Meli, until you get to Paragraph 48. Paragraphs 48-61 are going to send him to federal prison. Not a good guy, not justifiable -- just run of the mill you are a criminal, you stole money and now you need to go to prison. 3 years I'd guess when its all said and done.

He will say he was tricked on the Meli stuff those counts seem thin as to Carton's knowledge and involvement. They never show that he knew Meli was faking the docs. Additionally, he will say he was unsophisticated, and did not realize he couldnt pay down his own debts if he intended to invest.

The main thing that stands out is how f*cked he knew he was, and how he had no plan at all for that inevitability. Once he realized it had hit the fan, he used his credit cards to try to buy whatever tickets he could, and then tried to sell them -- and failed miserably even at that. I think it does mitigate his character a little bit. He laid out every penny he could get his hands on of his own money to try to fix it -- but it was to little to late.

The former federal prosecutor in me says you nailed it!
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A PSU and Met Fan? uhg, but seriously, I always thought she was fair, and always enjoyed her,
I didn't think she was boring, and she and Carl Banks always worked well together.
Don't know if this was mentioned but as a Tourettes sufferer he has raised millions for their foundation and is a highly respected guy in that community. So how do they explain that to all the people he has helped . especially the kids who make up the majority of those afflicted?You can make jokes about that but he has truly blown a tremendous amount of good will and good work to feed a different type of debilitating disease. Gambling.
Madoff met many of his victims at charity events. I did not like Carton's on air persona but respected what he did for charity. Now maybe his motives were not so charitable. This is speculation on my part but I wonder if he was not trolling for victims at these events ala Madoff.
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RU planning,

He's no prize or Adonis. Still believe he outkicked his coverage on that one.
No doubt.

Watching him leave the police station after posting bail with his hood over his head while wearing flip flops was funny. I imagine WFAN will suspend him indefinitely at a minimum.
Cicero, I am as cynical as the next guy but I believe his charity work was genuine because he suffered from the scourge of Tourettes.I am giving him the benefit of the doubt here.
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The former federal prosecutor in me says you nailed it!

Do you agree on the 3 year estimate? Based on what they are alleging, unless they lose their witness or something crazy happens, it seems like they are gonna nail him on the entire hedge fund deal.
Maybe Governor Christie is his replacement.:joy: He's currently looking for a job come the first of the year.
I'm sorry, but a family man wouldn't be jeopardizing his family's money to begin with. JUST DONT PLACE THE BET!!!
His disease tells him placing the bet is important to his family.
And the scariest part is he believes it with all his heart. A counselor or therapist could have talked to him and convinced him he has a disease and no control, he could agree and tell you how horrible his addiction is...then 5 minutes later place a bet.
That's how insane addiction is, you are relieved of the compulsion only by the grace of God, if you think you can beat it alone, you will die or go to jail.
There is no amount of logic, will power or self control that can save him, his recovery is out of his hands and in the hands of his higher power, I hope he finds it
His disease tells him placing the bet is important to his family.
And the scariest part is he believes it with all his heart. A counselor or therapist could have talked to him and convinced him he has a disease and no control, he could agree and tell you how horrible his addiction is...then 5 minutes later place a bet.
That's how insane addiction is, you are relieved of the compulsion only by the grace of God, if you think you can beat it alone, you will die or go to jail.

Zap- it is amazing that this needs to be explained to anyone.
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Corzine stupidly upped the NJ state pension exposure to hedge funds during his time in office. Trying to earn his way out of the huge pension hole and failing miserably at it. Then he left to bankrupt another investment firm before retiring.

The hypocrisy of the system is amazing. If convicted, Carton should go to prison but Corzine should of been executed.
I like the I'm good with that. At least the Mets have something.
The difference Mike never puts the Mets down if I didn't know better,
the he announces he comes across a Met fan. I give him that But Boomer, Calton, and Sommers
and all the Met announces use every chance they get to put down the Yanks, I guess it just part
of being Met fan. also Mike Kay never puts down the Mets. I guess it is just part of being a fan
of the worst organization in sports.
Funny to me that one of Carton's "lines" was "you lie to children, you lie to women, you never lie to another man". Oops.
Do you agree on the 3 year estimate? Based on what they are alleging, unless they lose their witness or something crazy happens, it seems like they are gonna nail him on the entire hedge fund deal.

Yes. With a $3M loss, he'd likely be looking at that range under the federal sentencing guidelines unless he can strike a deal to cooperate on others or something that would justify a downward departure on sentencing.
Yes. With a $3M loss, he'd likely be looking at that range under the federal sentencing guidelines unless he can strike a deal to cooperate on others or something that would justify a downward departure on sentencing.

Not to turn this into a political discussion, but hasn't Sessions stated that he wants federal prosecutors to pursue maximum sentences? How much time could Carton be facing in that case?
Without sex this will get no interest outside this forum.

Now if there is sexting like Weiner, mistress like TW, confrontation like Buttafuco and kid like Dr. J, then we have a Hollywood movie.

Right now this is a non-story.

The main reason Christie got away with the Bridge Gate is that he is a very faithful husband. If he were porking Brigitte Kelly then he would have been a dead duck.

Look what happened to McGreewey. We are like Jason in the Friday the 13th movie in that we whack famous people that have sex outside marriage.
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My prediction is Carton makes a plea deal, serves some time and then goes on the lecture circuit and writes a book.

.... and will slowly at first - but with increasing intensity - relentlessly cast this all as a situation that he was drawn into via evil misleading individuals - and got trapped in because of the piles of money ... the ass that is lightening quick to judge others - will for the rest of his life be singing a shrill song entitled "The fault wasn't really mine ... you must believe my whine"
.... and will slowly at first - but with increasing intensity - relentlessly cast this all as a situation that he was drawn into via evil misleading individuals - and got trapped in because of the piles of money ... the ass that is lightening quick to judge others - will for the rest of his life be singing a shrill song entitled "The fault wasn't really mine ... you must believe my whine"
You can hear it now - "what's the problem - I had gobs of Barbara Streisand tickets in my possession that I was trying to sell - exactly as I agreed. It's not my fault no one likes Barbara Streisand anymore."
Sorry , as someone that has had his bouts with gambling issues and friends and family as well, I don't by this nonsense that gambling is a disease just as obesity isn't a disease. Gambling is an addition yes, and it's a learned behavior. You make a wager and you can win and you can lose . You better prepared to lose .