OT: Craig Carton Arrested (of Boomer and Carton)

Sorry , as someone that has had his bouts with gambling issues and friends and family as well, I don't by this nonsense that gambling is a disease just as obesity isn't a disease. Gambling is an addition yes, and it's a learned behavior. You make a wager and you can win and you can lose . You better prepared to lose .

You simply don't understand addiction. Add it to the list, I suppose.
Yeah, I don't want to hear shit about his gambling "addiction," when we all know, love, and have lost people with true addictions, that's just a bunch of malarkey in my humble opinion. He's going to get exactly what he deserves and I can't stop laughing!
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Who wouldnt say what?
People actually defending Carton because "it's a disease" or because "WFAN don't pay their talent well." Instead of saying it's this c***'s fault that he's in the spot his greedy ass is in now. And I'm pretty sure he would be riding the hell out of someone in the same situation.
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Yeah, I don't want to hear shit about his gambling "addiction," when we all know, love, and have lost people with true addictions, that's just a bunch of malarkey in my humble opinion. He's going to get exactly what he deserves and I can't stop laughing!

Gambling addiction is 1,000,000% a real thing. Neither I, nor anyone else in this thread (I don't think) is saying that he isn't responsible for his actions (or that addicts, in general shouldnt be held responsible for their actions). But the fact that gambling addiction is as real as any drug or alcohol addiction is undeniable.

If youve seen and dealt with addiction, I am surprised you throw this one in quotes. I know a lot of people dismiss all addiction as "not a real disease." I think most people who have seen it recognize that it takes many forms. A gambling or shopping addict, or a horder, or what have you, cannot help themselves any better than a drunk or a dope addict.
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People actually defending Carton because "it's a disease" or because "WFAN don't pay their talent well." Instead of saying it's this c***'s fault that he's in the spot his greedy ass is in now. And I'm pretty sure he would be riding the hell out of someone in the same situation.
No addiction is worth defending.
Why are people so quick to jump out and defend him by claiming it's his disease and not him personally? Did they read the complaint? It reads like a demon's resume. Ever listen to him on the radio? He sounded like a world class a'hole and there is good reason that people aren't surprised by this at all. Sure, it's possible that he might happen to have a disease but it is also possible that he doesn't have a disease and he is just plain a bad dude who liked to gamble ... and steal millions upon millions from people.
Why are people so quick to jump out and defend him by claiming it's his disease and not him personally? Did they read the complaint? It reads like a demon's resume. Ever listen to him on the radio? He sounded like a world class a'hole and there is good reason that people aren't surprised by this at all. Sure, it's possible that he might happen to have a disease but it is also possible that he doesn't have a disease and he is just plain a bad dude who liked to gamble ... and steal millions upon millions from people.

Who defended him? No one in this thread.
No one defended him, directly or indirectly.
If the charges against him can be proven in our legal system, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
But mercy might be shown if it's deserved along with treatment offered .
Not saying he shouldn't go to jail if he's proven guilty, only saying attempting to treat his addiction must be part of any sentence he receives.
Like any addict he must put in an honest effort to overcome his addiction, or any treatment he receives will be doomed to fail.
As it is: even with an honest effort many addicts fail to overcome their addiction.
But mercy might be shown if it's deserved along with treatment offered .
Not saying he shouldn't go to jail if he's proven guilty, only saying attempting to treat his addiction must be part of any sentence he receives.
Like any addict he must put in an honest effort to overcome his addiction, or any treatment he receives will be doomed to fail.
As it is: even with an honest effort many addicts fail to overcome their addiction.

Stop calling him an addict - you literally have zero idea if he is
  • According to New York Post, Carton also organized a charity (supposedly for Tourette's) that raised over $1 million but didn't contribute much, if anything, to that cause
  • According to New York Post, Carton also organized a charity (supposedly for Tourette's) that raised over $1 million but didn't contribute much, if anything, to that cause

I believe that the scam charity he ran is an indication that Carton is simply a fraud and a huckster. The gambling issues are separate IMO.

I stopped listening to FAN in the morning because of his obnoxious, know nothing personality when he was first hired to work with Boomer. Still find it hard to believe that the Suits thought he brought value to the show. He was a jerk when he was on 101.5 FM prior to the FAN.

Btw I'd like to give a shout out to Nuts that we are in complete agreement about Craig Carton.

He'd better cut a deal with the prosecutor before his co conspirators do.
Knowing the type of personality that get's himself into these types of problems, I would venture to guess that gambling isn't his only vice. It rarely stands alone with this A+ type personality.

With reading some of the things about his gets me wondering if this scam could have been forced upon him to use his fame in a way to help pay off debt rather than break a leg or two...owing millions to these types usually does not go well.
Yeah, and a mass murderer should be excused because obviously he must have a disease.
232 posts in this thread. I challenge you to find one which suggests that Carton should be excused. What we are talking about is understanding, and maybe even a little empathy. We all have our demons. Most of us have them under control. Those of us who do not are not all that different from the rest of us.
I don't think anyone in this entire thread suggested he shouldn't be punished. I was just calling out your denial that addiction is a real thing...which is just plain ignorant.

Maybe read my initial post when I said he had an addiction instead of trying to pick a fight with me
It's bordering on incredible to me, someone could read this thread and come to the conclusion ANYONE is excusing him or doesn't think he should go directly to jail!!!

Zap- you know as well as I do...some have an idea in their head and can't even have the concept that they are on a different wavelength then everyone else. Happens in every mult page thread lol
Knowing the type of personality that get's himself into these types of problems, I would venture to guess that gambling isn't his only vice. It rarely stands alone with this A+ type personality.

With reading some of the things about his gets me wondering if this scam could have been forced upon him to use his fame in a way to help pay off debt rather than break a leg or two...owing millions to these types usually does not go well.
He's always talk about how much he loves his wife and kids while creepily flirting with every woman they ever had on the air or in studio. He was banging his make up girl at one point.

He's a dirtbag and it was pretty clear from the first time I heard his schtick.
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Zap Whaa?So you were just partying with Parker and friends?Nobody had a problem with the white pony? Wow you were lucky.