OT: Electric vehicles

I believe we're going to have a problem when these batteries get old, no? We have no way to recycle them or dispose of them properly, if I'm wrong please let me know

And the labor to obtain thw raw materials for these batteries is a whole other story. Not good!

This narrative is simply wrong - and one-sided. The problems with drilling for oil are vast. But for EV battery recycling, the future is bright.

The FUDsters are coming out of the woodwork today!!

First the toxic batteries and child labor argument, now the imaginary, inevitable battery swap..... with made up, inflated costs.

Sorry, to disappoint, but EV batteries will last for hundreds of thousands of miles.

What's next? EVs are a fire risk?

Don't forget all the dead EVs lining the roads during emergency power outages.
Hertz will not keep them long enough to require a battery swap.
Everybody here in the same boat? Add that cost to "maintainence" and redo your math. $25-40k depending on vehicle.
If everybody is gonna dump them before the swap, who's buying those? Good luck selling in the resale market.
Until there is a game changing breakthrough in battery tech. EVs are mostly an expensive novelty for virtue signalers and show offs.

This is completely wrong. EVs are re-sold all the time; the resale market for an EV - whether a buyer or seller is robust.

Once again, I get the point that EVs may seem like a risky option for the many FUDsters on this board. What baffles me are the people who have posted here literally hundreds, if not thousands of times with the same whiny mantra - EVs are scary and un-American. We get it.
The FUDsters are coming out of the woodwork today!!

First the toxic batteries and child labor argument, now the imaginary, inevitable battery swap..... with made up, inflated costs.

Sorry, to disappoint, but EV batteries will last for hundreds of thousands of miles.

What's next? EVs are a fire risk?
Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.
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Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.
Your neighbor is an anecdote not significant data to say EV batteries are a problem

Show me legislation put forward to ban gas stoves

The proposal is stricter standards on the emissions from new gas stoves
Everyone can keep the stove they currently have
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You can call me all the names you'd like. I'm no shill and I'm not against EVs, just believe this whole thing hasn't been well-thought out

On a side note, my wife was in the rental car industry for almost 20 years. I may have some insight on the topic
I’m not so sure he was calling you names, although I understand that’s what it looked like.

But he described, in his post, his own behavior so exactly that I can’t imagine he’d fail to realize it. I think, but could be wrong, that he just engaging in some humorous self-deprecation. I hope so, at least.

Otherwise, it was a breathtakingly ironic case of poor self-awareness.
My wife is an exercise physiologist that doesn’t make me any more of an expert on how exercise can rehabilitate issues women face with bladder control or abdominal issues from pregnancy . Sure I can discuss minor common issues of exercise but the in-depth issues I leave to her.

The Hertz experience really makes the case that EV’s are coming to the industry and coming quickly
Yeah, not sure why people would think otherwise. Is why I keep beating the infrastructure drum. Gotta get ahead of adoption or we’ll have some rough times for lots of folks. Not a lot ahead, but enough to avoid those rough times.
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Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.
Many advances were thought to be impractical at first and the future would have no place for them.
But those things became staples of our lives and now their replacements are deemed doomed to fail

>Today, we think of bikes as a major source of transportation, but they started out as a trendy fashion statement. That's why some critics were skeptical that they'd stick around (spoiler: they did).

Bikes had a rapid rise: on August 20, 1890, the Washington Post called bicycling a hot fad for fancy ladies
he bicycle's growth was so rapid that on February 29, 1896, the Washington Post called bicycling the national sport.

In 1902, the New York Times called the automobile impractical
In 1928, Joseph Schenck, President of United Artists, seemed confident about one thing: talking pictures were a fad.

It didn't take long for people to see how answering machines could be useful. But when they were first introduced, it seemed like the telephone companies would squash them in favor of their own hardware and services.
The answering machine made it big because technology, laws, and telephone culture changed. Answering-machine technology became easier to manage and answering services faded away.

In 1985, the New York Times reported on the tragic demise of a once promising trend — laptops,
The Times doubted the potential of laptop technology, and with good reason: they were heavy, pricey, and had poor battery life, all of which made it hard to imagine them becoming mainstream.
It was a reasonable complaint, but short-sighted:
Laptops took a few more years to become practical, but technology improved enough that the laptop became lighter, more durable, and easier to use.<

Don't think EVs,Wind Farms, Solar Power or other replacements for what we use now will not be part of the future.
The technology for them we have today is not the end of what is being done in those fields!
Advances in all of them will make using all three more practical , in the future, then what we use today.
It's also worth noting that EV battery technology is still evolving, so we can expect EV batteries' lifespan to increase – as well as becoming cheaper, smaller and even lighter as technology devolops betrter ways to make the EV battery .
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Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.
Solar not a viable long term solution? What? Please show your work.
Solar not a viable long term solution? What? Please show your work.
Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.

I don't believe a word about your so-called neighbor.
Tell that to my neighbor who got the estimate to replace his battery and nearly had a stroke. Greenest dude on the planet turned red.
I love how anybody who doesn't jump into the green new deal circle jerk is some kind of tin-foil hat conspiricist.😂😂😂

You honestly think I G.A.F what you think?

I'm not anti-EV at all. They are just not practical for wider society right now (a novelty). Just like windmills and solar. Are they a good thing? Yes. Are they a viable long term solution? Not a friggin' chance. That's before the cost debate even starts. Powers pushing this farce had to run up the price of gas 2-3x just to make the cost not seem obscene. Now they say they're gonna save the world outlawing gas stoves and heat. With a straight face! And I'm supposed to take them seriously?

I stand by my statement that battery tech is not there yet. Energy potential vs weight is physics my friend. I can swap out the battery in my drill and keep working. Not so much with your car.

Safe, compact, affordable hydrogen fuel cells or some similar tech will change the game. High battery capacity is still too heavy, limiting range and load carrying capacity. It has diminishing returns.
Wow. It's alarming how grossly misinformed you are.
One-quarter of California's electrical generation is provided by wind and solar.

Texas gets about 1/5 of it's electrical power generation from wind and solar.

Yeah, rolling blackouts and freezing to death when the magic 8 ball says "Not Today". Sign me up!😂😂
And don't charge your car when it's hot outside 😂😂😂
Didn't you get the memo?
Oh yeah, and we're gonna turn off your A/C and water heater randomly when we feel like it.
You know because our system works really really good. #greenenergy
Yeah, rolling blackouts and freezing to death when the magic 8 ball says "Not Today". Sign me up!😂😂
And don't charge your car when it's hot outside 😂😂😂
Didn't you get the memo?
Oh yeah, and we're gonna turn off your A/C and water heater randomly when we feel like it.
You know because our system works really really good. #greenenergy
Maybe relying on gas , oil and coal isn't so"hot: either 😝

an article about that and we can form our own opinion on which is a more reliable source of energy or if all have some drawbacks

(As another winter storm strains the electric grid, it’s time to fix transmission, experts say – New Hampshire Bulletin)

>What we saw was concerning,” said Goggin, who was monitoring data from many of the major regional transmission organizations hit by the storm. “You saw very high unplanned or forced outages of power plants of many types but primarily fossil.” The extreme cold shut down many natural gas production wells, he said, which limited pipeline supplies that feed power plants. “We’ve seen a number of events like this where the extreme cold disrupts the gas system which then cascades to the power system,” he said.

In an email to States Newsroom Thursday, a TVA spokesperson could not say how many customers were affected nor provide any information on why power plants weren’t able to perform, citing the ongoing review. In the Memphis area, where Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the TVA’s largest customer, more than 30,000 customers were affected, WMC-TV, a local station, reported. The Chattanooga Free Press reported on Christmas Eve that the TVA had lost about 6,000 megawatts of generation the day before at coal and gas plants.

Duke Energy, one of the nation’s largest utility companies, was forced to cut power to about 500,000 of its customers in North Carolina and South Carolina on Dec. 24, with the last of them having power restored by about 6 p.m., spokesman Jeff Brooks said.

Brooks said that solar wasn’t a factor the outages were initiated. As of 2021, wind, solar, and hydroelectric power made up just 7 percent of Duke’s company-owned output.<
Many advances were thought to be impractical at first and the future would have no place for them.
But those things became staples of our lives and now their replacements are deemed doomed to fail

>Today, we think of bikes as a major source of transportation, but they started out as a trendy fashion statement. That's why some critics were skeptical that they'd stick around (spoiler: they did).

Bikes had a rapid rise: on August 20, 1890, the Washington Post called bicycling a hot fad for fancy ladies
he bicycle's growth was so rapid that on February 29, 1896, the Washington Post called bicycling the national sport.

In 1902, the New York Times called the automobile impractical
In 1928, Joseph Schenck, President of United Artists, seemed confident about one thing: talking pictures were a fad.

It didn't take long for people to see how answering machines could be useful. But when they were first introduced, it seemed like the telephone companies would squash them in favor of their own hardware and services.
The answering machine made it big because technology, laws, and telephone culture changed. Answering-machine technology became easier to manage and answering services faded away.

In 1985, the New York Times reported on the tragic demise of a once promising trend — laptops,
The Times doubted the potential of laptop technology, and with good reason: they were heavy, pricey, and had poor battery life, all of which made it hard to imagine them becoming mainstream.
It was a reasonable complaint, but short-sighted:
Laptops took a few more years to become practical, but technology improved enough that the laptop became lighter, more durable, and easier to use.<

Don't think EVs,Wind Farms, Solar Power or other replacements for what we use now will not be part of the future.
The technology for them we have today is not the end of what is being done in those fields!
Advances in all of them will make using all three more practical , in the future, then what we use today.
It's also worth noting that EV battery technology is still evolving, so we can expect EV batteries' lifespan to increase – as well as becoming cheaper, smaller and even lighter as technology devolops betrter ways to make the EV battery .
Thanks for the history lesson. Did you read my post?
Nowhere did I say those things don't have a place in our future. If I wasn't clear what I said was, in essence , they (right now) are not capable of producing the amount of energy required by a modern society. The green pipe dream is just that at this point. Unless everybody wants to change their lifestyle.

Electric cars (without subsidies and artificially high gas prices) are not producing the savings promoted here.

The high capacity Tesla battery stores the energy equivalent of like 3 gallons of gas. You can only use about 60% of that if you want your batteries not to degrade. So the range and load carrying capacity are dwarfed by gas powered cars. Until that changes they are a novelty. I can fill my tank and drive 500 miles pulling 3 Teslas behind me.

The guy calling me uninformed is comical. He's free to believe and say what he wants without being called names though. He can stamp his feet and hold his breath, but it doesn't make his position any stronger. This place is like Mean Girls if you disagree. I love it
I am not sure what your point is

Are you saying we shouldn’t bother with electric vehicles because right now they are not the answer?
I am not sure what your point is

Are you saying we shouldn’t bother with electric vehicles because right now they are not the answer?
Not at all
I am not anti- EV in any way shape or form. The concept is great. Just don't buy one thinking you're gonna save the world or any money at this point. That's all I'm saying.
Folks can put the voo doo dolls away. I can feel them poking my eyes😂😂😂
Was being a smartass. But since you bring it up, I probably could actually.
7.3 PSD 44 gallon tank.
NJ to Tampa is 1 1/2 tanks
Rated for 26k lbs
What do 3 teslas weigh? 6-7 tons?
batteries gotta weigh 3 by themselves.
It's good capacity ya got there, but I think the salient point is that your range would decline substantially if you were towing the equivalent of 3 Model S's, which would be about 14,500 lbs.

One of my major issues with current generation EVs is that they're just so f*ckin' heavy.
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When you go from a Bently to a Tesla you gotta save a bunch.
None of us regular people have Knight Shift money. Not a fair comparison. That's cheating!
Knight Shift Money? I'm just a poor guy who grew up in a van down by the river. I scrimped and saved.
The math for the F150 Lightning Lariat came out about $3,000 more than a comparably equipped F150 ICE Lariat. That will easily be recouped in 12-18 months in fuel savings (including the cost of charging). I had wanted a real pickup truck for years, but could never justify the cost plus the crappy fuel economy. Now I am basically driving for free because we will have solar power supplying our electricity. That's right- I think you said solar power was useless too.
Knight Shift Money? I'm just a poor guy who grew up in a van down by the river. I scrimped and saved.
The math for the F150 Lightning Lariat came out about $3,000 more than a comparably equipped F150 ICE Lariat. That will easily be recouped in 12-18 months in fuel savings (including the cost of charging). I had wanted a real pickup truck for years, but could never justify the cost plus the crappy fuel economy. Now I am basically driving for free because we will have solar power supplying our electricity. That's right- I think you said solar power was useless too.
Buying a Ford dealership and selling yourself an EV truck for cheap is still cheating. But I like the way you think brother.

No way Ford sells the EV version for only $3k more. Unless comparably equipped means they both have tires and a windshield. Gonna look now and if true I'll be back for admonishment.
Buying a Ford dealership and selling yourself an EV truck for cheap is still cheating. But I like the way you think brother.

No way Ford sells the EV version for only $3k more. Unless comparably equipped means they both have tires and a windshield. Gonna look now and if true I'll be back for admonishment.
List price of mine was $79,500. Delivered in November. $7,500 Federal tax credit and no State sales tax. With the tax credit, out the door for $72,000.

Here is a comparably equipped F15O Lariat ICE


  • Agate Black Metallic

  • No Secondary Color


  • 3.5L PowerBoost Full Hybrid V6 Engine

  • 4x4

  • Hybrid Electronic Ten-Speed Automatic Transmission

  • 3.73 Electronic Locking Axle Ratio


  • LARIAT High

  • LARIAT High Discount

  • Bed Utility Package

  • LARIAT Sport Appearance Package

  • LARIAT Sport Appearance Package Discount

  • Max Trailer Tow Package

  • Ford BlueCruise 1.0 with Active Park Assist 2.0 and Forward Sensing System


  • 20" Six-Spoke Dark Alloy Painted Wheels

  • 275/60 R20 BSW All-Terrain Tires (A/T) (4x4)

  • Windows – Power-Sliding Rear

  • Window – Fixed Rear Window with Privacy Glass and Defroster

  • Hooks – Front Tow 4x4, two (2)

  • BoxLink™

  • Rain-Sensing Wipers

  • Twin Panel Moonroof

  • Continuously Controlled Damping (CCD)

  • Remote Start System with Remote Tailgate Release

  • On-Board Scales with Smart Hitch

  • Reverse Sensing System

  • 2.4kW – Pro Power Onboard

  • 360-Degree Camera

  • LED Projector with Dynamic bending Headlamps w/ LED Taillamps

  • LED Fog Lamps with LED Cornering Lamp

  • LED Side-Mirror Spotlights

  • LED Box Lighting with Zone Lighting

  • Sideview – Power-Folding, Power Glass, Heat, Turn Signal, Memory, Auto-Dimming Feature and High Intensity LED Security Approach Lamps

  • Accent-Color Angular Step Bars


  • Black

  • Leather-Trimmed 40/Console/40 Front Seats

  • Dual-Zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (DEATC)

  • Privacy Glass

  • Pedals, Power-Adjustable w/Memory

  • Color-Coordinated Carpet with Carpeted Matching Floor Mats

  • Auto-Dimming Rearview Mirror

  • Partitioned Lockable Fold-Flat Storage

  • Multicontour Seats with Active Motion® Removal

  • Heated and ventilated Seats

  • 10-way Power Driver Seat with Power Lumbar

  • 10-Way Power Driver Seat and Multi-Adjustable Power Front Passenger Seat

  • Intelligent Access with Push-Button Start

  • Pro Trailer Backup Assist™

  • Integrated Trailer Brake Controller

  • Power Tilt/Telescoping Steering Column with Memory

  • Wrapped Steering Wheel

  • Heated Steering Wheel

  • 12” Productivity Screen in Instrument Cluster

  • Advanced Security Pack

  • Interior Work Surface

  • Wireless Charging Pad

  • Universal Garage Door Opener

  • B&O® Sound System by Bang & Olufsen with 8 speakers including Subwoofer

  • Connected Built-in Navigation (3 Years of Service)

  • SiriusXM® Traffic and Travel Link

  • SYNC® 4 with Enhanced Voice Recognition

Pricing Summary​

  • Base MSRPS1
  • OptionsS4
    + $15,990
  • AccessoriesS8
    + $0
  • Destination ChargesS17
    + $1,895
  • Acquisition FeeS18
    + $645
  • Total MSRPS16
    = $79,800
  • Estimated Net PriceS5
    = $79,800
$79,800 plus NJ Tax =$85,086.75

Thanks for the challenge! The comparably equipped ICE Lariat F150 is $13,000 more out the door than what I paid for my F150 Lightning.
Yeah, rolling blackouts and freezing to death when the magic 8 ball says "Not Today". Sign me up!😂😂
And don't charge your car when it's hot outside 😂😂😂
Didn't you get the memo?
Oh yeah, and we're gonna turn off your A/C and water heater randomly when we feel like it.
You know because our system works really really good. #greenenergy

Why does this lie about the California power grid keep getting repeated? Texas is the state with the power outage problems.
Because we have become dumber as a society and people think the goal of media outlets is to tell the truth.
yes, the internet is the place to be when =searching for the truth.
I heard/saw it on the internet makes one understand how the person expressing their opinion
got so smart 🤪

As for comparing California's power problems to the Texas outages , blaming alternate energy for Cal's problems makes for better discussion if you want to ignore natural gas not going through the line was the major cause of Texas blackouts

By the way
Several power plants, including aging gas-fired ones along California’s coast, partially broke down or produced less energy than planned.
The bulk of the power loss in Texas came from natural gas suppliers, according to regulators, as pipelines froze, making it difficult for plants to get the fuel they needed. Production from coal and nuclear plants dropped as well. A similar phenomenon played out in Kansas and other states
Because we have become dumber as a society and people think the goal of media outlets is to tell the truth.
I know, right? That's almost as bad as how people today think the goal of corporate communications, such as websites, marketing materials, videos, social media, etc., is to tell the truth. 😉