Latest Cybertruck rendition spotted at Fremont test track. Fast forward to 4:45:
Likes: Black bed vs original stainless steel
New tires/rims
Slightly new body?
Dislikes: WTF is with the giant single wiper blade? When asked on Twitter about it, Elon replied "there is no easy solution". Tesla did file a patent to use lasers as windshield wipers. We'll have to see..
Likes: Black bed vs original stainless steel
New tires/rims
Slightly new body?
Dislikes: WTF is with the giant single wiper blade? When asked on Twitter about it, Elon replied "there is no easy solution". Tesla did file a patent to use lasers as windshield wipers. We'll have to see..

Tesla obtains patent on its wild idea to use lasers as windshield wipers
Tesla has actually managed to obtain a patent on its wild idea to use lasers to clean debris off of...