Looks like Spurge to me. Use a pre-emergent such as Dimensionwhen forsythia bloom, use a post emergent with sulfentrazone as the active ingredient (Ortho Nutsedge Killer, Dismiss, others) if it still comes up. Try to pull it too as you see it. It is a very prolific seeder and could be more than one battle. The Dimension will block germination of crab grass and dandelion s too. Ground ivy can be controlled by Triclopyr (Ortho CCO) and that can help control spurge too.
Thanks, yup Spurge is what it is. I googled it and that looks just like it. For the pre-emergent would you recommend this by Lesco? It says Dimension* on the label. Not sure if this is it. So I put this down once the forsythia bloom I get that. When do I use the post emergent in the summer months and the Ortho CCO?
Not sure what Lesco product below is better? One is 30-0-5 (Lowes) and the other is 19-0-7 (Home Depot) both are pre-emergents.