OT: Former Jet RB Joe McKnight murdered in road rage incident

standing over someone and shooting him for the 2nd time is just what stand your ground law is designed for.......if you are white.

That never happened. Mcknight was NOT shot lying on the ground. You may want to watch the sheriff's remarks. Mcknight was shot by the shooter as he sat in his car. All three casings were inside the shooters car. Mcknight was the aggressor. The sheriff said the so called witness statement did not happen.
First and foremost, deepest condolences to McKnight's family and many friends.

To the more general issue of guns and road rage. Years ago you could get into it with other drivers. You flip them the bird, they flip you the bird, you both move on. We live in a different world today so it is best to not respond to anybody cutting you off, tailgating you or anything else. There are two many angry and crazy people out there.

And again, this just reinforces my belief that the answer to law and order is not to have more guns out there. Chicago just surpassed 700 dead by gunshot for the year. And please don't come back with this 2nd Amendment crap. There was more shootings in Chicago this year than in all of Europe.

Guns are already banned in Chicago and the 2A for all real purposes does not exist there. Your point underscores the point that the 2A isn't the problem. Legal gun owners are the most law abiding folks in the country. The point you make is that illegal gun violence in Chi is a problem with folk's choices and culture - not weapons. It's logic. Think about it.
Not condoning any of this......I believe the reason Gasser (the guy that shot McKnight) was released is that Louisiana is a stand your ground state. That is why he was released and the incident is under investigation........

OK uninformed folks. Stand you ground is not a license to kill. Stand your ground means you do not have a duty to run when attacked - you have the option to defend yourself and if it's a legally correct decision you will not be subject to criminal or civil penalties. You cannot start a fight and then shoot the other person when you start losing - that's not what it means. You cannot as one absolute soon to be ignored utter moron said deliver a kill shot after the threat is stopped. If that is the reality here and that is what it looks like based on early reports from some of you that he shot after the threat was stopped he will be charged with murder because its - murder. Possibly there is more to the story.
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Apparently the full witness report is that the guy literally dragged McKnight out of the car while he was trying to apologize, for whatever, shot him once then stood over him and continued to shoot while saying "I told you not to **** with me." WOW! SMH

Well of that is true it's straight up murder.

Unless this is the same type of witness that lied about "hands up don't shoot" and a couple of other BLM BS issues that aren't true. I'll wait for all the facts.
Who said gang banger we both pointed out the city was a craphole of Dem led crime and poverty. You seem to have race issues.
I don't believe either person in this situation was poor.

Not sure why that is even part of the conversation. If the location is relevant is due to stand your ground laws nothing else.
That never happened. Mcknight was NOT shot lying on the ground. You may want to watch the sheriff's remarks. Mcknight was shot by the shooter as he sat in his car. All three casings were inside the shooters car. Mcknight was the aggressor. The sheriff said the so called witness statement did not happen.

So "Hands up Don't shoot" all over again. Sooner or later the world is going to discount everything that comes from the community that lies about crimes all the time...
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I don't believe either person in this situation was poor.

Not sure why that is even part of the conversation. If the location is relevant is due to stand your ground laws nothing else.

You brought up gang banger and the appearance in the pic not me.
Well of that is true it's straight up murder.

Unless this is the same type of witness that lied about "hands up don't shoot" and a couple of other BLM BS issues that aren't true. I'll wait for all the facts.

The sheriff said that never happened. The coroners statement also says Mcknight was not shot lying down.
The sheriff said that never happened. The coroners statement also says Mcknight was not shot lying down.

Well some of our gun control hysterics like to repeat "Hands up Don't shoot" lies to further their agenda. Not knowing the facts at the time of the post the described was murder. But of course once the facts come in it looks like a person with anger issues decided to threaten a smaller person maybe? That smaller person was lucky to have a tool at his disposal to even the odds. Let's see now if he instigated any of it. That's the key here.
standing over someone and shooting him for the 2nd time is just what stand your ground law is designed for.......if you are white.

Stop this nonsense. What if McKnight was the aggressor and McKnight pulled this guy out of his car and then got shot?

I agree, the 2nd shot, if he was standing over him, was bad even under the worst circumstances... but lets see what the facts look like when more is known.. oh check this out...

"Joe McKnight was shot and killed from shots fired from inside the car of Ronald Gasser, and reports that Gasser stood over the former football star's body are untrue, Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand said Friday."
So, if the above is true, maybe McNight was the aggressor and came up to the shooter's car and tried to get him out of it and was shot. Maybe the shooter was an jackhole on the road.. maybe McKnight was the one at fault and did not like getting flipped off or beeped at or.. whatever..

How many of similar circumstances end in some guy getting his ass whooped by someone bigger and meaner? In New Jersey, you're not even allowed to have pepper spray or a taser to defend yourself... what's that about?
I just read what's available online. And what's obvious is that we don't really know what happened yet. There are conflicting reports.

So what I want to know is WTF are people rushing to stake out their positions on this already? There's an investigation and it's not yet clear what happened. Everybody should let things play out before demonizing anybody involved or judging anybody involved.
No it sounds like I watched the sheriff's press conference. You may want to watch it as well.
I didn't see where it was stated that McKnight was confirmed as the aggressor. It may be able to be assumed since the shooter was let go. If I missed it, please share.
Totally agree, no argument here....

I mean it's
Yeah because someone should be allowed to pull you out of your car and beat you down. Mcknight was the aggressor here and it looks like he got more than he bargained for.

Shooting an unarmed person because you feel threatened is horse bleep. SYG makes it way too easy to get away with needlessly killing someone.
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Apparently the full witness report is that the guy literally dragged McKnight out of the car while he was trying to apologize, for whatever, shot him once then stood over him and continued to shoot while saying "I told you not to **** with me." WOW! SMH
That was already proven totally false ! Just social media again at its worse.
Guns are already banned in Chicago and the 2A for all real purposes does not exist there. Your point underscores the point that the 2A isn't the problem. Legal gun owners are the most law abiding folks in the country. The point you make is that illegal gun violence in Chi is a problem with folk's choices and culture - not weapons. It's logic. Think about it.

I have no problem with law-abiding folks having firearms in their homes, for protection or people who hunt or people who like to shoot at a target ranges.

What I do have a problem is people walking around our streets and in our cars with guns on them. This is the same problem with illegal firearms in Chicago as it also is in states that permit people to walk around packing.

It is pure logic. These things happen in these backward states that believe we still live in the wild west.

Think about it.
Without a doubt, this one needs more facts to come out. To me, black/white/pink whatever. Dragged out of car, shot from car, again, whatever. I'm not understanding why a gun was needed if McKnight is not physically threatening the other driver and why 3 shots were needed even if shot from car to car.
The police statement did say it's being investigated further and could go to a grand jury. Just a strange story that doesn't add up
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It wasn't "proven false" when I posted it, however, you're (apparently) correct.
I'm not calling you out on this Nuts.....It's social media that pisses me off, get a story out has quick as hell, ignore facts, draw their own conclusions and divide the country again !
In the state of Louisiana - how long could they hold someone before they have to either make a formal charge - or release them? the fact that this is looking like a more complex case may enter into the matter.

This story has so many different versions of what did - or did not happen ... and it has not just been "social media" - it has been in conventional local & national TV, newspaper, radio - all broadcasting the various different versions many which now contradict each other - and then people hold up the version that fits their inclination & in some cases use it to slam those with a different point of view.

Until the facts are identified and verified, this is a tragic situation without real clarity

No doubt the police are having to survey a broad area to see if there are any security cameras that might have captured the events - or the road encounter that led up to the events. Many people have to provide statements - and it seems that some have had to sort out emotions from memories.
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So "Hands up Don't shoot" all over again. Sooner or later the world is going to discount everything that comes from the community that lies about crimes all the time...

That's a mighty broad brush you're painting with. There are more than enough legit claims to go around , unfortunately.
Without a doubt, this one needs more facts to come out. To me, black/white/pink whatever. Dragged out of car, shot from car, again, whatever. I'm not understanding why a gun was needed if McKnight is not physically threatening the other driver and why 3 shots were needed even if shot from car to car.
The police statement did say it's being investigated further and could go to a grand jury. Just a strange story that doesn't add up

Agreed . I don’t care how much bigger I am than someone. If I'm unarmed, all he has to do is SHOW me his firearm, and I'm retreating. You don't need to shoot for me to get the message, survival instincts being what they are.
Bottom line- let's say McNuggt was driving so crazy that he made this man feel he was using the car as a weapon. It is possible. Is there any report that Joe was still running his car at him? Is there a report that Joe was threatening him at the point of gunfire. I have been in a car with my family and would 100% say there are times someone is using a 4000lb weapon against me. But if both cars stopped and no more threatening actions, then the other driver will have to face court. If original testimony is retracted completely and we find Joe came out of his stopped car, approached the other car and threatened him with danger, then the shooter may be justified. We have to get the real story. Whole thing sounds fuxing fishy as hell though. And you WILL see blacks upset. And from initial reports, you can't blame them. Any backlash falls on media or officials at this point
Nobody ITT would be clamoring for "the facts" if the roles were reversed.
Well some of our gun control hysterics like to repeat "Hands up Don't shoot" lies to further their agenda. Not knowing the facts at the time of the post the described was murder. But of course once the facts come in it looks like a person with anger issues decided to threaten a smaller person maybe? That smaller person was lucky to have a tool at his disposal to even the odds. Let's see now if he instigated any of it. That's the key here.

That's what we need. All small people to carry a "Tool" to protect themselves.
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Nobody ITT would be clamoring for "the facts" if the roles were reversed.
I can't speak for anybody else, but I sure would.

If it's racial roles you're talking about, then it's more than a little ironic that you are painting everyone in this thread with the same broad brush. Over-generalization is wrong even when it's not race-related.