So then why was Gasser released? Where was the deadly force threat?
He was released because the Syg law prohibits him from being arrested or charged unless and until the state has probable cause that the force was NOT in self defense.
So then why was Gasser released? Where was the deadly force threat?
If Bob Marley is a senior citizen and the sheriff stands 6'5" @ 265 lbs., a fistfight could have lethal consequences for old Bob.Even if stand-your-ground applies, it works only if the threat was one of deadly force. If stand-your-ground applies then Bob Marley could shoot the sheriff only because the sheriff was trying to shoot him down. It wouldn't have worked if the sheriff had only approached with the intent to have a fistfight.
That is the single point that has been missed. When he was released, the statement did say it is still being investigated to see if would go to the grand jury and have charges. I guess they figure he isn't a menace to sociaty so he gets released until then. He has not been found innocent yet or justified.He was released because the Syg law prohibits him from being arrested or charged unless and until the state has probable cause that the force was NOT in self defense.
I don't think the shooter was the smaller person. Question, if u r in your car any someone without a weapon is ourside, why would u have to shoit that person three times. What danger are you in sitting in your car???Well some of our gun control hysterics like to repeat "Hands up Don't shoot" lies to further their agenda. Not knowing the facts at the time of the post the described was murder. But of course once the facts come in it looks like a person with anger issues decided to threaten a smaller person maybe? That smaller person was lucky to have a tool at his disposal to even the odds. Let's see now if he instigated any of it. That's the key here.
I don't think the shooter was the smaller person. Question, if u r in your car any someone without a weapon is ourside, why would u have to shoit that person three times. What danger are you in sitting in your car???
So then why was Gasser released? Where was the deadly force threat?
Armed with?We don't know yet what, if anything, McKnight was armed with. Again, it's important to wait until the facts come out, not speculate on the basis of discredited statements (like the "he stood over him" statement).
Armed with?
I'm almost certain the police reported no other gun was found at the scene.
McKnight was at most 5' 11" 200 lbs. We aren't talking about some oversized lineman. He was a rather normal sized individual.The lack of brandishing a weapon does not by any means negate the reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily injury. I think most nfl players can seriously injure us without having a weapon. the presence of a weapon is not, per se, a factor under common law self defense.
Jeffrey Dahmer spoke to the police after a naked young man came running out of his home screaming, the police was satisfied with Dahmer answers, the police didn't get to see the young man and Dahmer continued his killings.This is the key question at this point. Apparently what Gasser said to the Police indicated that they didn't feel they can charge him at this point.
It would be nice if some truthful witnesses came forward instead of the lying dogs that have already reported in.
One or two shots might not have the intended effect for saving your life. This article explains the reasoning: is what goes through my head in this case. Let's forget black/white or NFL player.
I need to hear facts about what happened once both cars were stopped. From that point, is McKnight rushing out of his car threatening the other driver and the other driver either, was boxed in or car so damaged he couldn't drive also looks like McKnight was shot behind both vehicles. Was he getting out apologizing or rushing the car? Why 3 shots?
All of these things run through my mind regardless if I picture myself as McKnight or Gasser.
The fact that this guy was in another road rage case at the same intersection raises suspicious. We need to see how far McKnight was from the car for him to be shot. Why shoot him 3 times?
Rule #2 - Double TapCause if you shoot him once, you shoot him till his dead as a door nail.
Otherwise, don't carry a gun for protection.
Why people fail to comprehend this simple truth of deciding to use a firearm for protection, boggles my mind.
Glasser has been arrested for manslaughter.
Glasser has been arrested for manslaughter.
Glasser has been arrested for manslaughter.
for instance, of a man finding his wife with a lover; the man kills the lover or the wife or both; the charge is manslaughter, not murder..
Glasser has been arrested for manslaughter.
He's gonna have a good old time in the clink.
Perhaps but in situations like this I think the most prudent thing to do is charge him and let a jury resolve it.
Wasn't (isn't) that legal in Texas?
Last I checked there isn't an alternative in the matter.
Sure there is -- the prosecutor decides not to pursue it.
So it appears that all Joe McKnight had to do to avoid losing his life and the ruin of another's was to stay in his car and not threaten another person
SmhSo it appears that all Joe McKnight had to do to avoid losing his life and the ruin of another's was to stay in his car and not threaten another person
Sanctuary city for road rage drivers?So it appears that all Joe McKnight had to do to avoid losing his life and the ruin of another's was to stay in his car and not threaten another person
Ah, blaming the victim; always a sound strategy -p- Yes, McKnight should not have gotten out of his car. But he had no reason to expect he was encountering someone with a history of road rage who had a gun.
We cannot control or predict the actions of others. The lesson here is you never know what someone else may be capable of doing to you. Particularly someone who is road raging. McKnight learned that when he was apologizing and begging for his life. He used incredibly poor instincts, I wonder if it was the first time he ever tired to threaten to beat someone up in traffic. I hope at least people learn from it.
The article seems to indicate that Glasser shot McKnight three times through his own cars closed window. No mention of apologizing and begging for his life. He never had time to do that. Should McKnight not have got out of his car? Yes. Did he deserve to die? No.
But don't let that get in the way of your blaming the victim Mr. Moderator.
TJ Quinn of ESPN just did a video report on this.
Apparently the NO PD played this one well, in spite of the constant criticism from the lib community to receive their version of immediate justice to meet their needs based on false eyewitness accounts.
Quinn reported that Gasser spoke to the NO PD for ten hours following the incident without having requested an attorney to be present. As a result of that testimony Gasser was charged with today's charges.
So, while the Police were building an effective case to arrest Gasser for manslaughter, the libs were accusing the NO PD of giving preferential treatment to the shooter because he is a white man who shot an unarmed black man.
And so it goes. And it may never end.
Coming from the guy who supports SYG but blames the victim for not walking away.Damn right I'm assigning some blame to McKnight for contributing to creating an extremely dangerous situation Mr. Free Membership.