No but if the facts were, say, they have a traffic incident...he cuts off McKnight. McKnight angrily gets out of the car, approaches gasser menacingly banging on his car window trying to break it and perhaps drag gasser out, obviously a threat. gasser can shoot to neutralize this threat. you may prefer the man just take an ass whooping, but this law allows a man to protect himself from an aggressor. most States including New Jersey have Criminal justifications for the use of force including deadly force if necessary for self-defense. However, in non stand your ground States, the actor can still be arrested and charged. self defense becomes for him a defense to the charge in court.
In stand your ground states, however, it is ILLEGAL to arrest the actor unless and until there is probable cause that the action was NOT in self defense. this is the special aspect of the stand your ground law, and it is the reason gasser was released pending further investigation.