Really missing the point of the entire show. We are still on the prologue of the story. We've had literally 7 episodes of set-up, character building, and foreshadowing. LOL on things being too fast. Major LOL!
Amazing series so far. Hitting all the right points, staying true to the source material, taking the time to do it right.
That's the thing.. seven episodes were largely WASTED. The whole first season of GoT set up everything that was to follow and could stand on its own merits. You KNEW and cared about at least some of the characters even after the very first episode.
Think of everything that happened in that first episode of GOT..
- the Wall
- White Walkers
- Night Watch
- The Hand's funeral and some suspicious dialog between Cersei and Jamie
- The Starks
- The Dire Wolve pups
- Arya and Bran interactions
- King Robert and the Lannisters
- attempted murder
- Pentos and Dany and the brother
- Ned's reluctance to go South with teh King... reference to Ned's sister
Those GOT episodes were absolutely loaded with content and character development. And they had prior knowledge of this world to 90% of the viewers.. maybe 10% had read a book or more of the series. This new show is crap in comparison... but that was a very high bar.. simply beyond most shows to reach.
Here's an example from this show's first episode.. missed opportunity. The tournament.. teh joust. Some decent use of Draegon and Kristo (or whatever his name is).. but the other character knights? Geeze what missed opportunities. Give me some reason why Draegon took out the legs of that horse and why everyone merely accepted it. Likewise the bloodbath that followed... absolutely no effort to say, well, this house hates that house... etc etc. It was violence that was not used to advance the story nor develop any characters.. so, why was it there? Every scene, every line of dialog, even every camera angle should be used to tell teh story. So, I repeat,, this is nowhere near GOT quality.
I want to like it.. I want to love it.. I still watch it.. but if you don't trust my opinion.. just search for others who think it sucks..
try this reddit.. maybe you will come across someone who explains their distaste better than I can.