See you've capitulated - "no mas"
Toxically opinionated people who dont really know anything just throw mud pies.
There is no non bizarre reason for a "Declaration of North America"
Carter's old pollster, Patrick Caddell, wrote how after Reagan won 49 states to 1 (Nixon also won a blowout) the Blues knew they needed a more reliable base. It hurt to see MA, NY, NJ, CT, MI et al throw Dems under the bus, So (Cadell said) that's when they aimed for more foreigners (Ed Kennedy drove that). Alas the unions back then were still against illegal workers but that changed as Blues tipped radical. So this is what you see full on now. They cant win normal anymore so they have to "ride dirty" as Slim Shady's minister used to say.
As for old "part" aside from the fact I could kick your butt pretty easy (unless you're a gender bender on juice lol). The people who struggle with their age the most as they age are the ones who were snotty about it as kids (which I never was).
Now Matt Tiabi is basically an olde skool liberal who woke up to the kooks (and they sent the IRS after him). He sees the fake "save Democracy" game thats afoot,
"Many who couldn’t stand Trump, would never vote for him, and have been willing consumers of the awesome amount of propaganda published on the Trump subject, now need to face the fact that they’ve been had. Transformed into the avatar of all bad things — a crude domestic combo platter of Saddam, Milosevic, Assad, and Putin — this vision of the über-villain, Trump, has been used to distract mass audiences from the erosion of “norms” at home. “Protecting democracy” in the Trump context will be remembered as having served the same purpose as Saddam’s mythical WMDs, the shots fired in the Gulf of Tonkin, or Gaddafi’s fictional Viagra-enhanced army. Those were carefully crafted political lies, used to rally the public behind illegal campaigns of preemption.
Voters, by voting, “protect democracy.” A politician who claims to be doing the job for us is up to something. The group in the current White House is trying to steal for themselves a word that belongs to you. Don’t let them."
The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America's first lawfare election