Originally posted by derleider:
Originally posted by RCTrooper:
Andrew Harrison referred to Wisconsin's Frank Kaminsky as a n!gg!r in a post game conference. Imagine the outrage is the opposite happened.
Yes, justifiably.
Using n'er in this context is just an insult. Might as well call i'm a bitch or a pussy or a dickhead. Because he's NOT BLACK. The extra sensitivity to the word isnt that its an insult, as Im sure you well know, but the racial politics of the word going back centuries. Of course Kaminsky shouldn't care - he's not black. The word applied to him has no extra meaning other than to be a generic insult.
Now if he called him a cracker, or white trash, or slipped in a Polish joke, then at least you might have an analogous situation, but him calling him a n'er is just kind of dumb.
To the it shouldnt be different if Harrison says it or Kaminsky crowd. Fine. Then maybe the nation shouldnt have spent basically every bit of the past 400 years segregating and enslaving blacks because of their race. One you erase that difference and it long term side effects, then we can start worrying about whether this difference is a big deal.
This post was edited on 4/7 3:44 PM by derleider