OT: Mad Men Final Episode Predictions


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Gold Member
Jul 31, 2011
After two failed marriages Don Drapér will hook up with........Peggy Olsen.

Roger Sterling will propose to and marry Big Red....Joan. He will have a heart attack on their wedding night.
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He runs into Al Gore at a bar , invests in his startup 'Interweb' business, becomes Creative Director, gets screwed out of the partnership, fired, while in seclusion is hired by Steve Jobs and Woz, drinks in celebration of Apples success, crashes his Lamborghini on the PCH, face horribly disfigured, cashes out, moves to South Africa, and working on a cure to both Malaria and HIV.
Build to a dramatic moment - then just before the final concluding action - cut to a black screen .....
Don wakes up with Betty in 1960 ... turns to her and says "I just had the weirdest dream"
Don walks into the new firm after his "vacation" and say he's ready to make another run and we are just left knowing Don will always be Don.

Peggy just grinds out a better than average living in the male dominated work place and never marries.
Don in his office. Grabs briefcase. Opens window. Jumps out.

The show intro is literal. A couple episodes ago he checks the window when he move to the new office building.

Probably not but would be memorable.
Just hoping it has an exciting, ending with closure like 'Breaking Bad'. To me, The Sopranos ending was the worst to a big TV series I can remember, basically no ending.. fill in your the blank. Mash had a great ending as well.
What I think will actually happen: Don continues his Hands across America tour and then comes back to declare his new Name is Dick Whitman. No hiding from the past. He finds about Betty and those two have one last talk. He is done with Mcann, tells them to go scratch and starts his own firm again.

What I would love to see happen. Don continues to tour america and meets Warren Buffet but doesn't know who he is. They get along great and start talking about Advertising. Warren realizes Don is ready to get back to work and proposes to Buy McCann and have Don run it. They make the offer through proxies and the Old man agrees to sell. As they are signing the papers, Buffet says he wants to introduce them to the new Management team, and President Don Draper comes walking in with the biggest s _ _ t eating grin you have ever seen, followed by Roger, Peggy, Pete, Ted and Joan. They sit down at the same conference table where the MCcan president told them it was over, and Don and the gang shout to Jim Hobart as he is walking out the door....."How does it feel for it to be over." End of series.
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Well, Pete has reconciled with his ex-wife and has a great opportunity with Lear; Joan has cashed out and has a wealthy guy; Betty is dying and I would guess Don will get his kids back if he heads back to NY; so maybe Don and Roger will start up a new firm.
I think it will likely have something to do with Don coming clean about his name. They seem to be leading up to that.
I doubt you see Betty again. The symbolism of her walking up the stairs in college - metaphorically into heaven. With the sun shining through the window - almost like a halo.

Also Don Draper is dead, hence the opening credits. He's been getting rid of everything he knows - first giving Peggy a shot at Burger Chef - something he was built for. Megan is gone. Betty is dead. He walked out of his job at McCann - something he's done before, always to come back, but he is finally done. He give's away his Caddy to a younger con man version of him, waiting at a bus stop with nothing.

He resumes life in California as Dick Whitman leading a simple life - maybe a possible spin off?

Or a spin off of Pete and Trudy in Wichita, but that won't be too interesting.
I hope the final is an extended show of at least 1 1/2hours.

Last show ended with him at the bus stop. I think he returns to New York.

I think he goes out on his own....maybe freelancing, consulting. His first meeting at McCann Erickson he was in a meeting with a roomful of Creative Directors. He was not happy because he is used to being the only creative genius in the room. He then walked out, Ted Shaw smiled because he knew what it meant...Draper would never be happy there and Shaw smiled because he knew Draper would go out on his own and would be happy elsewhere.

In his personal life, maybe the waitress Diane comes back to New York.

i'm not sure what to make of the opening of him flying through the air...maybe suicide but I doubt it.
Interesting theory that was throw out about two years ago but making the rounds right now , Don being D.B. Cooper.
Finale was good, as these things go. With Don, everything in life has been confusing and the end was no different.
The implication is that Don Draper was responsible for the most famous jingle ever after spending time finding himself in California.

The Coke jingle....I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony......."
Almost as disappointing as The Sopranos ending. Guess it's too much to hope for an exciting conclusion like Beaking Bad had. Heck even The Office and Six Feet Under had much better finales. Many years ago , the classic Mash had a terrific finale.
I liked it. It wrapped things up, but in a subtle way that was consistent with how the show was written. It would have felt artificial to come to some grand conclusion. Knowing that Don gets back into the ad game and conquers it on the ultimate stage is a satisfying ending to me. Told you just enough, but still left you wondering on some fronts, which is the mark of a good story in my opinion.
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Interestingly, just read that the original Coke commercial, which was produced in 1971, was created by Bill Backer of.......McCann Erickson.
I liked it. It wrapped things up, but in a subtle way that was consistent with how the show was written. It would have felt artificial to come to some grand conclusion. Knowing that Don gets back into the ad game and conquers it on the ultimate stage is a satisfying ending to me. Told you just enough, but still left you wondering on some fronts, which is the mark of a good story in my opinion.

So you agree about the Don Draper and Coke jingle implication? I would have liked to see it end with Don introducing it at a meeting and then it playing with the room filled with Peggy, Sterling et al.
I thought the idea that Don brought in his new found zenness and inner peace to the advertising game -- leading to the Coke commercial -- was rather brilliant. That is generally thought of as one of the top 5 commercials, so hinting that Don returned to the business and back to the top was a rather happy ending in the midst of a lot of sad things going on.

Although my wife didn't get the implication right away, so I could see how it might have been a bit too vague for many. For me, it hit the right notes...
It really didn't seem that unclear to me. Don plays some critical part in the making of a timeless Coke commercial. I actually really enjoyed the ending as it is typically impossible to satisfy all of the viewers.