OT: New Happy Valley/Sandusky Documentary on Netflix

Dude, you are all over the place. You said that Penn State wouldn't reveal why not to hire Sandusky and it was this huge cover up. Since you are so in the loop, what was their reasoning to not hire him?
You killed him in this "debate" and he knows it. He can't explain his claims that PSU knew something back in the 80's, couldn't explain why PSU would be responsible for the 1998 incident after the authorities did not charge Sandusky and couldn't explain how PSU was somehow holding back Sandusky from interviewing with other team after he retired. Instead of just sticking to the facts and saying that PSU failed (which it certainly did), he got greedy.
There were no charges. What does the background check do?

And again, you say you have these ties to a source but don't state how Penn State was keeping Sandusky from being employed by someone.

Do you ever answer direct questions or do you just dance around them?
News flash: Background checks involve more that just picking up the public records at the county courthouse. No I don't have any recordings of the conversations between Ped administrators and their counterparts when and if requests were made to speak with Sandusky about coaching opportunities. Funny how the DC at a pretty successful program for 20 yrs never gets a shot as HC anywhere else in college football. Anyway in light of what we know today, it doesn't take much to get the word out that he shouldn't be considered and/or let Sandusky know he better not consider them. No, stuff like that never happens..
Joke Pa......yes? I heard rhythmic slapping in the shower,. Jerry was in there with the charity kids you let him bring here.

We'll take care of it. It's crappy valley, people here are sheep. We will have the district attorney dissapear and his hard drive will be at the bottom of a river.

Ok sounds good, As long as the football team isn't affected.
Joke Pa......yes? I heard rhythmic slapping in the shower,. Jerry was in there with the charity kids you let him bring here.

We'll take care of it. It's crappy valley, people here are sheep. We will have the district attorney dissapear and his hard drive will be at the bottom of a river.

Ok sounds good, As long as the football team isn't affected.
Or maybe it had to do with the large drug cartel that he just took down? Or maybe even a suicide? Naw, it had to be PSU and Sandusky because, you know... 2005 is so close to 2001!

It's pretty sad how hard you guys are trying. Do you really think PSU people were behind Gricar's disappearance or are you just trying to make yourself feel good? Basically, I want to know if you are just stupid or incredibly petty because of your hatred towards a "rival". It's pathetic either way but if you were just that stupid I would have some sympathy.
To me if Sandusky was so revered in town like they say in the beginning of the documentary it is kind of odd that he never coached after he "retired" from PSU. If he was such a good coach, A: why did he retire so young and B: why did'nt he ever coach anywhere else? Very odd. Which makes you think people knew or at the very least suspected something fishy.
Is that what they told you? It was drug dealers lol?

Maybe it was the easter bunny and the tooth fairy?
To me if Sandusky was so revered in town like they say in the beginning of the documentary it is kind of odd that he never coached after he "retired" from PSU. If he was such a good coach, A: why did he retire so young and B: why did'nt he ever coach anywhere else? Very odd. Which makes you think people knew or at the very least suspected something fishy.
Wonder what the fly on the wall could tell about the JoPA meeting with UVA re: a possible Sandusky hire.It's obvious Ped St was keeping their pedophile under house arrest-the cultists will never believe it of course unless there are emails, tape recordings, etc. WIihout that we're all against them...

Is that what they told you? It was drug dealers lol?

Maybe it was the easter bunny and the tooth fairy?

So just to clarify, you think it is more realistic for Penn State supporters to kill Ray Gricar than a major drug cartel? Or it is more realistic for Penn State supporters to kill Ray Gricar rather than a suicide (which, btw, he did internet searches for how to destroy a hard drive right before his disappearance)?

Maybe I should ask you about the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
Wonder what the fly on the wall could tell about the JoPA meeting with UVA re: a possible Sandusky hire.It's obvious Ped St was keeping their pedophile under house arrest-the cultists will never believe it of course unless there are emails, tape recordings, etc. WIihout that we're all against them...

You're probably giving the Pedders too much credit, I doubt they'd even believe email evidence, video or tape recordings, or a resurrected Mother Teresa's sworn testimony to the Sandusky cover-up.
So just to clarify, you think it is more realistic for Penn State supporters to kill Ray Gricar than a major drug cartel? Or it is more realistic for Penn State supporters to kill Ray Gricar rather than a suicide (which, btw, he did internet searches for how to destroy a hard drive right before his disappearance)?

Maybe I should ask you about the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
I could buy the suicide theory considering the guilt of handing a rampant gay pedophile his get out-of-jail-free card.
I could buy the suicide theory considering the guilt of handing a rampant gay pedophile his get out-of-jail-free card.

If he thought Sandusky was a rampant pedophile, you would think that we would work hard to find more victims. Or keep a closer eye on him.
First of all, if Penn State didn't reveal it then who did? Also, why did Joe Paterno meet with the chancellor of UVA the weekend that Sandusky went into leading for the HC position. Al Groh was named the following week because UVA and Sandusky couldn't come to an agreement on a contract.

I know for a fact their were rumors because it was posted on our board years before the scandal broke.

Not sure you understand what "reveal" means.

Quietly talking about a coaching candidate's felonious pedophilia to another school is only "revealing" to that school. And we have no idea what was said... how much was "revealed". We do know that UVA did not then "reveal" what was said about Sandusky to anyone who could do somehting about it.

We do know that Penn State did not "reveal" anything to law enforcement or to the parents of the children of that pedophile-enabling charity.

We do know that Penn State did not even stop Sandusky from using its facilities to sexually assault children.

We do know that once Sandusky's crimes were publicly "revealed", that Penn State chose to demolish those showers.

I found that very 'revealing".

As a Penn State fan and supporter.. what was 'revealed" to you and when was it "revealed"?
Not sure you understand what "reveal" means.

Quietly talking about a coaching candidate's felonious pedophilia to another school is only "revealing" to that school. And we have no idea what was said... how much was "revealed". We do know that UVA did not then "reveal" what was said about Sandusky to anyone who could do somehting about it.

We do know that Penn State did not "reveal" anything to law enforcement or to the parents of the children of that pedophile-enabling charity.

We do know that Penn State did not even stop Sandusky from using its facilities to sexually assault children.

We do know that once Sandusky's crimes were publicly "revealed", that Penn State chose to demolish those showers.

I found that very 'revealing".

As a Penn State fan and supporter.. what was 'revealed" to you and when was it "revealed"?
Let me role play a hypothetical call from the Purdue or Colorado St AD to Ped about Jerry:
Purdue/Colo St guy: "Hey PSU A.D. we are interesting in interviewing your DC Jerry Sandusky for our HC opening. Your team's defensive performances under Jerry have been consistently impressive over the last 10,15 20 years."
PSU guy: "Yes Jerry is a PSU coaching stalwart, we'd hate to see him go but you're welcome to contact him. However he is involved in some very personal family matters currently, it might be better to contact him in a few months. We'll let Jerry know you called."
PSU guy: "Hey Jerry, another school called to request permission to talk to you about their HC opening. You do know your answer to that when they call you.";)
Let me role play a hypothetical call from the Purdue or Colorado St AD to Ped about Jerry:
Purdue/Colo St guy: "Hey PSU A.D. we are interesting in interviewing your DC Jerry Sandusky for our HC opening. Your team's defensive performances under Jerry have been consistently impressive over the last 10,15 20 years."
PSU guy: "Yes Jerry is a PSU coaching stalwart, we'd hate to see him go but you're welcome to contact him. However he is involved in some very personal family matters currently, it might be better to contact him in a few months. We'll let Jerry know you called."
PSU guy: "Hey Jerry, another school called to request permission to talk to you about their HC opening. You do know your answer to that when they call you.";)
Jerry was retired since the end of the 1999 season. Why would any school need to call for PSU's permission to interview him?
When did PSU first know that Sandusky was a pedo? And please cite your work.

The grand jury identified eight boys who had been singled out for sexual advances or sexual assaults by Sandusky, taking place from 1994 through 2009. At least 20 of the incidents allegedly took place while Sandusky was still employed at Penn State. The Second Mile started in '77. I'll take a midpoint timeline and say Ped Staters knew in '80's. You ok with that?

P.S. just too ironic one of the key witnesses has the last name McQueary
That PSU student they interviewed in his dorm room with Paterno photos all over his wall needs a ton of help.

That's pretty scary. He even equated OBrien putting names on the jerseys to if the Catholic Church replaced a cross with another symbol. Bizarre.
The grand jury identified eight boys who had been singled out for sexual advances or sexual assaults by Sandusky, taking place from 1994 through 2009. At least 20 of the incidents allegedly took place while Sandusky was still employed at Penn State. The Second Mile started in '77. I'll take a midpoint timeline and say Ped Staters knew in '80's. You ok with that?

P.S. just too ironic one of the key witnesses has the last name McQueary
No, of course I am not okay with that. If you want to say that PSU knew anything prior to 1998 (which again, he was never charged with anything at that time), you need to bring something concrete. You can't just put your finger on a timeline and go "THERE! THAT WAS IT!!!"
What do you believe you've taken me to task about that I need to defend? I need another good laugh from you. I wrote I have heard from a very credible source that Ped St blocked Sandusky from getting jobs at any other schools as part of a cover-up. And you find that odd. Gee, I'm so unworthy. [roll]
Credible source? Since when is "A buddy of mine has relatives that work in college athletics" an air tight source. A buddy of mine who relatives that work in college athletics says your buddy's relative is full of crap. Do you also have a buddy with a relative who know where Hoffa is buried? I bet he also heard Ferris Bueller needs a kidney transplant.
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No, of course I am not okay with that. If you want to say that PSU knew anything prior to 1998 (which again, he was never charged with anything at that time), you need to bring something concrete. You can't just put your finger on a timeline and go "THERE! THAT WAS IT!!!"
The truth is somewhere between Sandusky's jail cell and JoPa's cemetery. I know, I know, there's nothing on video or a tape recording so it's just so unfair to smear the good name of Ped with all of this....I'll let you be now to your deluded state of denial.
wow.. ttfpers are still defending the indefensible. They need to change their special game night from "white out" to "white-wash".
It is possible to have a reasonable discussion on this subject with many - PSU supporters, RU supporters, other program supporters included.

However, there are too many people that are just not equipped intellectually chiming in for this to happen on a message board. Just throwing out things that are complete conjecture, have no basis in fact, don't follow a line of logical thinking, etc. and then throw out the fact that the crime was horrific (which it was) when they have nothing else. Much like the PSU guys who scream "no hard evidence - didn't happen" as a defense.

Reasonable people can draw reasonable conclusions that can't really apportion guilt without first hand knowledge, but can assume some level of culpability. This is what kjb is doing and I have seen other RU backers do (and get attacked for) - and he is certainly not presenting an argument that wouldn't get attacked by the same bunch of characters on a PSU board. And he is taking RC85 to the woodshed, but RC hasn't figured out yet when to employ the old saying "better to remain silent..."

Entertaining, but is running it's course.
It is possible to have a reasonable discussion on this subject with many - PSU supporters, RU supporters, other program supporters included.

However, there are too many people that are just not equipped intellectually chiming in for this to happen on a message board. Just throwing out things that are complete conjecture, have no basis in fact, don't follow a line of logical thinking, etc. and then throw out the fact that the crime was horrific (which it was) when they have nothing else. Much like the PSU guys who scream "no hard evidence - didn't happen" as a defense.

Reasonable people can draw reasonable conclusions that can't really apportion guilt without first hand knowledge, but can assume some level of culpability. This is what kjb is doing and I have seen other RU backers do (and get attacked for) - and he is certainly not presenting an argument that wouldn't get attacked by the same bunch of characters on a PSU board. And he is taking RC85 to the woodshed, but RC hasn't figured out yet when to employ the old saying "better to remain silent..."

Entertaining, but is running it's course.
So kjb and getmyjive are demolishing some talk of Ped St covering-up the Sandusky scandal for decades? Somehow I'm missing that. Please detail, and as getmyjive would say, cite your sources please.
So kjb and getmyjive are demolishing some talk of Ped St covering-up the Sandusky scandal for decades? Somehow I'm missing that. Please detail, and as getmyjive would say, cite your sources please.
Your problem is that you don't want to talk about the actual facts of the case. To that, I really can't have an honest discussion with you.
Sandusky was in the President's Suite at Beaver Stadium for JoePa's 409th 6 days before his indictment was unsealed. Keep in mind that Spanier, Paterno, McQueary, Curly, et al. had already testified to the Grand Jury. So either PSU was too arrogant to think that a grand jury would dare indict a retired PSU football coach, or they were simply too stoopid to think that maybe PSU should cut ties with Uncle Jerry. Or was it both arrogance and stupidity? The only logical conclusion is that it was simple a part of the "nothing to see here" plan of action that had been in force for years among all the players, including Paterno.

So for all the PSU fans chirping that "Sandusky was retired" and "Joe didn't know" and "this was not a PSU culture problem," try wrapping your head around why Sandusky was an official guest of PSU for St. Joe's 409th in the Presidential Suite AFTER the major players had all testified in the grand jury proceedings.

At the very least, you would think that Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley would be like, "Hey Jer, we know that this grand jury thing is whack, but maybe you could keep a low profile until no indictment is returned? Please? Maybe not come around for a few months? Please? Wait...why should we stop the cover-up NOW? We've almost made it through."
Your problem is that you don't want to talk about the actual facts of the case. To that, I really can't have an honest discussion with you.
The facts have been covered up for decades. All you have is what was publicly disclosed after the scandal broke. So what's your theory as to why a long-time asst head coach with proven success at a high-profile CFB program never made it to the head coaching ranks somewhere, anywhere?
Sandusky was in the President's Suite at Beaver Stadium for JoePa's 409th 6 days before his indictment was unsealed. Keep in mind that Spanier, Paterno, McQueary, Curly, et al. had already testified to the Grand Jury. So either PSU was too arrogant to think that a grand jury would dare indict a retired PSU football coach, or they were simply too stoopid to think that maybe PSU should cut ties with Uncle Jerry. Or was it both arrogance and stupidity? The only logical conclusion is that it was simple a part of the "nothing to see here" plan of action that had been in force for years among all the players, including Paterno.

So for all the PSU fans chirping that "Sandusky was retired" and "Joe didn't know" and "this was not a PSU culture problem," try wrapping your head around why Sandusky was an official guest of PSU for St. Joe's 409th in the Presidential Suite AFTER the major players had all testified in the grand jury proceedings.

At the very least, you would think that Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley would be like, "Hey Jer, we know that this grand jury thing is whack, but maybe you could keep a low profile until no indictment is returned? Please? Maybe not come around for a few months? Please? Wait...why should we stop the cover-up NOW? We've almost made it through."
First off, that is the president's box, so Paterno wouldn't have anything to do with it. With that being said, it has already been established that the Curley, Spanier and Schultz have made plenty of questionable (if not criminal) decisions throughout this whole situation, so them making another one is not surprising to say the least. It's definitely arrogance, but the question is, did they believe Jerry was a pedo or did they believe he was really just a bit weird and had boundary issues. If it is the latter, that would explain why he was allowed in the box. But again, it's hard to comment on that because the trial has not occurred yet and we do not know exactly why was told between Curley and Schultz to Spanier.

I still think there is a fairly decent chance that Curley and Schultz were the masterminds of the coverup and gave a BS story to Spanier about "horseplay".
The facts have been covered up for decades. All you have is what was publicly disclosed after the scandal broke. So what's your theory as to why a long-time asst head coach with proven success at a high-profile CFB program never made it to the head coaching ranks somewhere, anywhere?
There has been nothing prior to 1998 that suggests PSU coaches or administration knew about Sandsuky's pedo-ness. If you can find something, again, please post it. I'm not going to pretend like I know who knew what before 1998 because none of us do. It's futile.
First off, that is the president's box, so Paterno wouldn't have anything to do with it. With that being said, it has already been established that the Curley, Spanier and Schultz have made plenty of questionable (if not criminal) decisions throughout this whole situation, so them making another one is not surprising to say the least. It's definitely arrogance, but the question is, did they believe Jerry was a pedo or did they believe he was really just a bit weird and had boundary issues. If it is the latter, that would explain why he was allowed in the box. But again, it's hard to comment on that because the trial has not occurred yet and we do not know exactly why was told between Curley and Schultz to Spanier.

I still think there is a fairly decent chance that Curley and Schultz were the masterminds of the coverup and gave a BS story to Spanier about "horseplay".

But they had already testified as part of a grand jury investigation. Even if Curley and Schultz believed that Jerry just had boundary issues, isn't a grand jury investigation enough to tell Sandusky to lie low regardless of their beliefs? Hadn't McQueary already spilled the beans to Paterno, who infamously put the story up the chain? At that time, you have to presume that Paterno, Curley, Schultz and McQueary all knew or should have known that Sandusky may have done something that was, at a bare minimum, very inappropriate in a PSU shower with a juvenile.

It's really incomprehensible to me. Well, the entire case is. But allowing Jerry in the President's Suite during a pending molestation investigation is just inexplicable.
There has been nothing prior to 1998 that suggests PSU coaches or administration knew about Sandsuky's pedo-ness. If you can find something, again, please post it. I'm not going to pretend like I know who knew what before 1998 because none of us do. It's futile.
So you have no guesses as to why the raging pedo was kept on the Ped St farm and never aspired to a higher rank in the coaching profession? Maybe he was just too lazy, not ambitious enough. Any ideas kjb? diceman? So according to diceman you're smarter than those that hear something about Ped blocking any moves by the raging pedo out of seclusion in the mountains and don't put it past Ped. Lucky you genius.
But they had already testified as part of a grand jury investigation. Even if Curley and Schultz believed that Jerry just had boundary issues, isn't a grand jury investigation enough to tell Sandusky to lie low regardless of their beliefs? Hadn't McQueary already spilled the beans to Paterno, who infamously put the story up the chain? At that time, you have to presume that Paterno, Curley, Schultz and McQueary all knew or should have known that Sandusky may have done something that was, at a bare minimum, very inappropriate in a PSU shower with a juvenile.

It's really incomprehensible to me. Well, the entire case is. But allowing Jerry in the President's Suite during a pending molestation investigation is just inexplicable.
It is incredible, there is no doubt about it. But, if Spanier was told by Curley and Schultz (remember, Spanier did not talk to Paterno and McQueary, only C/S) that Jerry was just "horsing around", he may have thought that there was nothing to this investigation and that Jerry was just a guy with boundary issues. You really can't bring Paterno or McQueary up win this particular discussion because they have nothing to do with who watches a game in the president's box. But yes, there was certainly a great deal of arrogance about the whole situation.
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So you have no guesses as to why the raging pedo was kept on the Ped St farm and never aspired to a higher rank in the coaching profession? Maybe he was just too lazy, not ambitious enough. Any ideas kjb? diceman? So according to diceman you're smarter than those that hear something about Ped blocking any moves by the raging pedo out of seclusion in the mountains and don't put it past Ped. Lucky you genius.
Why did Tom Bradley stay at PSU so long? He could have been a Head coach the last 5-7 years he was there. It's because he thought that he was going to be the HC at PSU. Jerry thought the same thing and was just waiting for Paterno to leave. I don't think anyone believed that Paterno would be coaching until he was 85.
So kjb and getmyjive are demolishing some talk of Ped St covering-up the Sandusky scandal for decades? Somehow I'm missing that. Please detail, and as getmyjive would say, cite your sources please.

You prove my point. A reasonable person would not come to your Mel Gibson-esque conclusions, nor would a reasonable person believe that JoePa made no mistakes. There are no facts that prove either contrary, a fact in itself that both sides use in their argument. However, reasonable people can familiarize themselves with the actual facts of the case and come to reasonable conclusions. Like kjb is doing. I haven't followed getmyjives argument line closely enough to comment on it.
Why did Tom Bradley stay at PSU so long? He could have been a Head coach the last 5-7 years he was there. It's because he thought that he was going to be the HC at PSU. Jerry thought the same thing and was just waiting for Paterno to leave. I don't think anyone believed that Paterno would be coaching until he was 85.
Bradley waiting 5-7 yrs when JoPA was in his late 70's/early 80's is a reasonable assumption.Sandusky waiting 10, 15, 20 yrs with JoPA in his 60's and never giving any indication of retiring-hard to believe. Do you have any facts to back-up your theory? Any affidavits, recorded calls/conversations or official letters from Sandusky to verify he thought the "same thing". Diceman may not approve if you don't-he's a real smart guy you know.