OT: New Happy Valley/Sandusky Documentary on Netflix

Why did Tom Bradley stay at PSU so long? He could have been a Head coach the last 5-7 years he was there. It's because he thought that he was going to be the HC at PSU. Jerry thought the same thing and was just waiting for Paterno to leave. I don't think anyone believed that Paterno would be coaching until he was 85.

so he was waiting for Joe to leave by retiring? So then what? once joe retired he would come out of retirement and take over? That doesn't explain why he never landed another job, anywhere, ever.
You prove my point. A reasonable person would not come to your Mel Gibson-esque conclusions, nor would a reasonable person believe that JoePa made no mistakes. There are no facts that prove either contrary, a fact in itself that both sides use in their argument. However, reasonable people can familiarize themselves with the actual facts of the case and come to reasonable conclusions. Like kjb is doing. I haven't followed getmyjives argument line closely enough to comment on it.
Mel Gibson-esque? Please explain.
I guess you can question whether someone heard something as being a fact, but unless you are Solomon II how do you know that what the person says isn't true or at least reasonable to believe?
Bradley waiting 5-7 yrs when JoPA was in his late 70's/early 80's is a reasonable assumption.Sandusky waiting 10, 15, 20 yrs with JoPA in his 60's and never giving any indication of retiring-hard to believe. Do you have any facts to back-up your theory? Any affidavits, recorded calls/conversations or official letters from Sandusky to verify he thought the "same thing". Diceman may not approve if you don't-he's a real smart guy you know.

I think it's a reasonable assumption to think that a 60 year old man (which is what he was in 1986 when PSU won the NC) was relatively close to retirement. The "proof" is in Paterno's personal notes that were written about in Posnanski's book. Go read it if you wish.
so he was waiting for Joe to leave by retiring? So then what? once joe retired he would come out of retirement and take over? That doesn't explain why he never landed another job, anywhere, ever.
Once Paterno told him that he was never getting the PSU HC coaching job, he turned his efforts towards his charity (for obvious reasons).
I think it's a reasonable assumption to think that a 60 year old man (which is what he was in 1986 when PSU won the NC) was relatively close to retirement. The "proof" is in Paterno's personal notes that were written about in Posnanski's book. Go read it if you wish.
So it took Sandusky another 13 yrs to realize it wasn't going to happen. He is a patient man. Why didn't he try to jump to another program instead of quitting?
Once Paterno told him that he was never getting the PSU HC coaching job, he turned his efforts towards his charity (for obvious reasons).
"Charity", now that's a new one from the Ped St spin machine.
So you have no guesses as to why the raging pedo was kept on the Ped St farm and never aspired to a higher rank in the coaching profession? Maybe he was just too lazy, not ambitious enough. Any ideas kjb? diceman? So according to diceman you're smarter than those that hear something about Ped blocking any moves by the raging pedo out of seclusion in the mountains and don't put it past Ped. Lucky you genius.

Why is Bud Foster still the defensive coordinator at VT? He's been in that position since 1995 waiting for Beamer to retire. Have you determined he's a criminal as well, or is he just lazy?
Why is Bud Foster still the defensive coordinator at VT? He's been in that position since 1995 waiting for Beamer to retire. Have you determined he's a criminal as well, or is he just lazy?
Haven't heard any accusations about Bud Foster being a pedophile right under the nose of Beamer.
Had you heard about accusations about Sandusky? If so why didn't you call the police?
He should have done more. Along with all those other schools that PSU was supposedly telling not to interview Sandsuky because he was a pedo. Surprised none of them went to police.
He should have done more. Along with all those other schools that PSU was supposedly telling not to interview Sandsuky because he was a pedo. Surprised none of them went to police.
Where did you hear that Ped was revealing to other schools that Sandusky was a pedophile? That's not how it's been discussed on this thread.
Where did you hear that Ped was revealing to other schools that Sandusky was a pedophile? That's not how it's been discussed on this thread.

He's a Ped....He's not a Ped...He's a Ped...He's not a Ped.

great thread guys.

you got a new commitment today, FYI
That's exactly how its been discussed in this thread
Wrong again junior. Here's a copy of the post above to show what an idiot you are:
Let me role play a hypothetical call from the Purdue or Colorado St AD to Ped about Jerry:
Purdue/Colo St guy: "Hey PSU A.D. we are interested in interviewing your DC Jerry Sandusky for our HC opening. Your team's defensive performances under Jerry have been consistently impressive over the last 10,15 20 years."
PSU guy: "Yes Jerry is a PSU coaching stalwart, we'd hate to see him go but you're welcome to contact him. However he is involved in some very personal family matters currently, it might be better to contact him in a few months. We'll let Jerry know you called."
PSU guy: "Hey Jerry, another school called to request permission to talk to you about their HC opening. You do know your answer to that when they call you.";)

57 BIGRUBIGDBIGredmachine, Today at 11:39 AM
The stupidest thing is : how a school didn't turn in a child molester after he was caught , but only told him not to bring children on campus anymore.
Seems like they were saying: we know you are a pervert, so be perverted someplace else.
Also allowing that scum to keep the Coach Emeritus honor after that pervert was caught in the FB locker-room shower molesting a child.
But he did get that honor around a year after being investigated for child abuse.

I can't understand why that pervert kept his office, Honorary Title and allowed to be considered a respected part of the Nittany Lion FB program's past after being caught molesting as child and only think that changed for thet scumbag in Happy Valley was : "being told npt to bring his victims on campus any more":chairshot:

Defend PSU and all involved including the HC by claiming they were innocent victims of a massive conspiracy against them or admit more was wrong about the way Penn St inter-reacted with an accused child abuser ( 1998) who was caught molesting a child in 2001 and that molestation reported to the HC ( who waited to inform other PSU officials because he didn't want to ruin their weekend) Penn St

Don't blame it on the few arrested, we all know by their actions: they knew what Sandusky was after he was turned in by the mother of a child he showered with ant that was in 1998.
Anything before that I can't accuse Penn St officials ( including the HC at the time) of knowing Sandusky was a child molester.
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Wrong again junior. Here's a copy of the post above to show what an idiot you are:
Let me role play a hypothetical call from the Purdue or Colorado St AD to Ped about Jerry:
Purdue/Colo St guy: "Hey PSU A.D. we are interested in interviewing your DC Jerry Sandusky for our HC opening. Your team's defensive performances under Jerry have been consistently impressive over the last 10,15 20 years."
PSU guy: "Yes Jerry is a PSU coaching stalwart, we'd hate to see him go but you're welcome to contact him. However he is involved in some very personal family matters currently, it might be better to contact him in a few months. We'll let Jerry know you called."
PSU guy: "Hey Jerry, another school called to request permission to talk to you about their HC opening. You do know your answer to that when they call you.";)

57 BIGRUBIGDBIGredmachine, Today at 11:39 AM

Try reading the rest of the thread, and not just your own drivel
Credible source? Since when is "A buddy of mine has relatives that work in college athletics" an air tight source. A buddy of mine who relatives that work in college athletics says your buddy's relative is full of crap. Do you also have a buddy with a relative who know where Hoffa is buried? I bet he also heard Ferris Bueller needs a kidney transplant.
At least an almost straight forward reply from the Ped side-I'm very solid on the source though, but also know that most Pedders will never accept any notion of the scandal being more than what's been reported in the news. All the blather from kjb, jive, etc. rehashing and spinning public information as the only "facts" and crying about that being the end of the story is pathetic. Once a pedophile always a pedophile. Is there really any doubt that Sandusky was molesting boys at least as far back as the start of The Second Mile in '77?! Given the cover-up attempts by Ped after all the known eye-witness reports from '98-on, you just cannot be naive enough to believe that there were no more Sandusky boy rapes in the Penn St showers before that to be hushed-up and buried forever.
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But.. Bud Foster is still coaching. Sandusky stopped coaching in his prime and never coached again, WHY?
Because he liked molesting children? Not sure what your point is. If you are insinuating that he was getting interest from all over the country but PSU was telling these schools that he was a child molester, then why didn't any of those schools report it? Do they not have a moral obligation? And what about Greg Schiano? Why didn't he do more?? He worked with Sandusky for five years... surely he must have known, right?

This is why dealing with fantasy situations is pointless.
Try pointing out where you read that.
The Ped defenders have run out of spin, so I'll summarize their pushback on their behalf: 1) We knew nothing until the 2002 shower rape report to Paterno by McQueary, and Joe and the Ped Admin made mistakes. 2) The local DA dropped the molestation case in 1998 so we are not responsible. 3) Sandusky was a model Ped citizen and we were not aware of his pedophile perversions for the 20+ years he was a high-level coach in the program nor when he retired in 1999 as a Ped Emeritus allowing him full access to our campus.

We are Ped State!

Because he liked molesting children? Not sure what your point is. If you are insinuating that he was getting interest from all over the country but PSU was telling these schools that he was a child molester, then why didn't any of those schools report it? Do they not have a moral obligation? And what about Greg Schiano? Why didn't he do more?? He worked with Sandusky for five years... surely he must have known, right?

This is why dealing with fantasy situations is pointless.
I was wrong, the spin stupidity continues...waiting for someone on the Ped side to point out why you say that Ped was telling schools he was child molester?
I was wrong, the spin stupidity continues...waiting for someone on the Ped side to point out why you say that Ped was telling schools he was child molester?

Ok, I'll do the work for you

Not sure you understand what "reveal" means.

Quietly talking about a coaching candidate's felonious pedophilia to another school is only "revealing" to that school. And we have no idea what was said... how much was "revealed". We do know that UVA did not then "reveal" what was said about Sandusky to anyone who could do somehting about it.

The Sandusky cover-up in Crappy Valley was wider and deeper than revealed even to-date. A buddy of mine has relatives that work in college athletics and it was known for decades that Sandusky was off-limits as a coaching hire by other schools. Ped St wouldn't reveal the disgusting nature of the pedophile to other schools of course, but the word was out from Ped that Sandusky would not be available to any other FB programs. How Ped didn't get a 3-5 yr FB program lockdown will go down as one of the biggest jokes in NCAA history.
Ok, I'll do the work for you
You didn't do too well in your remedial reading summer courses at Ped did you.
  • "Ped St wouldn't reveal the disgusting nature of the pedophile to other schools of course, but the word was out from Ped that Sandusky would not be available to any other FB program."
  • "And we have no idea what was said... how much was "revealed".
P.S. try this next time:
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You're either the densest person on Rivals, or a world class troll. I give up either way
So you give up on trying to claim that anyone here said that Ped St was revealing Sandusky's pedophile perversions to other schools.OK genius, you got me now.
You didn't do too well in your remedial reading summer courses at Ped did you.
  • "Ped St wouldn't reveal the disgusting nature of the pedophile to other schools of course, but the word was out from Ped that Sandusky would not be available to any other FB program."
  • "And we have no idea what was said... how much was "revealed".
P.S. try this next time:
cjrugger has to be a born and bred, make that inbred, local of Bumpkinville in Centre County PA, what a dunce.
It will take at least 4-5 years before the Nits and Knights show they can have a rivalry like that and the smack talk will be more about the upcoming game than what happens off the field years ago.
Not saying it won't creep into the conversation, but football will dominate the smack talk (hopefully) once a rivalry is established. That would be so cool, the current players and staff have zero association with the heinous acts that took place there.

Sorry to inform you about this, Zap, but the current PSU administration "bridged the gap" to the Sandusky era through their shameful extortion of the NCAA to get JoePa's victories restored and the sanctions lifted.

I suppose that this guy has some sort of agenda huh? Maybe it is simply that he doesn't like folks who cover up for pedophiles?
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The Ped defenders have run out of spin, so I'll summarize their pushback on their behalf: 1) We knew nothing until the 2002 shower rape report to Paterno by McQueary, and Joe and the Ped Admin made mistakes. 2) The local DA dropped the molestation case in 1998 so we are not responsible. 3) Sandusky was a model Ped citizen and we were not aware of his pedophile perversions for the 20+ years he was a high-level coach in the program nor when he retired in 1999 as a Ped Emeritus allowing him full access to our campus.

We are Ped State!

Awfully quiet in the pedo peanut gallery. kjb? jive? dice? Hello. rugger we kno u ain't a reel gud readr but give it another shot-always up for a good laugh.
Awfully quiet in the pedo peanut gallery. kjb? jive? dice? Hello. rugger we kno u ain't a reel gud readr but give it another shot-always up for a good laugh.

Whether you believe it or not, you are embarrassing yourself with the way you are talking. There is no point in trying to have a meaningful conversation with you or the other couple of people who are talking like children about the situation. You are using pedophilia to have a "good laugh"... that's pretty disgusting. I just want to remind you that the PSU fans here did nothing wrong which is why your hateful rhetoric is childish and embarrassing.

Good day sir.