OT: New Happy Valley/Sandusky Documentary on Netflix

So you think that the State would intentionally damage an institution that it sends hundreds of millions of dollars to each year?

I understand that NJ doesn't support Rutgers like it should, but if the crap ever hit the fan, the University needs to do what is in the best interest of it's future.

If it meant the State Legislature would control Rutgers University because of a scandal involving that program . they would eliminate RU FB being in the B1G and the local newspaper would be calling for RU to drop its football program if it was accused of covering up for a child molester.
Don't think I can be more clear than that about what would happen to RU FB if it was caught covering up for a child molester.
We would have been kicked out of the Big Ten. Maybe we would eventually get in the ACC, but I don't think you understand the level of damage that would do to the university. And for what? What does shutting down the program achieve? To send a message that everyone already knows? It would be irresponsible and would be a violation of the BOT's fiduciary duties.
Is there a Big10 bylaw that specifies a school gets kicked-out if it doesn't play football for a couple years? Especially in this case of such a heinous crime over decades? Would a permanent conference expulsion be subject to a member vote? Would your school really run out of money without football for 2,3 4 years? What are the BOG's responsibilities to the school? It's hard to believe the Big 10 would permanently expel your school for standing on principle over football profit. There would be lawsuits for years.
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Is there a Big10 bylaw that specifies a school gets kicked-out if it doesn't play football for a couple years? Especially in this case of such a heinous crime over decades? Would a permanent conference expulsion be subject to a member vote? Would your school really run out of money without football for 2,3 4 years? What are the BOG's responsibilities to the school? It's hard to believe the Big 10 would permanently expel your school for standing on principle over football profit. There would be lawsuits for years.
No lawsuits. We were almost kicked out of the Big Ten right after the scandal hit, and that was before any hint of sanctions. The Big Ten schools held a vote and 5 of them allegedly vote us out (at the time you needed something like 8 or 9 votes). So yes, there would be a member vote and yes, the Big Ten would kick you out if you didn't play football.

As stated before, the BOG (or BOT in PSU's case) has a fiduciary duty to do what is in the best interest of the University. It is a legal duty that can land the BOG members in trouble if they blatantly ignore those duties. Eliminating football, getting kicked out of the Big Ten and having to dip into general funds to pay for all sports and expenses related to the football stadium expansion would certainly be considered as ignoring their duties. Would the school run out of money? No, but it would have to make drastic budgetary decisions that would have an adverse affect to the university.
If it meant the State Legislature would control Rutgers University because of a scandal involving that program . they would eliminate RU FB being in the B1G and the local newspaper would be calling for RU to drop its football program if it was accused of covering up for a child molester.
Don't think I can be more clear than that about what would happen to RU FB if it was caught covering up for a child molester.
I'm sorry then that your state would screw hundreds of athletes at Rutgers out of their scholarships because of politics. Same thing with coaches, trainers and other athletic specific job that would be eliminated. That would be pathetic.
No lawsuits. We were almost kicked out of the Big Ten right after the scandal hit, and that was before any hint of sanctions. The Big Ten schools held a vote and 5 of them allegedly vote us out (at the time you needed something like 8 or 9 votes). So yes, there would be a member vote and yes, the Big Ten would kick you out if you didn't play football.

As stated before, the BOG (or BOT in PSU's case) has a fiduciary duty to do what is in the best interest of the University. It is a legal duty that can land the BOG members in trouble if they blatantly ignore those duties. Eliminating football, getting kicked out of the Big Ten and having to dip into general funds to pay for all sports and expenses related to the football stadium expansion would certainly be considered as ignoring their duties. Would the school run out of money? No, but it would have to make drastic budgetary decisions that would have an adverse affect to the university.
So there's no bylaws forcing a school out if it temporarily suspends football in Big10, Eliminating fball logically would end a Big10 membership, but you don't know if a 2,3, 4 year suspension would. Big10 did not vote your school out, can't believe they would even if the NCAA acted in a way befitting the heinous crimes with a 2,3, 4 year shutdown order. A 2,3,4 year self-imposed suspension would be a blatant breach of fiduciary duty-is that an opinion or would long-term financial stability be so permanently impaired as to raise legal liability?
So there's no bylaws forcing a school out if it temporarily suspends football in Big10, Eliminating fball logically would end a Big10 membership, but you don't know if a 2,3, 4 year suspension would. Big10 did not vote your school out, can't believe they would even if the NCAA acted in a way befitting the heinous crimes with a 2,3, 4 year shutdown order. A 2,3,4 year self-imposed suspension would be a blatant breach of fiduciary duty-is that an opinion or would long-term financial stability be so permanently impaired as to raise legal liability?

The Big Ten absolutely would kick a school out for having a multi-year football shutdown. This isn't a charity, schools need to pull their own weight. As I said, we were only a few votes shy of being kicked out before sanctions were even really on the table (the vote happened in early 2012). The members would know that you don't simply shut the program down for a few years and start it back up... it will take an extra couple of years of recruiting just to have enough decent players to field a team. SMU only received a one year death penalty but had to cancel an additional season because of lack of players. When they finally returned in year three, they were playing scholarship freshmen and walk-ons and got blasted. There were injury concerns because their lines were far smaller than the teams that they faced and many of the kids on the team wouldn't have even been able to play D1-AA football. As a result, SMU's downfall did severe harm to the SWC and was one of the contributing factors of it's collapse. The Big Ten wouldn't sit around and wait 10 years for the team to be competitive again.

So with that being said, yes, the AD would be so permanently impaired that this would be a breach of fiduciary duties. There is not even a question about that. At PSU, the athletic department's total expenses is at $117 million of which, the football program only makes up less than $25 million of that number. So who exactly is going to pay for the other ~$90-95 million?
The Big Ten absolutely would kick a school out for having a multi-year football shutdown. This isn't a charity, schools need to pull their own weight. As I said, we were only a few votes shy of being kicked out before sanctions were even really on the table (the vote happened in early 2012). The members would know that you don't simply shut the program down for a few years and start it back up... it will take an extra couple of years of recruiting just to have enough decent players to field a team. SMU only received a one year death penalty but had to cancel an additional season because of lack of players. When they finally returned in year three, they were playing scholarship freshmen and walk-ons and got blasted. There were injury concerns because their lines were far smaller than the teams that they faced and many of the kids on the team wouldn't have even been able to play D1-AA football. As a result, SMU's downfall did severe harm to the SWC and was one of the contributing factors of it's collapse. The Big Ten wouldn't sit around and wait 10 years for the team to be competitive again.

So with that being said, yes, the AD would be so permanently impaired that this would be a breach of fiduciary duties. There is not even a question about that. At PSU, the athletic department's total expenses is at $117 million of which, the football program only makes up less than $25 million of that number. So who exactly is going to pay for the other ~$90-95 million?
I call b.s. When's the last time the Big10 kicked-out a school for not being competitive in football? Your school could raise student fees, issue s/t bonds, lobby the state for more aid, etc to pay for non-FB sports for 2, 3, 4 years. Your school just won't touch the sacred football cow-which circles right back to the heart of the criminal scandal: your school placed the FB program above bringing an end to the abuse of many children at the hands of a pedophile.
I have to be honest. I watched that documentary a while ago and I've also heard some good interviews with Jay Paterno, who I used to think was just the worlds biggest sponge but now I have respect for, and I think Joe Pa got a bit of a raw deal at the end. Yes, PSU has a psycho-cultish fanbase. So does Bamba, so does Florida State, so does Ohio State, etc. But Joe is not the evil figure lots of you make him out to be. What a crappy way to spend your last months on earth. And trust me, I hate Penn State football, i hate James Franklin and i hate the portion of their fan base who are entitled, smarmy brats as much as anyone . But i think if you use logic and reason you will be able to separate penn state football from Sandusky's criminal behavior. I know this will get me crucified on here but I really think it's time for us to let the PSU stuff go.
I call b.s. When's the last time the Big10 kicked-out a school for not being competitive in football? Your school could raise student fees, issue s/t bonds, lobby the state for more aid, etc to pay for non-FB sports for 2, 3, 4 years. Your school just won't touch the sacred football cow-which circles right back to the heart of the criminal scandal: your school placed the FB program above bringing an end to the abuse of many children at the hands of a pedophile.
Did you not see where they almost kicked us out before there was even a thought of sanctions???

The Big Ten would get rid of PSU in a nano second if we had a multi-year shutdown of the program. The league would likely sue the University for terminating games as some sort of breech of contract. You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think that everything would have been fine. You are also kidding yourself if you think that a multi-year shutdown of the football program wouldn't have been catastrophic for the athletic department and the University as a whole. And in the end, it would accomplish absolutely nothing tangible.
Did you not see where they almost kicked us out before there was even a thought of sanctions???

The Big Ten would get rid of PSU in a nano second if we had a multi-year shutdown of the program. The league would likely sue the University for terminating games as some sort of breech of contract. You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think that everything would have been fine. You are also kidding yourself if you think that a multi-year shutdown of the football program wouldn't have been catastrophic for the athletic department and the University as a whole. And in the end, it would accomplish absolutely nothing tangible.
So it's your opinion that the Big10 would get rid of your school even though it hasn't in how many years/ever (I'm not going to bother to look it up). OK maybe your school owes some money on the cancelled games, maybe not depending on what the other schools can reschedule. With a 95k student enrollment the extra fees are well under $1k/yr/student, closer to $500-600 without even looking at the Univ endowment, etc. The message to the victims, the school community, and the NCAA is loud and clear. The money is there--a lot of work and some pain but no catastrophe, your school just doesn't want to touch the sacred football cow.
So it's your opinion that the Big10 would get rid of your school even though it hasn't in how many years/ever (I'm not going to bother to look it up). OK maybe your school owes some money on the cancelled games, maybe not depending on what the other schools can reschedule. With a 95k student enrollment the extra fees are well under $1k/yr/student, closer to $500-600 without even looking at the Univ endowment, etc. The message to the victims, the school community, and the NCAA is loud and clear. The money is there--a lot of work and some pain but no catastrophe, your school just doesn't want to touch the sacred football cow.
We are already the 2nd most expensive public university in the nation and now you want us to tack on "only" another $1000 in student fees? Hell, why not just tack on another $1000 to Rutgers students for just one year and you will have enough to build the RU basketball practice facility!

There is a reason why that last sentence doesn't happen.
We are already the 2nd most expensive public university in the nation and now you want us to tack on "only" another $1000 in student fees? Hell, why not just tack on another $1000 to Rutgers students for just one year and you will have enough to build the RU basketball practice facility!

There is a reason why that last sentence doesn't happen.
Now you're beginning a new spin cycle. I wrote well under $1,000 closer to $500-$600/yr ($250-$300/semester) without even looking to the school endowment and other resources. No one said it would be comfortable, but one can also argue that much of the money made by your fball program during the Sandusky cover-up was part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
Now you're beginning a new spin cycle. I wrote well under $1,000 closer to $500-$600/yr ($250-$300/semester) without even looking to the school endowment and other resources. No one said it would be comfortable, but one can also argue that much of the money made by your fball program during the Sandusky cover-up was part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
You clearly do not understand how endowments work and how their spending is legally tied to their guidelines, so I will just leave that one alone. As for the money made for football, are you insinuating that if Sandusky was arrested in 2001 (after he retired) that PSU would have made less money on football?
Now you're beginning a new spin cycle. I wrote well under $1,000 closer to $500-$600/yr ($250-$300/semester) without even looking to the school endowment and other resources. No one said it would be comfortable, but one can also argue that much of the money made by your fball program during the Sandusky cover-up was part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
There is NO ARGUMENT that much of the money made during the entire Sandusky cover-up period was part of a criminal conspiracy. And oh how disappointed Mad and Zapp must be with the blatant misrepresentation attempted by their highly esteemed visiting poster.
You clearly do not understand how endowments work and how their spending is legally tied to their guidelines, so I will just leave that one alone. As for the money made for football, are you insinuating that if Sandusky was arrested in 2001 (after he retired) that PSU would have made less money on football?
Enlighten us on the endowment legalities, specifically those monies segregated to the general fund. Why do you avoid the few hundred bucks/semester special fee? RU students are already paying that for athletics (as per the media crybabies). The Sandusky cover-up started well before 2001 unless you believe in unicorns.
Enlighten us on the endowment legalities, specifically those monies segregated to the general fund. Why do you avoid the few hundred bucks/semester special fee? RU students are already paying that for athletics (as per the media crybabies). The Sandusky cover-up started well before 2001 unless you believe in unicorns.
There is no money segregated to the general fund. Typically, each endowment has a principal account and a spending account. The principal of the endowment is bought into the long term investment pool and units are assigned to the principal based on the unit value at the time of the buy-in. The income generated by the principal is then sent to the spending account. That money is then restricted to be spent as specified in the guidelines for the endowment. The guidelines are a contract between the donor and the University that is legally binding. The principal for these endowments are generally agreed to be kept in perpetuity meaning that the principal cannot be spent and much remain in the long term investment pool. So if Rutgers has a $1 billion endowment (that number is made up, I don't know what the real number is), they do not have that amount available to spend, but rather closer to $50 million, and that $50 million is mostly restricted.
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How many of those people are still at Penn State?

I love it!!! This is too funny! jive, one moment PSU fans will say that all the bad deeds of the Sandusky scandal don't have relevance today because none of the perpetrators are there any more, and then you will turn around and tout Penn State's tradition. Well, guess what, Mr. Hypocrite, the pedophilia scandal is now a big part of PSU tradition! Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Who was primarily responsible for making Penn State into "Linebacker U"? That's right, Jerry Sandusky. Do PSU fans still like to refer to the school as Linebacker U? - you bet. Well, you can't take credit for good Jerry and then say that bad Jerry never existed because he is not there any more, you have to choose one or the other. And since most PSU student/fans/alums pick tradition, you are still Pedophile Supporter University, and in the words of Keith Olbermann, you will be for decades to come. Congrats on your wonderful "tradition"!!!!!
I love it!!! This is too funny! jive, one moment PSU fans will say that all the bad deeds of the Sandusky scandal don't have relevance today because none of the perpetrators are there any more, and then you will turn around and tout Penn State's tradition. Well, guess what, Mr. Hypocrite, the pedophilia scandal is now a big part of PSU tradition! Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Who was primarily responsible for making Penn State into "Linebacker U"? That's right, Jerry Sandusky. Do PSU fans still like to refer to the school as Linebacker U? - you bet. Well, you can't take credit for good Jerry and then say that bad Jerry never existed because he is not there any more, you have to choose one or the other. And since most PSU student/fans/alums pick tradition, you are still Pedophile Supporter University, and in the words of Keith Olbermann, you will be for decades to come. Congrats on your wonderful "tradition"!!!!!
So, what you are saying is that no one is still at PSU that was associated with the scandal, right? And thank you for pointing out that Sandusky is part of our history. I can tell you that current recruits sure don't seem to care about that.
So you think that the State would intentionally damage an institution that it sends hundreds of millions of dollars to each year?


What don't you understand about corrupt political machinery that is, essentially, a barely functioning kleptocracy?

Rutgers, because of its roots as a PRIVATE institution for nearly 200 years has a unique management structure that shields it, to some degree, from the hands of the New Jersey political machines that corrupted and destroyed the medical school (UMDNJ) that was once part of Rutgers.

South Jersey politicos control Rowan and other political machinery controls other state schools.

Rutgers has had to fend off attack after attack trying to implement plans to wrest control of Rutgers from Trustees and put it firmly into the hands of political appointees.

So, YES, the "State", as as convenient moniker for the career politicians of this state, does not have Rutgers best interests at heart. And they routinely use the local media to launch their attacks.

That's how Jersey rollls.
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There is no money segregated to the general fund. Typically, each endowment has a principal account and a spending account. The principal of the endowment is bought into the long term investment pool and units are assigned to the principal based on the unit value at the time of the buy-in. The income generated by the principal is then sent to the spending account. That money is then restricted to be spent as specified in the guidelines for the endowment. The guidelines are a contract between the donor and the University that is legally binding. The principal for these endowments are general agreed to be kept in perpetuity meaning that the principal cannot be spent and much remain in the long term investment pool. So if Rutgers has a $1 billion endowment (that number is made up, I don't know what the real number is), they do not have that amount available to spend, but rather closer to $50 million, and that $50 million is mostly restricted.
There's more to the administration of a endowment funds. Unless the donor specifies a particular percentage or dollar amount that is to be spent periodically from the endowment, the governing body of the foundation is responsible for determining the amount that may be spent currently from an endowment. In doing so, the board must act reasonably,..."
No need to continue with the detail, you can read more at

Bottom line is some donations are restricted and specific, other donations are unrestricted and available for "general" use as long as it's considered reasonable. Besides it would be hard to believe that your school's endowment wouldn't have specified funds for athletics, generally and specifically. But let's say every penny is restricted, there's still other sources like the modest student fees, special fundraising, the non-FB revenues from B1G payouts (hoops, etc). The financial armageddon scenario at your school with a 2,3,4 yr suspension of football is dubious, and as little as 2yrs would've been very symbolic and I still think the general public, Big10 and NCAA would be hugely supportive. But it ain't happening by choice, not because of your dire financial rationale, and I am bored with this conversation.
There's more to the administration of a endowment funds. Unless the donor specifies a particular percentage or dollar amount that is to be spent periodically from the endowment, the governing body of the foundation is responsible for determining the amount that may be spent currently from an endowment. In doing so, the board must act reasonably,..."
No need to continue with the detail, you can read more at

Bottom line is some donations are restricted and specific, other donations are unrestricted and available for "general" use as long as it's considered reasonable. Besides it would be hard to believe that your school's endowment wouldn't have specified funds for athletics, generally and specifically. But let's say every penny is restricted, there's still other sources like the modest student fees, special fundraising, the non-FB revenues from B1G payouts (hoops, etc). The financial armageddon scenario at your school with a 2,3,4 yr suspension of football is dubious, and as little as 2yrs would've been very symbolic and I still think the general public, Big10 and NCAA would be hugely supportive. But it ain't happening by choice, not because of your dire financial rationale, and I am bored with this conversation.
Yes, i know how a spending rate is determined for endowments on an annual basis. Most universities shoot for about 5% of the total endowment (the amount in the long term investing pool), but that number fluctuates with the state of the economy. Universities have to balance keeping the individual endowments from going underwater and also providing adequate spending for the endowment. If you are suggesting that the University would choose to put the LTIP at risk of going underwater just to pay for some sports, that is beyond laughable.

Not every penny is restricted, but the vast majority is. This money has already been budgeted for the next fiscal year and will be spent appropriately. It's not going to be shifted to help cover athletics.

You mention the Big Ten payouts... there wouldn't be any because the school would be kicked out of the conference. The Big Ten certainly would not be supportive of a football shutdown (in fact, they lobbied for the NCAA to reduce sanctions). And symbolism means nothing. It's irresponsible to kill the cash cow that funds the majority of the athletic department for symbolic purposes.
Yes, i know how a spending rate is determined for endowments on an annual basis. Most universities shoot for about 5% of the total endowment (the amount in the long term investing pool), but that number fluctuates with the state of the economy. Universities have to balance keeping the individual endowments from going underwater and also providing adequate spending for the endowment. If you are suggesting that the University would choose to put the LTIP at risk of going underwater just to pay for some sports, that is beyond laughable.

Not every penny is restricted, but the vast majority is. This money has already been budgeted for the next fiscal year and will be spent appropriately. It's not going to be shifted to help cover athletics.

You mention the Big Ten payouts... there wouldn't be any because the school would be kicked out of the conference. The Big Ten certainly would not be supportive of a football shutdown (in fact, they lobbied for the NCAA to reduce sanctions). And symbolism means nothing. It's irresponsible to kill the cash cow that funds the majority of the athletic department for symbolic purposes.
There you go again, off on a ridiculous tangent to duck the points you can't handle. Sorry Zapp and Mad this guy's a joke. Go ahead and provide an itemized analysis of Ped's endowment budgets, the specific rules, special provisions available in emergency situations etc. Then keep repeating to yourself that Ped St gets kicked out of Big10 even though the conference didn't vote Ped out, is supportive at this point (hey it's good business to have many good teams especially since the NCAA only wrist-slapped 'em) and that there's no money, no how, no way to have done the noble thing of temporarily shutting down the sacred cow that let a sick pedophile run loose. No let's not show that Penn St is more about leadership and morality, keep the Ped st image of still worshipping its football program. Shameful.
There you go again, off on a ridiculous tangent to duck the points you can't handle. Sorry Zapp and Mad this guy's a joke. Go ahead and provide an itemized analysis of Ped's endowment budgets, the specific rules, special provisions available in emergency situations etc. Then keep repeating to yourself that Ped St gets kicked out of Big10 even though the conference didn't vote Ped out, is supportive at this point (hey it's good business to have many good teams especially since the NCAA only wrist-slapped 'em) and that there's no money, no how, no way to have done the noble thing of temporarily shutting down the sacred cow that let a sick pedophile run loose. No let's not show that Penn St is more about leadership and morality, keep the Ped st image of still worshipping its football program. Shameful.
In your fantasy land, shutting down the program is an option. That's not reality and frankly, you are naive if you think it is. And please, save the crying about me giving you a lesson on endowments when you specifically asked me to explain it.
In your fantasy land, shutting down the program is an option. That's not reality and frankly, you are naive if you think it is. And please, save the crying about me giving you a lesson on endowments when you specifically asked me to explain it.
Who's crying? Your "lesson" is a joke, you skipped over athletic endowments and general donor agreement provisions just for starters. Only in Ped zombie land is football a sacred cow around which the whole school revolves.
Your "lesson" didn't mention athletic endowments and general donor agreement provisions just for starters. Only in Ped zombie land is football a sacred cow around which the whole school revolves.
It doesn't matter if it is an athletic endowment or not. Athletic endowments are already factored into the revenue for the athletic department. It's not like you have an endowment sitting around not doing anything. It will pay for what it pays for regardless of what happens. And if those endowments are football specific, they cannot even be used. If you want to use those funds for something else, you would need a revision and agreement from the donor which is highly unlikely that you would get. In fact, you would probably piss off the donor in the process.
It doesn't matter if it is an athletic endowment or not. Athletic endowments are already factored into the revenue for the athletic department. It's not like you have an endowment sitting around not doing anything. It will pay for what it pays for regardless of what happens. And if those endowments are football specific, they cannot even be used. If you want to use those funds for something else, you would need a revision and agreement from the donor which is highly unlikely that you would get. In fact, you would probably piss off the donor in the process.
Who would ever want to ask a Ped football donor for more help? Sacrilege.
Who would ever want to ask a Ped football donor for more help? Sacrilege.
"Hey, I know that we just killed the sports program that you donated for and made them irrelavant for at least 10 years, but could you send us a large donation to help pay for the other sports?"


"Hey, I know that we just killed the sports program that you donated for and made them irrelavant for at least 10 years, but could you send us a large donation to help pay for the other sports?"


Yeh we killed the Ped program that covered-up a serial pedophile rapist by shutting down for a couple years.

Yeh we killed the Ped program that covered-up a serial pedophile rapist by shutting down for a couple years.

Perhaps you are just too emotionally tied to the issue to make rational decisions. In that case, it's best that you just step away.
For the billionth time, this is not about Sandusky, it is about a supposedly "holier than thou" institution that was so misguided about its priorities that it enabled a pedophile to destroy the lives of dozens of young men. That is the enduring legacy of Penn State football, and in the words of Keith Olbermann, it needs to be recognized for decades. your mind it's not about Sandusky it's about Penn State football??? Seems you are putting football ahead of child protection doesn't it?

And that is the issue I have with all this. There were serious systemic failures of agencies whose PRIMARY role is protecting children and investigating and apprehending abusers. I understand you find sport in attacking PSU football and football fans, but it is a distraction that impedes lingering problems in how PA agencies protects children. your mind it's not about Sandusky it's about Penn State football??? Seems you are putting football ahead of child protection doesn't it?

And that is the issue I have with all this. There were serious systemic failures of agencies whose PRIMARY role is protecting children and investigating and apprehending abusers. I understand you find sport in attacking PSU football and football fans, but it is a distraction that impedes lingering problems in how PA agencies protects children.

"Seems you are putting football ahead of child protection doesn't it?"
Is what most feel about Penn St, it's President , the VP in charge of Campus Police , the PSU AD nd the long time Nittany Lion HC did.
Don't be acting like the cover-up is what all the accusations are about.
Every Rutgers poster here putting down Penn St isn't putting football ahead of Sandusky's victims, they are saying Penn St put Football's image ahead of children when they allowed Sandusky to remain free after he was seen molesting a child and all involved conspired to cover it up
Many Penn St fans refuse to accept the fact that the most powerful people at Penn St ( including its FB HC) did nothing to stop a child molester
and claimed they did the minimal requirement the law allows. Forgetting the fact that all seen that scumbag on campus the next 11 years
and not one of them did the right thing. All they did is tell their Coach Emeritus to stop bringing children on campus.Essentially telling him to take his victims elsewhere.

Cult members can deny this e-mail :"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." means Paterno was involved, but any sensible person would consider that denial BS.
Penn St put their Football Program over the welfare of children and that's what the arguing back and forth is about, don't try to make a RU poster look like Penn St , it's ex FB coach, the former PSU Prez,VP & AD, alonfg with the JoePa did no wrong club cult members .
Also don't give me or any RU fan the BS of a prosecutor said Paterno wasn't involved, unless you give his full answer: with the evidence we have now.

Here's how I see it: The prosecutor just said ( if you want to look at it in legal terms) that the police didn't have evidence they could legally use against Paterno to tie him in with the others. So he wasn't going to be charged. The circumstantial evidence they had against him wasn't strong enough to arrest Paterno
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Cult members can deny this e-mail :"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." means Paterno was involved, but any sensible person would consider that denial BS.

What is the next line in the email? I'll admit it is a loaded question. I posted this in another thread but it seems relevant here also:

The problem with your partial quote is it falsely characterizes what Curley actually said: "... After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday-- I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble going to everyone, but the person involved... " pg. 179 Freeh report. (it doesn't say anyone, my emphasis added)

This continues to be construed to mean that Joe wanted Curley to handle it house and only talk to Sandusky, however, what it actually means is the change in the plan was to include Sandusky and get him help.

The debate in that email string, was whether or not to include DPW in the reporting sequence which admittedly, with hindsight, would have been the right thing to do. Reporting it to 2nd Mile in 2001 was, by the letter of the law, enough to fulfill their reporting requirements. Again, they should have just reported it to Child Services/DPW but PSU gets hammered for the in house handling, protect the football program, and cover up, when clearly that's not what happened.

Their actions here are of people who think they are dealing with someone that doesn't know what is acceptable behavior around kids, but not of someone they think is molesting boys. Again, they were wrong so they are at fault for that but it's just not this conspiracy of silence that Freeh and the media made it out to be.
Cult members can deny this e-mail :"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." means Paterno was involved, but any sensible person would consider that denial BS.
Penn St put their Football Program over the welfare of children and that's what the arguing back and forth is about, don't try to make a RU poster look like Penn St , it's ex FB coach, the former PSU Prez,VP & AD, alonfg with the JoePa did no wrong club cult members .
Also don't give me or any RU fan the BS of a prosecutor said Paterno wasn't involved, unless you give his full answer: with the evidence we have now.

Here's how I see it: The prosecutor just said ( if you want to look at it in legal terms) that the police didn't have evidence they could legally use against Paterno to tie him in with the others. So he wasn't going to be charged. The circumstantial evidence they had against him wasn't strong enough to arrest Paterno

That email is the one item from the Freeh report that PSU supporters have been unable to refute. I have seen ridiculous message board claims that state JVP was always called "Coach" or that simply "Joe" without the last name cannot irrefutably be Joe Paterno. Or that the email out of context does not tell us what JVP said if indeed "Joe" is Paterno. Some have even stated that the email is simply fabricated.

But to me this is pretty strong, albeit circumstantial, evidence that Paterno was somehow involved in determining Sandusky's fate vis-a-vis Penn State. And we all know that PSU chose the path of inaction.

The problem is that PSU fans wanted the Freeh Report to produce evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. But that wasn't the Report's mission, nor would it ever be possible given the fact that Freeh had no subpoena power, PSU switched email servers during the relevant time frame and JVP supposedly didn't use email (which I can believe).
"Seems you are putting football ahead of child protection doesn't it?"
Is what most feel about Penn St, it's President , the VP in charge of Campus Police , the PSU AD nd the long time Nittany Lion HC did.
Don't be acting like the cover-up is what all the accusations are about.
Every Rutgers poster here putting down Penn St isn't putting football ahead of Sandusky's victims, they are saying Penn St put Football's image ahead of children when they allowed Sandusky to remain free after he was seen molesting a child and all involved conspired to cover it up
Many Penn St fans refuse to accept the fact that the most powerful people at Penn St ( including its FB HC) did nothing to stop a child molester
and claimed they did the minimal requirement the law allows. Forgetting the fact that all seen that scumbag on campus the next 11 years
and not one of them did the right thing. All they did is tell their Coach Emeritus to stop bringing children on campus.Essentially telling him to take his victims elsewhere.

Cult members can deny this e-mail :"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." means Paterno was involved, but any sensible person would consider that denial BS.
Penn St put their Football Program over the welfare of children and that's what the arguing back and forth is about, don't try to make a RU poster look like Penn St , it's ex FB coach, the former PSU Prez,VP & AD, alonfg with the JoePa did no wrong club cult members .
Also don't give me or any RU fan the BS of a prosecutor said Paterno wasn't involved, unless you give his full answer: with the evidence we have now.

Here's how I see it: The prosecutor just said ( if you want to look at it in legal terms) that the police didn't have evidence they could legally use against Paterno to tie him in with the others. So he wasn't going to be charged. The circumstantial evidence they had against him wasn't strong enough to arrest Paterno

Hold on a second. What PSU fan said that Penn State didn;t screw up? What PSU fan said that the administration did the minimum allowed by law? We have said that Paterno followed the law, no one has commented about Curley, Schultz and Spanier. The majority of Penn State fans/alumni know that someone at Penn State screwed up. No one in this thread is denying that. You are putting the problem as a football issue and that is what we disagree with. Please get that straight before moving on as it changes everything you said.
Joe and the rest didn't know is disproved by Paterno's own Grand Jury testimony

Q: I think you used the term fondling. Is that the term that you used?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I don’t know what you would call it. Obviously, he was doing something with the youngster.

It was a sexual nature. I’m not sure exactly what it was.

I didn’t push Mike to describe exactly what it was because he was very upset. Obviously, I was in a little bit of a dilemma since Mr. Sandusky was not working for me anymore.

So I told — I didn’t go any further than that except I knew Mike was upset and I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster.
That email is the one item from the Freeh report that PSU supporters have been unable to refute. I have seen ridiculous message board claims that state JVP was always called "Coach" or that simply "Joe" without the last name cannot irrefutably be Joe Paterno. Or that the email out of context does not tell us what JVP said if indeed "Joe" is Paterno. Some have even stated that the email is simply fabricated.

This is frustrating to me as well because highlighting these theories doesn't hold water with anyone without PSU blinders, nor should it, while the actual message of the email (see my above post) is more than enough to show there was not a cover up.

But to me this is pretty strong, albeit circumstantial, evidence that Paterno was somehow involved in determining Sandusky's fate vis-a-vis Penn State. And we all know that PSU chose the path of inaction.

False, they chose to report to 2nd Mile. We can agree, with hindsight, that wasn't enough. But these are the actions of people who believe they are dealing with someone who has lost touch with how to interact appropriately with kids, not someone who is molesting kids.

I posted this before as well:

What's more plausible: Joe and Curley talked the night before and Curley was like Joe, bottomline, do you think Sandusky was abusing kids. Joe was like nah, Jerry's a goofball, spends too much time around them, but I can't see him hurting them, he runs an organization for helping troubled kids for Christ's sake. So then Curley goes back to Shultz and Spanier (S/S) with we should tell Jerry what's been reported to us, we're reporting it to 2nd Mile, and let's get him some help so he can learn what proper adult/child boundaries are, but let's hold off reporting to DPW unless Jerry fails to acknowledge he needs to learn proper boundries. OR Joe and Curley talked the night before and Curley was like we need to report this and Joe was like F-that, this could ruin the football team, and since I'm the HMFIC you're not reporting this to DPW. So Curly goes back to S/S and say well we're still going to report to 2nd Mile but I want to tell Jerry also and get him some help but let's hold off going to DPW.

One of those scenarios is consistent with all their other actions of thinking Sandusky is wrong for showering with kids but not molesting them.
"Seems you are putting football ahead of child protection doesn't it?"
Is what most feel about Penn St, it's President , the VP in charge of Campus Police , the PSU AD nd the long time Nittany Lion HC did.
Don't be acting like the cover-up is what all the accusations are about.
Every Rutgers poster here putting down Penn St isn't putting football ahead of Sandusky's victims, they are saying Penn St put Football's image ahead of children when they allowed Sandusky to remain free after he was seen molesting a child and all involved conspired to cover it up
Many Penn St fans refuse to accept the fact that the most powerful people at Penn St ( including its FB HC) did nothing to stop a child molester
and claimed they did the minimal requirement the law allows. Forgetting the fact that all seen that scumbag on campus the next 11 years
and not one of them did the right thing. All they did is tell their Coach Emeritus to stop bringing children on campus.Essentially telling him to take his victims elsewhere.

Cult members can deny this e-mail :"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." means Paterno was involved, but any sensible person would consider that denial BS.
Penn St put their Football Program over the welfare of children and that's what the arguing back and forth is about, don't try to make a RU poster look like Penn St , it's ex FB coach, the former PSU Prez,VP & AD, alonfg with the JoePa did no wrong club cult members .
Also don't give me or any RU fan the BS of a prosecutor said Paterno wasn't involved, unless you give his full answer: with the evidence we have now.

Here's how I see it: The prosecutor just said ( if you want to look at it in legal terms) that the police didn't have evidence they could legally use against Paterno to tie him in with the others. So he wasn't going to be charged. The circumstantial evidence they had against him wasn't strong enough to arrest Paterno
You make my point. You are focused on whether they had enough evidence to arrest Paterno??? I'm more concerned that a child protection professional interviewed Sandusky and his victim and came to the conclusion that there was nothing to be alarmed about. Children are counting on these agencies and investigating their failure and fixing it is priority number one.
That email is the one item from the Freeh report that PSU supporters have been unable to refute. I have seen ridiculous message board claims that state JVP was always called "Coach" or that simply "Joe" without the last name cannot irrefutably be Joe Paterno. Or that the email out of context does not tell us what JVP said if indeed "Joe" is Paterno. Some have even stated that the email is simply fabricated.

But to me this is pretty strong, albeit circumstantial, evidence that Paterno was somehow involved in determining Sandusky's fate vis-a-vis Penn State. And we all know that PSU chose the path of inaction.

The problem is that PSU fans wanted the Freeh Report to produce evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. But that wasn't the Report's mission, nor would it ever be possible given the fact that Freeh had no subpoena power, PSU switched email servers during the relevant time frame and JVP supposedly didn't use email (which I can believe).
There is actually another email in the Fresh report that references getting back with "coach". Fresh assumed this to be Paterno. Bad assumption because nobody call Paterno anything but "Joe".

I agree that the "Joe" email is significant and has no apparent answer. I am hoping Curley, Shulltz and Spanier go to trial and truth comes out through testimony and cross.
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Joe and the rest didn't know is disproved by Paterno's own Grand Jury testimony

Q: I think you used the term fondling. Is that the term that you used?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I don’t know what you would call it. Obviously, he was doing something with the youngster.

It was a sexual nature. I’m not sure exactly what it was.

I didn’t push Mike to describe exactly what it was because he was very upset. Obviously, I was in a little bit of a dilemma since Mr. Sandusky was not working for me anymore.

So I told — I didn’t go any further than that except I knew Mike was upset and I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster.

This testimony was 10 years after the initial report. How many conversations can you accurately recall from 10 years ago? It's also likely that Joe & Mike had a refresher talk sometime before Joe testified. Really look at Joe's response and it doesn't even make sense. I think everyone focuses on the "It was a sexual nature." sentence as proof Joe knew but what if it was said as a question vs a statement. Just change the "." to a "?" in that sentence and Joe's response is much more coherent and consistent with them thinking Sandusky doesn't know how to interact with kids. The next sentence says he doesn't know exactly what it was but no one focuses on that. His answer is nebulous at best.

I admit I'm reading the testimony in a less critical way than you are because I just can't believe Paterno would have known Jerry was hurting kids and not reacted more decisively. I keep coming back to looking at the actions of all those involved. No one is acting like Jerry was hurting kids. If they truly knew that's what was going on and chose to pass the buck to the 2nd Mile, then yes, that's on C/S/S and they'll get what they deserve.
I agree that the "Joe" email is significant and has no apparent answer. I am hoping Curley, Shulltz and Spanier go to trial and truth comes out through testimony and cross.

Does anyone read anything I write? I think the answer is apparent. The actions of P/C/S/S are fully consistent with them thinking Sandusky doesn't know what appropriate boundaries are with his 2nd Mile kids. Not of people that know they have a pedophile on their hands.

It's beer o'clock, I'm outta here. Have a good weekend everyone.