OT: New York Mets 2023-2024 Off Season Thread

Again, the fact you spend so much time in this thread speaks volumes about the state of your team…. Even YOU don’t care. You can still be a Mets fan!
Wow. Excellent reply to those attendance figures.
Listen, I've been rooting against the Mets since 1962. Why would I stop now ?
Home attendance MLB teams:
(per game)
1. LA Dodgers.....47,371
2. San Diego.......40,390
3. New York Yankees....40,358

14. New York Mets,,,,31,772
Surprised with SD, they were pretty bad and there are just so many other things to do there. Dodgers have been good for quite a while, so it makes sense- and like the Yanks- tons of corporate sponsorships.
Yankees- will always be a draw- good or bad. For the same reason the Knicks sell out every game
Wow. Excellent reply to those attendance figures.
Listen, I've been rooting against the Mets since 1962. Why would I stop now ?
Bigger question is why waste your time?
Wow. Excellent reply to those attendance figures.
Listen, I've been rooting against the Mets since 1962. Why would I stop now ?
How do you feel about posters from other schools (State Penn,for one) who come to this site to make nasty remarks? 'Cause you're the same thing. I know that you are an excellent poster on some topics -- why don't you stick to what you're good at??
Wow. Excellent reply to those attendance figures.
Listen, I've been rooting against the Mets since 1962. Why would I stop now ?
You can do so but not in these threads. You are purposely just being a dick with your buddy and then say you are not trolling...complete BS
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Wow. Excellent reply to those attendance figures.
L isten, I've been rooting against the Mets since 1962. Why would I stop now ?
KBEE, you are full of it! I have never heard of anyone who bothers to root against a first year expansion team. If you are old enough to have been a baseball fan since 1962, then you should be old enough to have grown up and not be a message board troll . Personally, I believe you weren't born in 1962. As for me, I have rooted against the Yankees forever. However, I wouldn't think of trolling the Yankee threads the way you do the Mets.

Which is it? Are you an immature oldster, or are you too young to have been a fan in 1962?*
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In 1962, I was eleven years old. (Yeah, I'm an old guy.) The Yankees (Mantle, Maris, Ford, Berra, etc.) were my team. I was scandalized by classmates who were wearing Mets caps. But I watched that awful first season on Channel 9 (WOR) with the marvelous Lindsey Nelson as the lead announcer, and I rooted for the team. (How could I not? Casey Stengel was the manager). Being a Yankees fan does not necessitate rooting against the Mets.
I wished the Mets had pulled an Atlanta Braves move and locked Pete up early when he was years away from FA. If the stories are factual, both sides have agreed in theory on the money, but the years are the roadblock. Mets said 8, and Pete said 10. Well, why not throw away this last year of control and sign Pete to a 9-year deal? You don't grow 40+/100+ players on trees, and clearly, the Mets lack a power threat in their line-up without Pete.
Calling BS on that one. Not on the accuracy of the reporting (which I have no reason to doubt), but that what was leaked to the reporter was BS.

If the two sides really were that close, would Alonso have fired his agent?
Calling BS on that one. Not on the accuracy of the reporting (which I have no reason to doubt), but that what was leaked to the reporter was BS.

If the two sides really were that close, would Alonso have fired his agent?
Who knows what is true? For all we know, it could have been Eppler since he was leading the negotiation. Eppler has turned everything he's touched into sh*t.
Huh? I’m a Mets fan ! I post on the Mets thread all the time. Im bashing Eppler. How could you not. You need to complain about Superfan and KBee - not me !
Still curious years later about what the Mets saw in Eppler, who took Arte Moreno"s money and flushed it down the toilet.
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Who knows what is true? For all we know, it could have been Eppler since he was leading the negotiation. Eppler has turned everything he's touched into sh*t.
Sure, Eppler could have leaked it. But I think it's more likely that the story came from the Alonso camp. The motive IMO would be to produce a fanbase outcry. "C'mon Uncle Steve, you're so close, get it done!"

Alonso wanted a wartime consiligere and he got the best. You don't hire a wartime consiligere if the signing of the peace treaty is imminent.
You're right; we can't get rid of them. One of my frustrations with this site is that the moderators don't do enough to eliminate bad actors. (I've told moderators this; I understand why they don't do more, but still it's a shame.) But we can make the bad actors less of a pest. Responding to them only makes them troll more; it gives them the attention they crave. Think of them as being like mosquitos. We can't get rid of them, but still we minimize bites by eliminating their breeding ground when we can.
Put them all on ignore.
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Final record 2023:
Yankees 82-80
Mets 75-87
One team became sellers and infused the farm with talent, the other like YOU, thought they had a couple of playoff pushes left in them when Mr. May came back from another vacation on the IL. No doubt the Mets would have had at least as many wins but knew the season was a lost cause. You guys, not so smart, lmfao.. Oh the Troll count is now up to 15 between you and superdouche with a couple from TKminus. superdouche is a Yankee fan who has never posted in the Yankees thread, only in the Mets thread, go figure,lol
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The funny thing is- if any Met fan were to troll like you guys do over here- you would have 3x the number of posts.
So- let's try to keep your panties on this year because no one is doing the same thing over there. You all had been left alone the entire year.
I see the count is up to 15 by these Trolls already and you posted once in the Yankees thread and Shortbus jumped all over you. LMFAO. I guess he's just - -
season 1 friends GIF
KBEE, you are full of it! I have never heard of anyone who bothers to root against a first year expansion team. If you are old enough to have been a baseball fan since 1962, then you should be old enough to have grown up and not be a message board troll . Personally, I believe you weren't born in 1962. As for me, I have rooted against the Yankees forever. However, I wouldn't think of trolling the Yankee threads the way you do the Mets.

Which is it? Are you an immature oldster, or are you too young to have been a fan in
It wasn't just a first year expansion team. It was a second team starting up in Yankees territory....the worst team anyone had ever seen. And their fans were even worse.
It's been downhill since then.
BTW, I've been a Yankees fan since before there even were Mets.
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It wasn't just a first year expansion team. It was a second team starting up in Yankees territory....the worst team anyone had ever seen. And their fans were even worse.
It's been downhill since then.
BTW, I've been a Yankees fan since before there even were Mets.
And 2000 was awesome.
It wasn't just a first year expansion team. It was a second team starting up in Yankees territory....the worst team anyone had ever seen. And their fans were even worse.
It's been downhill since then.
BTW, I've been a Yankees fan since before there even were Mets.
And so was I. It might have been chance. I started following baseball in 1958, just after the Dodgers and Giants had left town. My family had been Dodgers fans, and maybe I would have been the same. But the point is that liking one team doesn't have to result in hating the other team.

I really don't know why you think Mets fans in 1962 were "even worse." They were willing to come out and support a terrible team whose players were either in decline or weren't ready for the majors, or who were snake-bitten (Marv Throneberry was been a competent Yankee.)

I've been in two team situations other times. I lived in the Bay Area after the A's had moved there. I hated the A's,but only because Charlie Finley was such an ass. I lived in Chicago. I rooted for the Cubs more than the White Sox, but I didn't hate the White Sox.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that your being a Yankee fan doesn't excuse you in being an ass toward Mets fans.
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I see the count is up to 15 by these Trolls already and you posted once in the Yankees thread and Shortbus jumped all over you. LMFAO. I guess he's just - -
season 1 friends GIF
I hadn’t even seen that. And my post was as far from a troll as there could possibly be. Someone mentioned moving away from a manager/front office so deep in analytics and my comment is that is difficult now because there aren’t many left you know how to managed the old school way. SMH
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Half of this thread is already dominated by
troll dancing GIF
Troll count is up to 17. Back on Mets, Head of baseball operations, is this something that's really needed? Call "them" THE GM's since nothing will ever get done without getting it past them anyway. To me, just another layer of upper management that should be consolidated.
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Troll count is up to 17. Back on Mets, Head of baseball operations, is this something that's really needed? Call "them" THE GM's since nothing will ever get done without getting it past them anyway. To me, just another layer of upper management that should be consolidated.
It’s weird, how not too long ago, the GM was just that. Reported to the owner and responsible for everything.
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It’s weird, how not too long ago, the GM was just that. Reported to the owner and responsible for everything.
Exactly, when did this change and who was the first organization to start it? I remember when Sandy was sick, gave himself this title and he started hiring our string of bad GM's. Don't tell me we were the 1st to start this trend, lol.
I hadn’t even seen that. And my post was as far from a troll as there could possibly be. Someone mentioned moving away from a manager/front office so deep in analytics and my comment is that is difficult now because there aren’t many left you know how to managed the old school way. SMH
Yes, your post was totally legit baseball talk. PS. Yankee thread, 31 post, lol, The Dead Zone and you wonder why they're in here. We start with a new GM, manager and Head of baseball operations. Exactly, what the Dead Zone has been crying for since April. So true.
Yes, your post was totally legit baseball talk. PS. Yankee thread, 31 post, lol, The Dead Zone and you wonder why they're in here. We start with a new GM, manager and Head of baseball operations. Exactly, what the Dead Zone has been crying for since April. So true.
All I want to be able to do is talk Rutgers football and I still love baseball. Even with the trolls on here- if they came in and just had conversations about baseball and it happens to be friendly with either fair questions, baseball knowledge and even some good natured ribbing- well, that is enjoyable. But they are purposely trying to troll on here and that is where @Richard Schnyderite needs to put a stop to it. In the meanwhile, if either a Met or Yankee fan wants to talk baseball as described above on the Philly thread, or a Philly/Yankee fan want to do so here and same on the Yankee thread, they should be allowed.
I'll post on the other threads but won't be trolling them even if a single person thinks everything I say is a problem, and I am going to not pay attention to the noise these other 2 guys are creating here going forward. But the mods have to be able to know the difference.
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Troll count is up to 17. Back on Mets, Head of baseball operations, is this something that's really needed? Call "them" THE GM's since nothing will ever get done without getting it past them anyway. To me, just another layer of upper management that should be consolidated.
They are the GMs technically but there is a lot that goes into baseball ops these days. Half the teams have POBOs now. For GM I'd look into Chain Bloom who almost became our GM or Sig Mejdal from the Orioles. Believe he worked with Stearns in Houston. He was a NASA engineer before leaving to go into baseball.
Exactly, when did this change and who was the first organization to start it? I remember when Sandy was sick, gave himself this title and he started hiring our string of bad GM's. Don't tell me we were the 1st to start this trend, lol.
Dodgers I believe when Friedman left the rays. Maybe even Theo with the Sox then Cubs. I need to look back into it that's off the top of my head.
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They are the GMs technically but there is a lot that goes into baseball ops these days. Half the teams have POBOs now. For GM I'd look into Chain Bloom who almost became our GM or Sig Mejdal from the Orioles. Believe he worked with Stearns in Houston. He was a NASA engineer before leaving to go into baseball.
Hard no on both. CB would be the first to do a Mookie Betts on Pete and I want a baseball person not a rocket scientist running the club…
Hard no on both. CB would be the first to do a Mookie Betts on Pete and I want a baseball person not a rocket scientist running the club…
Trading Alonso is a Stearns decision not the GM. And also lol on no to Mejdal. Only worked for 2 really successful franchises from bottom to top the last 10 years. Good reasoning
All I want to be able to do is talk Rutgers football and I still love baseball. Even with the trolls on here- if they came in and just had conversations about baseball and it happens to be friendly with either fair questions, baseball knowledge and even some good natured ribbing- well, that is enjoyable. But they are purposely trying to troll on here and that is where @Richard Schnyderite needs to put a stop to it. In the meanwhile, if either a Met or Yankee fan wants to talk baseball as described above on the Philly thread, or a Philly/Yankee fan want to do so here and same on the Yankee thread, they should be allowed.
I'll post on the other threads but won't be trolling them even if a single person thinks everything I say is a problem, and I am going to not pay attention to the noise these other 2 guys are creating here going forward. But the mods have to be able to know the difference.
I've put them all on ignore. Now if I could only get the rest of you to stop responding to them, it would make it much more enjoyable.
And so was I. It might have been chance. I started following baseball in 1958, just after the Dodgers and Giants had left town. My family had been Dodgers fans, and maybe I would have been the same. But the point is that liking one team doesn't have to result in hating the other team.

I really don't know why you think Mets fans in 1962 were "even worse." They were willing to come out and support a terrible team whose players were either in decline or weren't ready for the majors, or who were snake-bitten (Marv Throneberry was been a competent Yankee.)

I've been in two team situations other times. I lived in the Bay Area after the A's had moved there. I hated the A's,but only because Charlie Finley was such an ass. I lived in Chicago. I rooted for the Cubs more than the White Sox, but I didn't hate the White Sox.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that your being a Yankee fan doesn't excuse you in being an ass toward Mets fans.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
And I'm entitled to be totally uninterested in your opinion. 😎
It wasn't just a first year expansion team. It was a second team starting up in Yankees territory....the worst team anyone had ever seen. And their fans were even worse.
It's been downhill since then.
BTW, I've been a Yankees fan since before there even were Mets.
You answered my question. You are an old man who refuses to grow up!
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You answered my question. You are an old man who refuses to grow up!
Well, I'm a big Tom Waits fan and his classic "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" is one of my favorite tunes.
BTW, I'm just as interested in your opinion as I am in retired711's.
Well, I'm a big Tom Waits fan and his classic "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" is one of my favorite tunes.
BTW, I'm just as interested in your opinion as I am in retired711's.
Interested enough to reply to them.
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Interested enough to reply to them.
The problem is, there are some threads I really enjoy kbee and even tk2 at times…the other guy, not so much.
No idea why the first two just feel they need to continue their crap here.
As for superfan- he brings nothing to any thread.
The problem is, there are some threads I really enjoy kbee and even tk2 at times…the other guy, not so much.
No idea why the first two just feel they need to continue their crap here.
As for superfan- he brings nothing to any thread.
Lol. Just put people on ignore. You're a known mod whiner and you're not even a paying member. We all remember the embarrassment when you cried to John O a few years ago to get a poster banned. Just grow up and put people on ignore if you don't like what they say.
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You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
And I'm entitled to be totally uninterested in your opinion. 😎
I have been a huge Mets fan since day one. This was clearly the most disappointing season in team history. I remember reading Parade Magazine in the Sunday News the day before their first game in 1962. The baseball preview talked about what a good nucleus of veterans that the team had and that they should be a .500 team. Oh well! They were off by 40 games.

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