OT: Nj beach flags (green,yellow,red)


Heisman Winner
Oct 31, 2004
Lebanon, TN
How can you find out ahead of time what color flag they're flying at a given beach? Went to Asbury Park a couple weeks back to find red flags and the accompanying overzealous lifeguards blowing their whistles every 2 minutes. I would prefer to go only when the flags are green.
imo lifegaurds are useless... simple as this if you can't get yourself out of a rut then don't put yourself in the situation in the first place(swimming in the ocean).. you chose to go into the ocean, you are setting foot in another world not intended for humans

that being said i go after 7 when the parking is free and the lifeguards, and most people, are gone
Lifeguards by in large are useless, that is until somebody needs to be saved. But using that logic you might conclude fireman and cops are useless also.
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Amazing comment lifeguards are useless. Watched them pull 5 people out of ocean in South Carolina a couple weeks ago. Most didn't even realize what was happening until rescue vehicles started showing up on the beach. Lifeguards recognized people (including 2 kids) were in trouble before anyone started yelling for help. I doubt those 5 people consider them useless. I also slightly biased as both daughters are lifeguards and I pulled someone out if the Delaware once (ages ago).
imo lifegaurds are useless... simple as this if you can't get yourself out of a rut then don't put yourself in the situation in the first place(swimming in the ocean).. you chose to go into the ocean, you are setting foot in another world not intended for humans

that being said i go after 7 when the parking is free and the lifeguards, and most people, are gone

Was in Bethany Beach a few years back they had the warning flags up but swimming open. A rip hit the beach pulling 3-kids out in a matter of a few minutes. The Two guards went to action immediately, one pulled 2-kids, while the othe got one also. Guards from both neighboring stands immediately covered the vacated position. I have to say one kid got sucked out so quick it was like he was on a tow line. The lifegurds came in after pulling the last one from what looke like 50yrds out and hundred feet down beach and where exhausted. The whole beach was in awe at the effort.

Honestly R1776U, i hope you dont ever need a lifeguard, but maybe the fact you cant spell lifeguard is the first hint all isn't right upstairs.
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Went to squan today. Green flags flying. Surf not much different than what it was at AP two weeks back but few whistles. Maybe it's an AP lifeguard thing.
I was in Spring Lake today and there was a light blue flag flying along with green and red. Seemed like on one beach they were concerned about the undertow or riptide and thus were keeping people in a fairly small area. The next beach over, no issue just green flags. To answer the OP's original question you would think there would be a place where such information is posted but I don't know of it. While I would certainly not call lifeguards useless I think a town like Spring Lake tends to be more conservative on conditions than perhaps others.
Was in Bethany Beach a few years back they had the warning flags up but swimming open. A rip hit the beach pulling 3-kids out in a matter of a few minutes. The Two guards went to action immediately, one pulled 2-kids, while the othe got one also. Guards from both neighboring stands immediately covered the vacated position. I have to say one kid got sucked out so kick it was like he was on a tow line..

My brother and I were at South Padre Island in Texas years back, with our parents. We were out in the surf, probably a few hundred yards from shore, when we suddenly got caught in littoral current which swept us along the shore line and slightly out. We didn't notice it at first, but then saw that we'd already been swept a quarter mile away from where we were set up on the beach. Now, we were both lifeguards and strong swimmers, so weren't too concerned and swam perpendicular to the flow until we were out of it. But for those unversed in this sort of thing, it can be pretty damn scary.
Was in LBI a few years back and watched the life guards in Barnegat Light pull out about 59 or so throughout the day. One after the next. It was unreal
I've got a season pass for AP. A few weeks ago, there was a storm offshore, creating rough surf, hence the red flags. Today was yellow. Fishermen/boat captains usually know this stuff ahead of time, not necessarily the color of the flag, but the condition of the seas for the next 24 hours or so. They'll cancel charters if it will be too rough. I'd pay attention to the nautical report, then you'd get an idea.
Was in Bethany Beach a few years back they had the warning flags up but swimming open. A rip hit the beach pulling 3-kids out in a matter of a few minutes. The Two guards went to action immediately, one pulled 2-kids, while the othe got one also. Guards from both neighboring stands immediately covered the vacated position. I have to say one kid got sucked out so quick it was like he was on a tow line. The lifegurds came in after pulling the last one from what looke like 50yrds out and hundred feet down beach and where exhausted. The whole beach was in awe at the effort.

Honestly R1776U, i hope you dont ever need a lifeguard, but maybe the fact you cant spell lifeguard is the first hint all isn't right upstairs.
never needed one and i've been caught in rip currents
i'm clearly being vilified in this thread.. it's called personal responsibility... knock up a female?.. your problem for an abortion or paying for the kids education/upbringing.. get my point?... want fire/ems? pay for that service.. police.. same thing.. garbage pick up .. same thing

is it really that hard of a concept to take responsibility for your own actions and understand the ramifications of the actions before acting upon them? :confused:
i'm clearly being vilified in this thread.. it's called personal responsibility... knock up a female?.. your problem for an abortion or paying for the kids education/upbringing.. get my point?... want fire/ems? pay for that service.. police.. same thing.. garbage pick up .. same thing

is it really that hard of a concept to take responsibility for your own actions and understand the ramifications of the actions before acting upon them? :confused:

Get in an accident, no ambulance walk to the hospital!, get robbed, not police, hunt them down yourself! So did you go to Rutgers? Or home school? Crossing a cross-walk, you get hit, its your own fault.
On Demand police force?

Can I pay them to not write speeding tickets?
hudson.. i respect you .. i really do.. but i can't understand how you don't see the point of my post... responsibility.. question(honest) why would you speed in the first place? knowing that the highways were designed for a certain limit.. just being an engineer i have to ask you that.. it ain't nascar bro
Get in an accident, no ambulance walk to the hospital!, get robbed, not police, hunt them down yourself! So did you go to Rutgers? Or home school? Crossing a cross-walk, you get hit, its your own fault.
well.. for ambulance, they always drill ya up the arse on the cost anyways so .. deal with it... robbery/burglary wouldn't happen that much if CCW's were more common.. i never claimed to go to RU.. i made that quite clear a few years ago... and if you can't look both ways before crossing(even at a light) a street?.. darwin award
imo lifegaurds are useless... simple as this if you can't get yourself out of a rut then don't put yourself in the situation in the first place(swimming in the ocean).. you chose to go into the ocean, you are setting foot in another world not intended for humans

that being said i go after 7 when the parking is free and the lifeguards, and most people, are gone


Your post sounds pretty wacky about the lifeguard part. I hope you or a family member don't ever get caught out in the water. Also, sharks have a tendency to feed closer to shore in the later part.of the day. Good luck on your post 7pm swim sessions.
hudson.. i respect you .. i really do.. but i can't understand how you don't see the point of my post... responsibility.. question(honest) why would you speed in the first place? knowing that the highways were designed for a certain limit.. just being an engineer i have to ask you that.. it ain't nascar bro

Well, first, I appreciate the kind words of respect.

Second, I guess my perspective has evolved away from the position you currently hold, to more of an understanding that in order for societies to function properly, there are basic needs that the state--however you want to define the state--needs to provide. The provision of those services almost certainly needs to be done collectively and funded with "tax" dollars. Now, we can get into a very philosophical conversation about HOW all of this should take place. But fundamentally, the notion that it shouldn't is silly to me. I'd venture that I've seen first hand,societies trying to function with this basic lack of service, while utilizing this ala carte method more than anyone on this board. It's rife with corruption, graft and bias. People die for lack of basic services. Would the US devolve into one of these places? Probably not. However, look at the aftermath of acute disasters in this country. When pressed in the face of a severe lack of services, some communities rallied (NY post black-out and New England post ice storm) and some burned themselves down (NOLA post Katrina). In your model, who is the calvary when systems break down? Surely you aren't solving that problem with expanded CCW rights (of which I am in favor, if that matters to this conversation)?

Third, what type of engineer are you? Because I've lived in several states and driven in about 48 of them. The speed limit is noticeably higher in many other states, several of which share NJ's congestion issues, and traffic flows more smoothly and there is no increase in fatal accidents. The idea that 55 is some magic safety number is ridiculous on its face.

Fourth, the speeding ticket comment was meant to be tongue in cheek as to the absurdity of your argument.

I don't NEED the government for my day to day needs. I don't NEED the police to protect my family post Sandy. However, I also don't have the time to take away from my pursuit of family and professional goals, to be a full time Wyatt Earp or Marcus Welby, MD.

I vacation in the OBX every year. Most beaches don't have lifeguards. I've fished 3 kids out of the ocean in the last 8 years, treated 2 jelly fish stings and used an epi-pen and treated for shock on a kid who went into anaphylaxis. I'm comfortable with the ole self reliance mantra. I'm comfortable weighing risk and reward when deciding where to spread my beach blanket. But there are times that I don't want to deal with it and appreciate the beach with the lifeguard. I appreciate the overwatch that a lifeguard and life saving station can provide. I appreciate the level of training and equipment they bring to the table. To call them useless is both uncalled for and frankly, stupid.
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