OT: OpenAI can now create video content based on text prompts

Automation, while of course being a progressive development for centuries, has always come with the unsettling flip-side of displacing human effort. Artificial intelligence is in the process of kicking that phenomenon into warp speed.

1920: "Why use a horse and buggy when you can have an automobile?"

2040: "Who needs computer programmers and porn stars now that we have OpenAI?"

Scary to me when I think about future generations, but I'm easily frightened...
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Restriction policies prohibit sexual content, so my porn star gig survives. Other policies will restrict celebrity or politico likeness.
Curious to see how this is going to effect multimedia evidence in the courtroom.
AI is not creative. It’s recycling what has been done before.
Technically speaking, that’s not really true. Or at least no more true than it is for humans, who also take what has been done before and build upon it.
AI is not creative. It’s recycling what has been done before.
True. AI = pattern recognition, algorithms - stuff already used to process video and photos on phones. Look at the CGI/AI used in movies. Its all gotten so good it looks real. The diff now is the user interface. There will be a hit in some fields like video and photo licensing, writing and such but a lot of that is canned repetition even when done by real humans. Most media now is formulaic and increasingly deceptive. With AI at least people are on the look-out.



AI is not creative. It’s recycling what has been done before.
Depends on what you mean by AI. Something like Alphago a few years back created moves that experts at first thought were mistakes in the game Go, and then realized they were actually quite clever and unique. GPT would be limited to its training set but the combinations of characters could be seen as "creative." Depends on how you look at it.