OT- Reliable Washing Machine

Consumer reports says... read the text at the link.. some models vary in rating from same manufacturer


I call BS on this and I will tell you why.

Electrolux and Frigidaire are both made by Electrolux and in most case are identical with the exception of the brand/model.
Kenmore is made by multiple companies including Whirlpool (Magtag, Jennaire, KitchenAide etc) as well as Electrolux (Fridgidaire).

In most cases when you by a Kenmore Elite Washing Machine you are buying a Fridgidaire Machine with a slightly different model number with Kenmore labels.

Everypersin I have talked to who has purchase a Samsumg anything when it came to an Appliance has had something go wrong with it.
ASKO front loader. First one lasted 15 years. Only got rid of it to get the next size up. That's been going strong for 7 years.
ASKO front loader. First one lasted 15 years. Only got rid of it to get the next size up. That's been going strong for 7 years.

Hmm.. a guy thinking $200 to fix a machine is too much compared to $600 to buy a new machine is going to buy a $2000 machine.. for tenants to mess up again?
Love our Bosch - just leave the front door open and no mold problems will occur.