OT: So were the US swimmers robbed or not?

This definitively proves they didn't get robbed at some point that night? Maybe they didn't, but I am not sure how you come to that conclusion based off of this video alone at the gas station.

Was their story that they got robbed outside of the bathroom of the gas station? That wasn't what I heard, but maybe that changed.
You sound more and more like your hero, DT, with every post.
Brazil officials said 2 of the security guards DID in fact point guns at the swimming team.

Maybe Lochte confused them for robbers. Doubtful.
I have been to Rio. It's a pit. Crime there is incredibly rampant. Anyone says they were robbed there the odds are very in their favor. Maybe they weren't. Not sure I trust Brazilian authorities to get to the bottom of it though.

Anyone that works in a firm that has South American offices knows how dangerous it is down there. My last firm had specific protocols for traveling there that included security as well as procedures for hostage negotiation. Also, it's well known that the "authorities" are corrupt and it's best to avoid them when possible.
Good thing the swimming competition is over, otherwise I can see the broadcast opening with . . .
What a stupid jerk Lochte is. So they broke a bathroom door at a gas station, security confronted them and they gave their money to the gas station attendant for the damages. No gun was ever drawn. Edit- those security officers did draw their guns. I suppose he was so wasted that he may really have had a false memory of an armed robbery in his brain.
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What a stupid jerk Lochte is. So they broke a bathroom door at a gas station, security confronted them and they gave their money to the gas station attendant for the damages. No gun was ever drawn. I suppose he was so wasted that he may really have had a false memory of an armed robbery in his brain.
A gun was drawn by security because the swimmers initially didn't want to pay for the damages. Good luck on those endorsement deals.
What a stupid jerk Lochte is. So they broke a bathroom door at a gas station, security confronted them and they gave their money to the gas station attendant for the damages. No gun was ever drawn. Edit- those security officers did draw their guns. I suppose he was so wasted that he may really have had a false memory of an armed robbery in his brain.

Trump said he saw the whole thing go down on TV and he supports Lochte's version. He said the so called security guards looked just like the Islamic fundamentalists he saw jumping for joy on 9/11 in Jersey City- also seen on his TV.
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A few things are clear. Lochte likely embellished the story. However, there was a gun drawn, so this isn't entirely made up.
Per their police chief, when two parties settle a case, which is what happened here with Lochte giving the gas station manager the money he requested, the government doesn't get involved.

The "damage" in question was the equivalent of $30.00 U.S.

It's apparent this is being used as some sort of marketing ploy by the Brazil police.

What crimes are they being charged with? No one made a claims to the police.
That Brazil isn't as horrible as advertised because one person has murky details about being held up.

Why else would you make an international incident over a smashed mirror that cost $30?
I think they did it to show that Americans are stupid lying drunks.

Some might be but rio is still a decomposing, downward-spiraling shithole! That will only get worse after these awful games are over!
I think they did it to show that Americans are stupid lying drunks.

Maybe. But Rio is every bit the pit it is advertised to be, and a broken mirror by 1 drunk ain't changing that.

Getting a piece pulled on you by a security guard in a gas station is an especially great advertisement.
Maybe. But Rio is every bit the pit it is advertised to be, and a broken mirror by 1 drunk ain't changing that.

Getting a piece pulled on you by a security guard in a gas station is an especially great advertisement.
I guess that's not a good marketing ploy.
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LOL there are American cities less safe than Rio.

This thread has everything- usual suspects resistant to facts, called for their hypocrisy, doubling down with no evidence lol

Mr. Hysteria chimes in. Must have been quitting time and internet access is to be had. Yay!

I'm more interested in the ideal punishment for Ryan Lochte.

Which would be, I feel, to walk up to him on the street and stick an actual gun in his face, while somebody videotapes him pissing himself, to be posted on every social media web site.
NYTimes story linked above said:
Making a stop around 6 a.m. Sunday at a Shell gas station, the men were obviously drunk, the station’s owner said. They broke a soap dispenser in the bathroom, damaged a door, tore down a sign and urinated around the premises, the owner told reporters.

“One of them was really worked up,” said Mr. Veloso, the police chief, who described Mr. Lochte, 32, as a kind of elder ringleader of the group.

What if this were a shakedown the entire way? A service station restroom that has broken shit in it accompanied by the smell of urine?

The video shows service station staff right there as the swimmers left the restrooms. Either that was because they were loud and wreaking havoc and attracted attention, or maybe they saw the rich Americans leaving the cab for the restroom and decided to get a payday.

That's the story they should have gone with... if it were true. But what if there were a language barrier where the service station people shaking them down did not make it clear they were saying they damaged the restrooms? It would look like a hold-up by a "security guard".

If Lochte was behind all this as "the ringleader", I blame NBC's Today Show cast... in particular Al Roker. They had Ryan Lochte on the side of the set hanging out after an interview.. then Roker gets up to do his weather thing and asks Lochte if he has seen the Candaian Broadcaster's mistaking he and Phelps in the race the night before. Then Roker and crew played it for him... complete with lines like "FINALLY Lochte is going to beat Michael Phelps!". One of the biggest failures of Lochte's life, played out and laughed at by the Today Show crew.. all of them.. he handled it well.. at that time. Maybe he needed to let off that steam later and did it poorly. No excuse for a 30+ year old... if he was guilty.

I'm more interested in the ideal punishment for Ryan Lochte.

Which would be, I feel, to walk up to him on the street and stick an actual gun in his face, while somebody videotapes him pissing himself, to be posted on every social media web site.

I guess there could have been some endorsement money for Ryan Lochte but not now.
Maybe that ship hasn't totally sailed yet...
