OT: Taylor Swift's Updated "All Too Well" on SNL


Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
This may surprise a few folks, but I've always been a Taylor Swift fan, as I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth for good pop and her biting, but heartbreakingly sad 2014 power ballad "All That Well" (supposedly about her short romance with Jake Gyllenhall) is one of my favorites. Well, she just released a 10-minute updated version (it was originally over 10 minutes but cut to 5:28 on the 2014 album Red) and performed it a little while ago on SNL and it blew me away. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but maybe take a look and listen and the 2nd link has some background on the song's evolution.

The updated version of her Red album, including the updated song, has already set Spotify records for most streams. Was also funny when Colin Jost opened Weekend Update with the comment, "Well the lesson we all learned this week is never break up with Taylor Swift." right after her performance.
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Imma let you finish but first...

Swift lost me when she started appearing in ads (for herself) on UPS trucks. She used to have a winsome charm but then moved to NYC where she became a hiveminder - making music with those " boom boom boom" music factory bass tracks.
I like her stuff too.

But man, if she isn’t the poster child for the “pretty girl who after you get to know her you realize why she’s still single” thing.
You can take the girl out of Pennsyltucky but you can’t take the Pennsyltucky out of the girl.

She is cute though, I’ll give her that.

#'s is a Swiftie?!
I'm a semi Beilber so I can't talk. Lol
This may surprise a few folks, but I've always been a Taylor Swift fan, as I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth for good pop and her biting, but heartbreakingly sad 2014 power ballad "All That Well" (supposedly about her short romance with Jake Gyllenhall) is one of my favorites. Well, she just released a 10-minute updated version (it was originally over 10 minutes but cut to 5:28 on the 2014 album Red) and performed it a little while ago on SNL and it blew me away. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but maybe take a look and listen and the 2nd link has some background on the song's evolution.

The updated version of her Red album, including the updated song, has already set Spotify records for most streams. Was also funny when Colin Jost opened Weekend Update with the comment, "Well the lesson we all learned this week is never break up with Taylor Swift." right after her performance.
I just watched the SNL performance. My first time hearing it.
I like a few of her songs.. the one below and Exile are the first two that come to mind.

Couldn't identify a Taylor Swift song if one was on the radio, but looked at the lyrics to her song "Dear John" about her breakup with John Mayer. Hoo boy:

Google tells me when they dated she was 19 and he was 32..eww
There are some very talented “pop artists”, the issue I have with some of it is from a sonic perspective. There ‘s not anything interesting going on musically. The sound and arrangements are bland and often the vocals lack soulfulness or grit. Tens of millions of people are aware of Taylor Swift. It’s a shame that a small % of that number are aware of a band like Lake Street Dive, the vocalist for that group, Rachel Price I believe is one of the best in today’s pop,rock,R&B,Country, Jazz world.

He’s got quite the list, but always seemed kinda creepy. I don’t get it. But, I don’t get lots of things.

Exhibits 2-20: Pete Davidson
Pete Davidson seems troubled inside. I'd date him to try to save him.
I'm sure some women find him funny and that makes him more attractive.

JM is a gifted songwriter/ musician and that is part of his appeal. If he speaks like how he writes I can see why females gravitate towards him.
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Pete Davidson seems troubled inside. I'd date him to try to save him.
I'm sure some women find him funny and that makes him more attractive.

JM is a gifted songwriter/ musician and that is part of his appeal. If he speaks like how he writes I can see why females gravitate towards him.
WTF happened to SNL. Agree with Tim Dillon. This sketch is total 💩 💩 💩 💩

Taylor Swift has always been the
I like her stuff too.

But man, if she isn’t the poster child for the “pretty girl who after you get to know her you realize why she’s still single” thing.
Taylor Swift as always been the real deal and some small-minded people cannot handle that. With so much fakeness in the music industry you'd think she'd be a refreshing alternative but some people are so invested in how they brand themselves in relation to music... it is sad.
Taylor Swift has always been the

Taylor Swift as always been the real deal and some small-minded people cannot handle that. With so much fakeness in the music industry you'd think she'd be a refreshing alternative but some people are so invested in how they brand themselves in relation to music... it is sad.
Great post. Especially given how creative and talented she obviously is, given her songwriting ability, her ability to play multiple instruments and her production skills (all in multiple genres). Some of my friends who are heavily into punk/alternative give me grief over liking some pop, as if it's some sort of betrayal (not as much now, but definitely in our Melody days).

There are also some who simply don't like artists who are very popular, which has nothing to do with the quality of the music. I get getting tired of hearing some songs being overplayed, but that's not the artist's fault and doesn't make the song any less good.
Surprised no one has posted this yet. Taylor Swift is in the last minute. Also, a shout out to all those Indiana dudes from yesterday's game.

Thought the virgins rap was hilarious.
WTF happened to SNL. Agree with Tim Dillon. This sketch is total 💩 💩 💩 💩

Yeah, this was kind of lame, but SNL has always been hit or miss. I still really enjoy Weekend Update with Colin Jost and Michael Che and Jost's "interview" with a new cast member was probably the funniest skit on the show.

There are some very talented “pop artists”, the issue I have with some of it is from a sonic perspective. There ‘s not anything interesting going on musically. The sound and arrangements are bland and often the vocals lack soulfulness or grit. Tens of millions of people are aware of Taylor Swift. It’s a shame that a small % of that number are aware of a band like Lake Street Dive, the vocalist for that group, Rachel Price I believe is one of the best in today’s pop,rock,R&B,Country, Jazz world.

They're hit or miss for me, but are certainly talented. I feel the same way about hundreds of bands, but only so many are going to make it big, unfortunately.
Instant classic - posted that one in the new music thread. And I'll double down by posting my favorite song of hers, "You Belong To Me," which is just a perfect piece of pop confection, IMO (with a winning video featuring the winsome Ms. Swift). I posted the same OP on FB and expected to get teased much more there than here, but didn't - turns out some of my "cool" friends are closet TS fans, lol.

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Instant classic - posted that one in the new music thread. And I'll double down by posting my favorite song of hers, "You Belong To Me," which is just a perfect piece of pop confection, IMO (with a winning video featuring the winsome Ms. Swift). I posted the same OP on FB and expected to get teased much more there than here, but didn't - turns out some of my "cool" friends are closet TS fans, lol.

I like Taylor Swift.
My daughter REALLY likes Taylor Swift.
Very talented and so many good songs.
Have seen her in concert twice with the family.
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Pete Davidson seems troubled inside. I'd date him to try to save him.
Wait what? Troubled inside? You would date a guy who is troubled inside?

Hm. 🤔

Nobody is as troubled inside as me. I’m sad multiplied by unsettled raised to the power of stressed. I’m a walking blues song. There has never been any man so deeply troubled as I. Sheep? Hookers and blow? Could any man possibly be more in need of saving? 😳
Wait what? Troubled inside? You would date a guy who is troubled inside?

Hm. 🤔

Nobody is as troubled inside as me. I’m sad multiplied by unsettled raised to the power of stressed. I’m a walking blues song. There has never been any man so deeply troubled as I. Sheep? Hookers and blow? Could any man possibly be more in need of saving? 😳
I'll vouch for this, plus he uses poor grammar, obviously.
I can't imagine how many hours they practiced this, they start playing it crazy fast.

It’s been interesting watching her and her music evolve over the last 10 years without her personally going through “brand destruction” like many other teen stars go through (Mylie Cyrus, Berber). She’s also an incredible business person. It’s probably why she’s worth $400 Million at age 30.

My wife and my 11 yr old daughter love her. I can take it or leave it.
This thread got really stupid. Thanks '91..WTF man? Focus on the ball busting and leave the politics out of it.

Not a huge fan but this is a nice song but WAY too long. She is a great talent and I like her a lot more when she performs like this then the KatyPerry/Madonna like glam/sex/trash stuff.

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